Downsizing (Mountain Home Books #2) by Lin Stepp

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Published on: 01 April 2021
Type: series, HEA
Genre: Contemporary Christian Romance, Small Town Rural Fiction, Clean Wholesome Romance, Clean/Sweet Contemporary Romance
Author: Dr. Lin Stepp
Read: 20 March 2021
Shelved: 22 March 2021
Rating: 4 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Forced to suddenly downsize her life, and not by choice, pushes Mary Pat Latham to give up all that is familiar, to reexamine her life in every area, and to eventually open her heart to new beauty and purpose, instead of only looking back in regret.

At midlife, Mary Pat Latham has an almost perfect life-a successful husband, a beautiful home, four fine grown children, and a wealth of meaningful activities and social clubs to fill her days-so it’s a total shock when her husband walks in one day and says he wants a divorce. As if hearing a stranger talking in her own kitchen, Mary Pat listens to Russell’s reasons for wanting to abandon their long marriage and to his plans, already in place, to sell their home and move on. What will she do? Where will she go? She hasn’t worked since the children were born, her life wrapped up in home and family. Stunned, Mary Pat heads to the small mountain home she and Russell bought from her parents years ago, too shocked and humiliated to face her friends or anyone she knows right now.

Owen McCarter knew he’d need to stop by the old Jennings place, on some pretense or other, after Wheeler told him he’d seen a woman up there acting sick. After all, the house was next door to his at the end of Highland Drive. When he knocked on the front door later, it took him a minute to recognize Mary Pat, weeping and so different from the girl he’d known in childhood and fallen in love with. Owen reached out in friendship, of course, seeing Mary Pat so upset, but he felt surprised at the old memories that touched him, too. Hearing her problems and learning why she’d come to the mountains, Owen knew it unlikely she’d stay for long after the more lavish life she’d known. But he couldn’t help wishing she would.

Another Lin Stepp novel set in the Smoky Mountains … with a special Downsizing Diet available free to readers as a book supplement.


Marian “Mary Pat” was blind-sighted by her husband, Russell, into a divorce that she never would see coming. Thirty-four years together with four grown-up children, and yet, her marriage fizzled out beyond repair. In a whirlwind decision and at a loss, she sets off to her old family home in Smokey Mountain, Tennessee- as a refuge from the shame and grief she received. 

What happens next is a series of “signs” guiding Mary Pat as she lifts “her burden” to God and trusts him to lead her to her redemption and a second chance.

Owen McCarter is a former military man who came back home to continue with the family business of McCarter Woodcrafts. He is also a divorcee but has given up on sharing his life and heart with anyone. He chooses to focus on helping his father and sister with the family business instead. Initially, all is well and good. He adjusted well, but upon the reappearance of a childhood friend (Mary Pat), he realizes that his childhood crush never fades with time, even after all these years. Instead, it grew even more significant as he got reacquainted with Mary Pat again.

Downsizing is my first encounter with the author. I was excited when I read the synopsis and the more now as I finished this book. I enjoyed the book a lot more than I expected. And although there were few religious references randomly in the chapters, these were not “imposing” or intrusive to the story. The author brought about the right balance to reference God’s Hand (Fate) in having old friends reunite when things seem so bleak. The writing is clear, spot-on, and relatable. The points of view were from both main characters, helping readers get closer and empathize with them. I appreciate the author giving both characters “level, rational” heads while still developing and improving themselves in the story. These scenes made them a lot more realistic in their reactions.  

What is empowering is recognizing the areas in our lives that we can change if we want to and then having the courage and determination to do so.

— Downsizing, Lin Stepp

First impression: Mary Pat’s husband is selfish and arrogant. I felt what Mary Pat had to go through with such a deceitful man. No one plans everything so well unless they know that they need to make a “clean break” before announcing such a devastating thing. There was a clear intention to hide Russell’s plans and leave Mary Pat when he is ready good. It was awful to read through what he spewed out to a woman who stayed with him for so many years! The blame game happened, and it was impossible to see who didn’t do what or why didn’t the other speak up. I believed that Russell handled the situation disastrously. He kept quiet, waiting for change, couldn’t stand it any longer (or maybe got “distracted by something else”), then dropped “the bomb” while chastising everything wrong with Mary Pat. Russell refused to work on their marriage and was happy to leave on his terms – a selfish one! If he was unhappy at some point in time, he should have voiced out his concerns or discussed them with Mary Pat. Anyways, the first part was a disaster and a load full of hurt. I believed that there was something bigger going on with Russell, and after Mary Pat explained her past to Owen, the more I was mad at Russell!

I love love love Mary Pat! She is a saint!
She may not be perfect, but everything she handled in all “events” placed in front of her was stellar! I love how she thinks, decides, and approaches things – with a lot of thought and consideration (at times). She is a loving person like Owen, who was “dealt a bad hand” but was able to bounce back, learn from the experience, and came out “blooming” like a spring bud – even after being tied to someone for thirty-four years of marriage. She forgives but may not forget, but she indeed learned from what life threw at her, but her faith in God and prayers did not falter or forsake her. Her move to her hometown was very beneficial because of the people and Nature around her. I am so happy to have known such a character!

Today is the first day on the road to a New You.

— Downsizing, Lin Stepp

I was so happy (ecstatic) when Owen entered the scene. The first meet-up gave me significant relief from the stressful Russell. Owen was a gem, and his words and actions when Mary Pat first came back to Smokey Mountain were perfect. Owen’s history with Mary Pat goes way back that growing up together meant that they still knew each other how to support each other, even after all these years. It was a slow process, but Owen was patient in providing Mary Pat the support in finding her “old self” – full of life and ambition. He exudes kindness and thoughtfulness that showed a lot of experience in handling difficult situations while “reading” into people. He was honest but considerate to accept Mary Pat’s reaction on her healing journey before proposing anything. Instead of pushing, Owen (and the rest of the people in Smokey Mountain) re-prioritized and served as God’s tool in empowering Mary Pat to be the best version of herself. With their help and presence, Mary Pat starts the healing journey, looking forward to a brighter future.

All things work for good to those that love the Lord.

— Downsizing, Lin Stepp

I love how the author provided a comprehensive history of Smokey Mountain Tennessee, where Mary Pat and Owen grew up. It is very detailed but not overwhelming. It gives respect to the area and its people – the artisans living and making a living with their creativity and “hands.” The map at the start of the book provides a good look at what and where things are so readers can refer to it as needed. It’s charming since it’s a hand-drawn map that will make readers revisit it as the story progressed.

Interestingly, many of the people who grew up in the area somehow came back to settle, heal, or take care of family, even when they left home, which is terrific. There was no resentment in coming back or as a sign of weakness, and instead, a lot welcomed the idea like what Mary Pat did. I can relate to the author’s comparison of coming home to God’s welcoming those who need Him after being forsaken by the rest of Mary Pat’s world as she tries her best to heal. 

The book spans months – many events happened to Mary Pat, Owen, and the people around them. There is ample time for character development and maturity, which is excellent because readers will see Mary Pat’s relationships – her family, friends, and Owen – go through changes. The same goes for Owen, but the book showed a lot of changes with Mary Pat. I was delighted to see her take “the high road” in a lot of things. Mary Pat kept her dignity by not spewing hateful words and actions and took into “healing” physically, spiritually, professionally, and emotionally.  

We adapt to life as it hits us, we acclimatize as we settle in to different lifestyles, cultures, adjust to different people. But down underneath, I think the essence of each of us – the depth of us – is still there, even if we suppress it for a season. At times in my life, I lost tract of that deeper self and it felt good when I regained it, came back to myself more.

— Downsizing, Lin Stepp

The book’s ending will shock readers! While things started to be comfortable as Mary Pat was adjusting and budding new relationships in her new community, something big happens. I am all for karma and things “coming around,” but not I thought things would sail by. I was sad about what happened since no one deserves that kind of treatment, but I was happy that justice found its way to be a befitting end to the characters involved.

A nice add-on to the book is the diet notebook wherein Mary Pat used in the book, filled with fantastic food suggestions, meal plan guide, and food nutritional information for readers. Some helpful tips and recipes are doable and easy to follow for those who want to change or edit their diet. It is an excellent guide for people who want to eat better or curb their weight gain. I appreciate receiving this with the copy provided. 

In summary, Downsizing is an excellent read about rekindled young love, second chances, finding self-worth, and finding the strength to move from a “stagnant relationship” into something better and more profound. Owen and Mary Pat’s love withstood the test of time through honesty, integrity, and respect. This book will surely make readers gush, swoon, and believe in fated love. Through prayers and faith, nothing is impossible or unachievable – time or space. 

Everyday in life we choose, like the Scriptures that advise each of us to choose life everyday and to live our lives more abundantly so our joy will be full.

— Downsizing, Lin Stepp

About the Author

Dr. Lin Stepp is a native Tennessean, a businesswoman, and an educator. She is a past faculty member at Tusculum College where she taught research and a wide variety of psychology and counseling courses for 20 years. Her business background includes over 25 years in marketing, sales, production art, and regional publishing. She has editorial and writing experience in regional magazines and in the academic field.

Lin Stepp has twelve published novels each set in different locations around the Smoky Mountains. Her first five novels were published by an imprint of John F. Blair Publishing of Winston Salem, North Carolina. These novels included The Foster Girls (2009), Tell Me About Orchard Hollow (2010), For Six Good Reasons (2011), Delia’s Place (2012), and Second Hand Rose (2013). Five subsequent novels were published by Kensington Publishing, New York, including Down by the River (June 2014), Makin’ Miracles (January 2015), Saving Laurel Springs (October 2015) and Welcome Back (March 2016) as well as a short novella A Smoky Mountain Gift included in the 2014 Christmas anthology, featuring Fern Michaels, and titled When the Snow Falls.

Continuing books, published by Mountain Hill Press, include Daddy’s Girl (2017), Lost Inheritance (2018), The Interlude (2019), Happy Valley (2020), Downsizing (2021) and three titles in a coastal series Claire at Edisto (2019), Return To Edisto (2020) and Edisto Song (2021). Lin Stepp and her husband J.L. also write regional guidebooks, including a Smokies hiking guide titled The Afternoon Hiker (2014), a guide to all the 56 Tennessee state parks called Discovering Tennessee State Parks (2018) and state parks guide to South Carolina parks Exploring South Carolina State Parks (2021).

J.L. Stepp is a native East Tennessean who lives in Knoxville, Tennessee. Stepp owns and operates S & S Communications, established in 1990, which publishes a monthly outdoor magazine called Tennessee Fishing & Hunting Guide. The magazine covers fishing and hunting topics in Tennessee and is distributed in print form to advertisers at the first of every month. The magazine can also be downloaded from the web by going to J.L., a graduate of The University of Tennessee, also markets UT Vols sports related products such as football and basketball schedules, limited edition prints, and licensed sports collectibles. A graduate of The University of Tennessee, Stepp’s background includes over 45 years in sales, marketing, management, and publications. He enjoys a wide variety of outdoor sports, including golf, fishing, and hiking. The Afternoon Hiker (2014), jointly written with his wife Lin Stepp, chronicles 110 hikes in the Smokies with descriptions and photos, Discovering Tennessee State Parks (2018) describes all 56 parks in the state of Tennessee with over 700 color illustrations. and a second parks guide takes readers visiting to the South Carolina parks titled Exploring South Carolina State Parks (2021).

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Downsizing JustRead Giveaway

(1) winner will receive a Tennesee gift pack including a print copy of Downsizing by Lin Stepp, The Afternoon Hiker and Discovering Tennessee State Parks by J.L. & Lin Stepp, and a Great Smoky Mountains National Park pocket guide!

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