Book Review | Needing You Always (The Always Series 2) by Lizzie Morton

Disclosure: I received this complimentary copy from the author and/or publisher and voluntarily left an honest review. A positive review is not required.

Published on: 12 April 2022
Type: series, standalone
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Lizzie Morton
Book Length: 463 pages
Read: 04 April 2023
Shelved: 06 April 2023
Rating: 5/ 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Retailers: Amazon US | UK | Universal Link

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From international bestselling author Lizzie Morton, an edgy, emotional, enemies-to-lovers, stand-alone romance.

Ryan Alvarez is unreliable, unapproachable, and has an attitude as foul as his mouth.
His masculine beauty is more infuriating than his blasé attitude to life.
He’s everything I hate and everything I avoid.
And then his past indiscretions force our paths to align.
Where proximity is forced, feelings aren’t.
Our chemistry is palpable, undeniable.
The two of us together are perfectly imperfect.

Until the sparks, we create catch light, the fire that is us burns through the foundations of everything I thought I wanted to be.

My wants. Hopes. Beliefs.

The worst kind of enemy is the one that makes you believe they’re not, and the problem with falling for them …

When they decide to strike, you have no choice but to crumble.

** Needing You Always is Book 2 in a series of interconnected standalones. It is not required to read the Always Trilogy. Each book is a complete story and contains a HEA.**


Character: ★★★★★
Atmosphere: ★★★★★
Writing: ★★★★★
Plot: ★★★★★
Intrigue: ★★★★★
Logic: ★★★★
Enjoyment: ★★★★★
OVERALL: 4.9 or 5 stars ★★★★★

TW: alcohol, drugs, blood, past trauma, death of a loved one, abandonment issues

POV: first person, Susanne Van Rensburg

Some stories are easy to read/breeze through, sure-HEA, but this is NOT one of them. Readers can expect angst-driven proximity, slow-burning attraction, and cold-hot enemies-to-lovers/in-denial. Expect a lot of push-and-pull, misunderstandings, and hurtful words. Readers should come prepared to be emotionally invested in the characters and the slow-burning romance.

Cunningly, the author used a first-person, central POV (Susanne “Sooz” Van Rensburg), a different writing approach from the previous books in the series, which made the story more credible, expressive, intriguing, and impactful. Susanne’s journey, which has many unexpected twists and turns, takes the reader on a rollercoaster of emotions. In the end, readers can relate to the universal themes of courage, strength, and resilience that Susanne embodies.

Sooz, co-owner of Next Level PR agency, works above and beyond what is expected. She may be on top of her professional career, but her relationships (family, friends, and others) are next to none. She is cold and shut off from many meaningful relationships. Constantly on guard because of “life disappointments and hurts,” Sooz became a workaholic, focusing on goal-centered results rather than fulfilling and lasting relationships. 

The fact that she endured a “rocky start” with Ryan Alvarez, drummer for S.C.A.R.A.B., made it even more believable that opposites attract. Through many heated arguments and bitter lessons, Sooz slowly realizes the importance of family. She later succumbs to the inevitable – reconnecting lost familial relationships and becoming open to the possibility of finding a previously imperceivable future for herself. Over time, Sooz learns to trust her family and finds solace in their love and support. As the story continues, Sooz begins to appreciate life and learns to really “see” Ryan instead of believing the image he projects in public.

Ryan is one confusing character. He was hot-cold for many moments in the book, giving me (and Sooz) constant whiplash. He makes many cryptic statements and expects others to understand what he means. Heck, I was in a daze about what he wanted, then did something that threw things off. I suppose the “secrets” affect his actions and how he “handles” them, but come on! Give readers like me (and Sooz) a break and do not just disappear and expect us to be okay about it, especially after some significant development in the storyline. Considering that Ryan and Sooz already have abandonment issues from their pasts, Ryan shouldn’t have done what he did. Ryan should have stated things from the beginning because instead of finding a solution to his “issue” early on, Sooz felt confused, hurt, and betrayed (it was stated that “those who matter” were in on “the secret” – ouch!). It’s not fair to drag readers along and second-guess their emotions. Ryan needs to take responsibility and explain his actions to Sooz.

In summary, Needing You Always is a deep dive into complex emotions, new perspectives, and nuances about family politics/misunderstandings, commitment/disconnection, self-depreciation, abandonment, and misconceptions – public vs. private image. This book brought me distress and anxiety! It kept me on edge from start to finish. I was shattered by “Ryan’s issues,” and even if I might disagree with how the characters handled the “issue,” I respected their reasons…and it did end up with a HEA that is “on the upside.” Many new insights opened my eyes to possible positive outcomes with mutual respect and taking risks within a “safe space.” I realized now that the path to redemption and healing is not as straightforward or “clear-cut” as expected. Sometimes there are no easy answers. It’s a process that takes time, patience, and understanding. It’s a journey of self-discovery and growth. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking a thought-provoking and engaging read.

About the Author

Lizzie Morton is an author of Contemporary Romance and Romantic Suspense.

Her first novel, Always You, was written in her spare time while looking after her first child. Since then Lizzie has become a full-time author, and her first novel has become an international bestseller as part of The Always Trilogy.

Lizzie Morton’s ongoing future projects will include The Always Series, a series spin-off from the trilogy with interconnecting standalones.

When Lizzie isn’t writing, she enjoys reading, binging on Batman, and dancing to Spotify in her kitchen with her three children and Daddy Morton.

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