Book Review | Pandora by Susan Stokes-Chapman

Disclosure: I received this complimentary copy from the author and/or publisher and voluntarily left an honest review. A positive review is not required. Also, I may earn a commission on some affiliate links below, whose fees support independent bookshops. I hope you will consider purchasing a copy at one of the local bookstores listed below.

Published on: January 17, 2022
Published by: Harper Perennial
Type: standalone
Genre: Ancient Historical Fiction, Ancient World Historical Romance
Author: Susan Stokes-Chapman
Book Length: 413 pages
Read: January 22, 2023
Shelved: February 08, 2023
Rating: 4 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Steeped in mystery and rich in imagination, an exhilarating historical novel set in Georgian London where discovering a mysterious ancient Greek vase sets conspiracies, revelations, and romance in motion.

London, 1799. Dora Blake, an aspiring jewelry artist, lives with her odious uncle atop her late parents’ once-famed shop of antiquities. After a mysterious Greek vase is delivered, her uncle begins to act suspiciously, keeping the vase locked in the store’s basement, away from prying eyes–including Dora’s. Intrigued by her uncle’s peculiar behavior, Dora turns to young, ambitious antiquarian scholar Edward Lawrence who eagerly agrees to help. Edward believes the ancient vase is the key that will unlock his academic future; Dora sees it as a chance to establish her own name.

But what Edward discovers about the vase has Dora questioning everything she has believed about her life, her family, and the world as she knows it. As Dora uncovers the truth, she comes to understand that some doors are locked, and some mysteries are buried for a reason, while others are closer to the surface than they appear.

A story of myth and mystery, secrets and deception, fate and hope, Pandora is an enchanting work of historical fiction as captivating and evocative as The Song of Achilles, The Essex Serpent, and The Miniaturist.

**More research on the book can be found on the author’s page here.


POV: third person

Main characters: Pandora Blake and Edward Lawrence

Trigger Warning: death of a beloved animal, parents, and sibling, child abuse, domestic violence/abuse

Pandora (Dora for short) is an orphaned girl whose uncle (Hezekiah) took her under his care and continued with their family business of selling antiques. She aspires to continue with the antique shop and add her jewelry design drawings to the business. Little does she know that her uncle had other things in mind when a precious cargo arrived at their shop one fateful day that would affect Dora and the people around her.

The world-building was sufficient and suitable. The places, people, and clothing depicted the 1780s well. There was enough research on antiquities and the society that governs them.

The characters were relatable, and the connection between Dora and Edward (Lawrence) – their shared trauma and thus their attraction was subtle but fitted perfectly.

This book is more character-driven than a plot one. Things moved more because each character’s actions later constituted dire consequences – i.e., Uncle Hezekiah’s injury and bad luck. 

Overall, I found Pandora slower than expected, but I understood the reason for this much better after everything. There were many clues and hints sprinkled throughout the book that later culminated in an ending I did not see coming. Granted that it seems so “lucky” for Dora, BUT I get it. The twists and revelations were executed well at the end. Sometimes, bad things do come back to “bite back” the evil ones. I appreciate how much research the author did to create the story, and it made me love the book a lot more! (Please read through the author’s notes at the end of the book, and you will see why.)

Recommended for its: 
  • myths and mythology reimagination
  • mystery and intrigue
Character: ★★★★
Atmosphere: ★★★
Writing: ★★★★
Plot: ★★★★
Intrigue: ★★★★
Logic: ★★★★
Enjoyment: ★★★★
OVERALL: 3.8 ~ 4 stars ★★★★

“Herein lies the fate of the worlds.”

Pandora by Susan Stokes-Chapman

About the Author

© Paul Stringer (

It’s the age-old tale, isn’t it? Insular, bookish, ‘fell into writing.’ It’s cliché, but that was me down to a tee. As a child, I could very happily – and often would – lose myself in a book and was caught many times by teachers looking out a window daydreaming, feeling far more at home in my imagination than anywhere else. Inevitable, then, I turned out to be a writer in later life! ​I grew up in the historic Georgian city of Lichfield (where my love of the era began) before moving on to spend four years in the coastal town of Aberystwyth, graduating with a BA in Education & English Literature and an MA in Creative Writing.

My debut novel Pandora was published in the UK in January 2022 and became an instant #1 Sunday Times bestseller in hardback. A loose reinterpretation of the Greek myth Pandora’s Box set in Georgian London tells the story of aspiring jewelry artist Dora Blake and her encounter with an ancient vase that her tyrannical uncle is desperately keen to keep a secret. The novel was previously shortlisted for the 2020 Lucy Cavendish Fiction Prize and longlisted for the Bath Novel Award that same year.

I live in North West Wales, endlessly pestered by a pair of very beautiful (and very naughty) British Shorthair cats named Byron and Brontë while I work on my next novel.

Connect with Susan
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Book Review | Wild Souls by Faith Prince

Disclosure: I received this complimentary copy from the author and/or publisher and voluntarily left an honest review. A positive review is not required. Also, I may earn a commission on some affiliate links below, whose fees support independent bookshops. I hope you will consider purchasing a copy at one of the local bookstores listed below.

Published on: August 8, 2022
Type: Teen Fantasy
Genre: Teen Fantasy, YA Paranormal
Author: Faith Prince
Book Length: 251 pages
Read: 2022 September
Shelved: 2022 September
Rating: 3 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐

Get it here:
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Ethan sees right through skin and bone, his visions exposing the true nature of each person he meets. In his town, he’s known as a freak and a liar. Completely ostracized, he keeps his head down and avoids people. After all, there’s no point in uncovering the truth about people if no one believes you anyway. Everyone says he’s insane. Yet, Jenna likes him.

Jenna has no idea that Ethan can see straight through to her soul. She doesn’t know why he accuses upstanding citizens of heinous crimes—spurring hatred towards him throughout their small town. All Jenna knows is that he gets her offbeat humor and fascination with the paranormal. Spending time with Ethan is a welcome escape from wondering why her dad won’t answer her calls…

Until Ethan’s sixth-sense opens a gate to their souls—literally. As they face their inner-most demons, they could either fall apart or fall deeper in love than they ever imagined…


Wild Souls is the typical YA and “growing up journey” from start to finish. It’s a “coming of age” story about a brave girl who helps a “special boy” find his life’s purpose, given his unique powers, through a fantastic journey of self-discovery and adventure. 

I respected the author for bringing forth family and friendships – “the good and ugly sides.” The story explores the extent of loyalty and love amidst trauma and abuse present in the relationship. There were a lot of “raw” moments, so both characters are “broken” together but with slight differences. There are manipulative moments that I was not happy about, but that is the reality that some people face, so kudos for putting this out!

It is important to note that some scars and insecurities are not visible on any surface. Some even deny such things! Questions like how many times do we forgive someone before enough was enough? 

I like Jenna’s character a lot. She has the hero dichotomy that makes a story interesting – strong and brave yet weak and fearful, depending on the situation. If it’s anything with her family, Jenna’s not as brave in facing reality versus helping her friends and Ethan. I think this is realistic since any with family puts anyone in a challenging position. Sometimes, expressing one’s true feelings is tricky.

Ethan is a curious character because of the many “issues” he has to face in the story. He is intelligent and kind yet shy to the point of being an introvert. Even wanting to use his “powers” to help others traumatizes him to debilitating proportions! 

The author’s development of Ethan was well done – from the point of mentally and emotionally shutting down, Ethan had to face his fears of saving Jenna and himself in the end! 

I appreciate the sci-fi aspect component of Mind-Reels, Mind-Merge, and Mind-Travel, the next step / level-up in the virtual experience. It is essential to help Jenna and Ethan open up and help and heal each other indirectly. Given these components’ importance, I have an odd issue in discovering that things in this virtual experience seem to seep into the real world – or is it a hallucination for the MC at the pivotal event? I got lost there. A reminder or an “a-ha moment” or a reminder moment could have been sufficient to empower the MC in that event and defeat the “evil” happening. Nonetheless, very cool concept and use of empowerment for the MCs.

Overall, Wild Souls is a “coming of age” story with a twist of superpowers on the side that will appeal to young audiences who love their fantasy and magic genre. It gave me high school/teen vibes with a few mature characters AND explored the complicated dynamics of relationships. I like the message of how a positive influence on someone’s life can help, heal and shape a future. 

Although it was a good and easy read, it is not my usual reading choice, but it’s something YA audiences can enjoy.

Trigger Warning: abuse, rape (discussed and aftermath), catfishing, abandonment, isolation, mental health

POV: Jenna Farrell (FMC) and Ethan Underwood (MMC)

Character: ★★★
Atmosphere: ★★★
Writing: ★★★★
Plot: ★★★
Intrigue: ★★★
Logic: ★★★
Enjoyment: ★★★★
OVERALL: 3 stars ★★★

About the Author

Hi, my name is Faith. I’m an aspiring novelist, mom, and YouTuber. When I first started creating videos, my intention was to explore another creative medium, entertain (I *think* I’m funny), share writing tips, and document my journey toward (hopefully) publication.

However, in March 2021, there was a shocking turn of events as I was diagnosed with cancer. As a mom of a one-year-old, I was overwhelmed, devastated, and plagued with doubt. Did I have the strength to take on this monster? As I gained knowledge and confidence, I decided to document my journey, hoping to help others facing similar hardships. As I undergo cancer treatment, I continue to create videos to spread awareness, inspire and uplift others battling diseases and other misfortunes.

Writing and sharing my stories with the world means everything to me. I’m strong, perseverant, and determined to succeed. Since I’ve found the strength to battle cancer, I know there isn’t anything that can prevent me from achieving my publishing goals. I won’t stop until you see my books on the shelves!

My debut novel, WILD SOULS, will release on 8/8/2022!

Connect with Faith
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Book Review | Boston Classics Box Set Volume 1 by Karen Grey, plus an added novella review

Disclosure: I received this complimentary copy from the author and/or publisher and voluntarily left an honest review. A positive review is not required. Also, I may earn a commission on some affiliate links below.

This box set includes What I’m Looking For (Boston Classics 1), Signed, Sealed, Delivered – prequel novella (Boston Classics 1.5), and Forget About Me (Boston Classics 2).

Published on: January 24, 2023
Published by: Home Cooked Books
Type: series
Genre: retro-romance
Author: Karen Grey
Book Length: pages
Read: January 30, 2023
Shelved: February 2, 2023
Rating: 5 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Get the box set at these retailers:
Amazon US | Kobo | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Google Play | Global Link | Indigo CA

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What I’m Looking For
While financial analyst Kate may be a numbers whiz, computing social situations like happy hour with her colleagues is an entirely different story. But an unexpected exchange with Shakespeare-loving bartender Will is about to turn her life upside down…

Signed, Sealed & Delivered
Take a trip back in time to the 1980’s with this exclusive prequel to Forget About Me, where the setting may be retro, but falling in and out of love hasn’t changed.

Forget About Me
Internationally famous underwear model Ben has never forgotten his first love Lucy, his best friend’s younger sister. Back in Boston, the dog he finds on his front porch gives him a second chance with Lucy, but it looks like he might also steal the show…


What I’m Looking For (Boston Classics 1) by Karen Grey

What I’m Looking For is a great escapism read that brings readers back to the eights! The mention of pagers and archaic car phones brought back many beautiful memories of my teenage years.

This book has the feels of Romeo & Juliet with Kate and William in very different worlds – AND the twists were seen in Shakespearean plays that it was impossible NOT to compare. I enjoyed the book immensely – from the funny characters, cute plot, and romantic gestures in Shakespearean quotes! 

I enjoyed the chemistry between Kate and William from the very beginning. It got me going with the chills upon seeing these characters grow as they went on their first date and later became intimate (close-door). It is how young love is supposed to be. Still, I felt both characters had a lot growing up to get to be together and have their careers “secured,” so the misunderstanding moments were painful to read through. I was an emotional wreck when they started discovering the error of their ways. Good thing that letter writing was very “in,” and they started communicating there.

I cannot wait to get started with the rest of the books in the series!

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered (novella) by Karen Grey

This book is a prelude to Forget About Me (Book 2) on how Lucy and Ben met, their random interactions, and shared experiences that led them to the infamous summer of 1981. This book is an excellent short read yet detailed enough to show readers how many impressionable moments there were for Lucy and Ben that it was impossible to “forget about” any of them.

Forget About Me (Boston Classics 2) by Karen Grey

I enjoyed reading Forget About Me even more than Book 1 in the series! There were so many good 80s quotes and references that I firmly believed the book was meant for me! I did most, if not all (my young story is different also from hers) of what Lucy did – from making mixtapes to updating my Filofax (which I still have and sometimes refer to up to this day!).

Firstly, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this book cover. Of course, the whole book series is fantastic, and I remember having a few covers in them, but this book got me started with the series and the author! I remember seeing this cute and colorful cover as a newbie in the book community and immediately was drawn to it. I don’t know if it’s the color, the art, or even the poses of Lucy, Ben, and even Puck, BUT the whole book made me gravitate to it. It was only later that I am now able and privileged to read this book, and it still holds the same wonder and excitement as I remembered before.

Secondly, I enjoyed the author’s technique of incorporating the mix tape songs at the beginning of the chapters. It sets the stage for the upcoming chapters and is an excellent trip down memory lane. I couldn’t help but find some songs and play them in the background as I read through the chapters. It is a very well-thought-out list!

Thirdly, I like seeing growth in a series. It’s not only insta-love and internal conflicts that hook a reader like myself to a story. I invest in a book because of the thought-provoking, heavy topics and issues. I love the book’s portrayal of sometimes the ugly side of life – wroth with loss, tragedy, and abandonment. The traumatic event had an impactful and lasting rippling effect on so many people that it was debilitating for both MCs. I love the road to healing for any book and how Lucy and Ben pushed through their lives and inspired others because of their coincidental working relationship. It is one of my favorite outcomes in the story. 

Forget About Me is a beautifully written story about young love, tragic loss, second chances, and healing for all. I enjoyed the love story of Ben and Lucy – the trials and victories through songs and Shakespeare! The book will entertain and captivate readers by bringing everyone back to the 80s! 

Like It’s 1999 (Boston Classics 2.5) – bonus review novella


Love ‘em and Leave ‘em Alice Kim and “Hot” Steve Lowell are perfect for each other. It’ll only take them ten years to figure that out.

Just because they throw the most bodacious wedding party ever…
Just because they’re perfect partners in pranks…
Just because they love all the same boss movies…
Just because they share one totally bangin’ night of sex together…
Does not mean they’ll break the One Time Rule.
Even if they do… they don’t do relationships.
And they’re never getting married.
Like, ever.

In this friends-to-lovers, marriage-pact novella spanning the last decade of the 20th century, life forces a playboy and a playgirl to grow up—and grow apart—before giving them a chance to create a happy-ever-after they can actually be happy about.

Get it here: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Indiebound | Goodreads


I am so happy to have finally read Alice and Steve’s story! It is NOT what I expected but definitely a lovely surprise!

I love the movie quotes sprinkled around the book – from references to Top Gun to Sixteen Candles to Grease! I ate up everything, especially how Alice and Steve connected from just a drop of a quote, and instantly knew where it was from or finished each other’s quotes! Perfection!

The story spans a few years, a decade – to be exact, and rounds out well into close to before the 2k bug scare! I loved every moment as Alice and Steve navigated their relationship from acquaintances to friends to partners-in-more-than-a-few-pranks in more! It may sound fast, but I appreciate the author taking the time to make these transitions believable. Believe me when I say it took a long and winding road before they both got a somewhat HEA. With Alice’s strong and determined personality and Steve’s “let’s just go with the flow” outlook…expect a lot of in-denial and slow angst scenes that may or may not agree with readers. I was mad at Steve for letting it happen without a fight early in their lives to avoid the sadness, heartache, and disappointments that came along all those years. But that’s how life goes, as this book validates what others must go through to find happiness and fulfillment later.

I thoroughly enjoyed this read and highly recommended this as a must for readers who follow the series!

Sadly, this book has yet to earn much attention compared to the other books in the series, which is also why I took the time to write this review. Give it ago!

Meet the Author

Karen Grey is a USA Today bestselling and award-winning author of vintage romantic comedies with smart heroines and hunky heroes. Drawing on a long career as a performer, her retro 80’s and 90’s romances are populated with characters working both on- and off-stage in theater, TV, and film.

She’s a lifelong omnivorous reader (including 20 years as an audiobook narrator). When not reading or writing, she’s lounging at the beach or hiking in the mountains. Or dreaming about both with an IPA in hand and a dog or a cat nearby.

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Book Review | Fetish : An Collection of Victorian Erotic Stories by Anonymous

Disclosure: Thank you to Entangled Publishing for sending me a complimentary copy. A positive review is not required. Also, I may earn a commission on some affiliate links below, whose fees support independent bookshops. I hope you will consider purchasing a copy at one of the local bookstores listed below.

Published on: 25 October 2022
Published by: Entangled: Amara
Type: short stories, omnibus
Genre: Romance Anthology, Romantic Erotica, Victorian Erotica, Erotica, LGBT, Historical, Romance, Historical Romance, BDSM
Author: Anonymous
Book Length: 560 pages
Read: 18 December 2023
Shelved: 28 January 2023
Rating: 5/ 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Step into a world of secret appetites, carnal longing, and dark cravings with this erotic collection set in the Victorian era. From achingly tender to utterly taboo, these ten historical stories will stir and entice every desire…

A young wife lures men into erotic trysts—and spills all the tea to her husband at night.

An heiress rekindles her friendship with a schoolmate who coaches her husband in the fine art of fisting.

A burly builder can’t get enough of the feathery touch delivered by his level-headed bricklayer.

You’re invited to a feast of these and seven more tantalizing tales. Fetish will shatter expectations, defy every convention…and awaken the lust inside you.


A collection of 10 steamy tales set in the Victorian era! After luring men into erotic trysts, one young wife tells her husband everything at night; an heiress rekindles her friendship with a schoolmate who coaches her spouse in bedroom affairs; and a builder is tempted by his bricklayer…


Fetish is a fantastic collection of Victorian short stories about unique and not-much-discussed fetishes that range from tame – controversial – fascinating – complex. It consists of ten short stories that will entice, enchant and amaze the vastness of this topic. 

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Fetish! I was already fascinated by the title and cover, but I got even more excited as I started reading the book. It was beyond my expectations and more! The writing is solid and will keep readers glued to the pages. I savored the stories, which is why it took me a bit of time to finish because I would have devoured this book in one sitting!

My favorites are The Point of No Return and Temptress with a Teapot. The former is due to the excruciatingly lovely slow-burn pace and relationship-building. At the same time, the latter is because of the respect and further revelations both partners show towards each other, even with their “unique set-up.”

Ten Titles are:

A Neighboring Hand
The Point of No Return
Horsing Around
How Do You Do Your Do?
How Stimulating
The Paddle, Pretty Please?
Make A Scene
Temptress with a Teapot
That Tickles
The Rubber Match

” I wasn’t meaning to be unkind, but I was honestly surprised that he’s never made a woman come like that before. I said, ‘Rainer makes me gush all the time.'”

Temptress with a Teapot
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