Book Review | Wild Souls by Faith Prince

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Published on: August 8, 2022
Type: Teen Fantasy
Genre: Teen Fantasy, YA Paranormal
Author: Faith Prince
Book Length: 251 pages
Read: 2022 September
Shelved: 2022 September
Rating: 3 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐

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Ethan sees right through skin and bone, his visions exposing the true nature of each person he meets. In his town, he’s known as a freak and a liar. Completely ostracized, he keeps his head down and avoids people. After all, there’s no point in uncovering the truth about people if no one believes you anyway. Everyone says he’s insane. Yet, Jenna likes him.

Jenna has no idea that Ethan can see straight through to her soul. She doesn’t know why he accuses upstanding citizens of heinous crimes—spurring hatred towards him throughout their small town. All Jenna knows is that he gets her offbeat humor and fascination with the paranormal. Spending time with Ethan is a welcome escape from wondering why her dad won’t answer her calls…

Until Ethan’s sixth-sense opens a gate to their souls—literally. As they face their inner-most demons, they could either fall apart or fall deeper in love than they ever imagined…


Wild Souls is the typical YA and “growing up journey” from start to finish. It’s a “coming of age” story about a brave girl who helps a “special boy” find his life’s purpose, given his unique powers, through a fantastic journey of self-discovery and adventure. 

I respected the author for bringing forth family and friendships – “the good and ugly sides.” The story explores the extent of loyalty and love amidst trauma and abuse present in the relationship. There were a lot of “raw” moments, so both characters are “broken” together but with slight differences. There are manipulative moments that I was not happy about, but that is the reality that some people face, so kudos for putting this out!

It is important to note that some scars and insecurities are not visible on any surface. Some even deny such things! Questions like how many times do we forgive someone before enough was enough? 

I like Jenna’s character a lot. She has the hero dichotomy that makes a story interesting – strong and brave yet weak and fearful, depending on the situation. If it’s anything with her family, Jenna’s not as brave in facing reality versus helping her friends and Ethan. I think this is realistic since any with family puts anyone in a challenging position. Sometimes, expressing one’s true feelings is tricky.

Ethan is a curious character because of the many “issues” he has to face in the story. He is intelligent and kind yet shy to the point of being an introvert. Even wanting to use his “powers” to help others traumatizes him to debilitating proportions! 

The author’s development of Ethan was well done – from the point of mentally and emotionally shutting down, Ethan had to face his fears of saving Jenna and himself in the end! 

I appreciate the sci-fi aspect component of Mind-Reels, Mind-Merge, and Mind-Travel, the next step / level-up in the virtual experience. It is essential to help Jenna and Ethan open up and help and heal each other indirectly. Given these components’ importance, I have an odd issue in discovering that things in this virtual experience seem to seep into the real world – or is it a hallucination for the MC at the pivotal event? I got lost there. A reminder or an “a-ha moment” or a reminder moment could have been sufficient to empower the MC in that event and defeat the “evil” happening. Nonetheless, very cool concept and use of empowerment for the MCs.

Overall, Wild Souls is a “coming of age” story with a twist of superpowers on the side that will appeal to young audiences who love their fantasy and magic genre. It gave me high school/teen vibes with a few mature characters AND explored the complicated dynamics of relationships. I like the message of how a positive influence on someone’s life can help, heal and shape a future. 

Although it was a good and easy read, it is not my usual reading choice, but it’s something YA audiences can enjoy.

Trigger Warning: abuse, rape (discussed and aftermath), catfishing, abandonment, isolation, mental health

POV: Jenna Farrell (FMC) and Ethan Underwood (MMC)

Character: ★★★
Atmosphere: ★★★
Writing: ★★★★
Plot: ★★★
Intrigue: ★★★
Logic: ★★★
Enjoyment: ★★★★
OVERALL: 3 stars ★★★

About the Author

Hi, my name is Faith. I’m an aspiring novelist, mom, and YouTuber. When I first started creating videos, my intention was to explore another creative medium, entertain (I *think* I’m funny), share writing tips, and document my journey toward (hopefully) publication.

However, in March 2021, there was a shocking turn of events as I was diagnosed with cancer. As a mom of a one-year-old, I was overwhelmed, devastated, and plagued with doubt. Did I have the strength to take on this monster? As I gained knowledge and confidence, I decided to document my journey, hoping to help others facing similar hardships. As I undergo cancer treatment, I continue to create videos to spread awareness, inspire and uplift others battling diseases and other misfortunes.

Writing and sharing my stories with the world means everything to me. I’m strong, perseverant, and determined to succeed. Since I’ve found the strength to battle cancer, I know there isn’t anything that can prevent me from achieving my publishing goals. I won’t stop until you see my books on the shelves!

My debut novel, WILD SOULS, will release on 8/8/2022!

Connect with Faith
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