Mirrors (Reflections Book 1) by A.L. Woods

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Published on: 28 October 2020
Type: cliffhanger – trilogy, series, standalone
Genre: Contemporary Romance Fiction, Inspirational Romance
Author: A.L. Woods
Read: 07 March 2021
Shelved: 09 March 2021
Rating: 4 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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I live my life by one rule: fight to survive.

I don’t like people; I don’t like my job, and I definitely do not like the broody man I’m interviewing.

I’ve built up these walls to keep me safe, Sean’s presence in my world would only complicate things.

He wouldn’t know what to do with me if I came with an instruction manual–because women like me don’t get the happily ever after.

He might just be the one to break the mirror of my fragile identity.

And if I’m not careful? I’ll let him.


I live my life by one rule: family is everything.

I do this for the money; I don’t care about flipping houses, and I don’t like being interrogated about it by this wannabe Hemingway.

But I can’t deny my immediate attraction towards her, it fills my mind with what if’s–and I only just met her.

Raquel doesn’t know what she wants, but I know what she needs.

I’m ready to give her it all.

Even if she needs to hate me first.


Sean is a real estate investor. He buys run-down homes at rock bottom prices and “flips” them through renovations, then sells them at a profit. He intends to sell his current property quickly and move on to the next project. Too bad markets are down, and he is having trouble bringing inquiries to the said property.

In comes Raquel Flannigan, a journalist at a small-town newspaper, to the rescue. As a favor to her best friend, Penelope – coincidentally hired as the interior stager for the property Sean is selling, Raquel agrees to promote the property. Her first encounter with Sean was electric to both of them but was an odd interview. There was no denying the tension radiating in the. When it all came out, it was explosive and spectacular! It raised the standards in steam and angst!

Raquel is a complex character. She went through a tragic past that changed her. Filled with much guilt and torturing emotions, Raquel was crumbling from the inside while maintaining a calm, no-nonsense, tough journalist facade. Outside of her job, her life is pure chaos that Sean seems to be willing to dive into to “save her.”

I wasn’t the woman who got the fairy tale ending; I was the one who got the war.

— Raquel, Mirrors

Without giving so much, readers will surely get the gravity of Raquel’s situation midway through the book. It is dark and sinister. It will change how you perceive things. I did not like the road that Raquel took to “save” the people around her. I was frustrated with her reckless decisions. Yes, she had terrible things happen to her and her family, which she blames was her doing. Because of this, she lost herself, her passion and decided that she was not worthy of peace and happiness by taking on the “bad things” in her life as penance.
Sean has his issues, but it’s a lot safer than what Raquel had around. He gave up his dreams to be able to support his family after a tragic loss. It was not uncommon, but now, his family is on him going back to pursue his passion and think of himself. It was driving him crazy because Sean believes he is fine where he is…or so he thinks.

The theme of “mirrors” or “self-reflection and perceptions” runs well into the book. There is a lot of “push-pull” in Sean and Raquel’s lives for their daily interaction with family and friends – how they see themselves – potential, ambition, and expectations.

I like to note that I love Raquel’s best friend and forever confidant, Penelope. She and Raquel are opposites but bonded together in college when they became roommates. Penelope has gone through a lot with her family and background, but they become an unstoppable team with Raquel’s support. Penelope also is integral in having Raquel realize the destructive path she was heading towards. Without that realization, this story would turn out badly.

Mirrors is a poignant, slow-burn, enemies-to-friends story. It is a gut-wrenching story that dives into two broken characters’ lives: one accepting it while the other is in denial. Both need each other to find their redemption and healing to move to live with their choices.
The scenes and points of view are very detailed. The writing may get overwhelming at times, so I had to sit and reflect. This book took me longer than expected to finish because of the immense information coming from interesting characters – each detail of a scene, person’s points written and described in vivid word descriptions.
There is a lot of character development that will surely make readers also reflect and empathize with them. Note that the plot is heavy and complex, with various issues between Sean and Raquel. Expect the book to be pulling out all types of “feels” for readers.

About the Author

A.L. Woods is an author of rollercoaster romances, caffeine aficionado, and collector of Sailor Moon paraphernalia.
She lives 40 minutes west of Toronto, Ontario with her partner, Michael, and their 8lb larger-than-life miniature dachshund, Maia–whom they lovingly refer to as their ‘doghter.’
Woods can be found holed away in her office writing her next novel with a bowl of Nibs within arm’s reach. When she’s not writing, she’s likely belting out an ad-libbed song, emotionally investing in a fictional bad boy with a strong jawline and fluency in sarcasm or inventing fresh ways to procrastinate.
She believes that burritos should be in their own food group, loves the fall, winged liner, and listening to metalcore at an offensive level.

Connect with A.L. Woods
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Dark (Dangerous Web #2) by Aleatha Romig

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Published on: 05 January 2021
Published by:
Romig Works
cliffhanger, with continuation, trilogy
Suspense, Contemporary Romance
Aleatha Romig
22 December 2020
27 December 2020
Rating: 4/ 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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“Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light.” ~ Madeline L’Engle

Darkness has fallen upon the Sparrow world.
What seemed secure was breached, and what was assumed unattainable is possible.
In this dangerous underground world, we Sparrows took our power by force. As dusk gave way to dark, we Sparrows are once again determined to use any means necessary to recover what is ours, secure our stronghold, and defeat those who appear unconquerable.
The gauntlet has been thrown.
We will not retreat.
Darkness be damned. It is time for triumph.
I am Reid Murray.
For my wife and my brothers-in-arms, nothing, not even darkness, will stop the Sparrows from victory.

From New York Times bestselling author comes a brand-new dark romantic suspense trilogy, Dangerous Web. DARK, book #2, is set in the dangerous world of the Sparrow Webs. You do not need to read Web of Sin, Tangled Web, or Web of Desire to get caught up in this new dangerous and intriguing romantic suspense saga, Dangerous Web.

DARK is book two of the DANGEROUS WEB trilogy that began in DUSK and concludes in DAWN.
Have you been Aleatha’d?

Catch up with the Series now:

DUSK release date: Now Available
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DAWN release date: February 16
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Warning: there are a lot of dark secrets in this book. A few of those secrets deal with trauma, violence, past and childhood abuses, drugs, mental health, adult languages, etc. If these are issues for you, I will thread this book carefully.

The saga continues as the Sparrow group finds the group responsible for kidnapping Lorna and Araneae. The story is told from Lorna and Reid’s POV and continues further from Dark (Book 1). Warning now to readers – if you have NOT read Book 1, I will encourage you to start with that; else, it might not be as interesting to you as early as the book’s first chapter. 

A few things…

1.) If you are expecting Dark to be like Dusk, I’m here to tell you that it is not the same. There is a lot of internalizing going on than “action.” 

Note: Dark is Dusk’s continuation and talks about the aftermath of Lorna and Araneae’s rescue. It would be highly advisable for readers to finish Dusk first to feel the story’s characters better. In Dark, each of the characters has one’s plans laid out – the men are there to start finding out the truth and “fix” things (as expected for the male alphas) while the women are in the position of healing (and then finding the answers to help their partner’s aim). 

Readers may find themselves in a bind with going back to the past (as far back as Lorna’s and Reid’s childhood) to find the clues to getting Lorna’s memory back or Reid’s “grounding” himself from going into his “dark state.”

2.) Given the above, readers may find that the story is slower until roughly 60% into the book – I was losing interest before that. I was not sure if it’s because it’s the holiday foods I have been ingesting, but I had to leave the book then come back again with a fresh mind. Readers take heed – it may be harder to get through this book because of the below.

A word of advice: Be patient with Dark. The book invested a lot of time in Lorna and Reid’s flashbacks. Some of these flashbacks were quite traumatic, but most of them are a lot of self-internalization, rationalization, etc., by Lorna. It will help shape the story to understand better how sophisticated (and lethal) the Sparrow’s group is facing. Think about the lengths this mysterious group is willing to go to wreak havoc on the Sparrow world – by taking their partners; they will do it at all cost, even death, to achieve their goal.

Some of the flashbacks got to me, and I take this as a warning for others who might feel they would want to “skim” through that section, do it but do not give up on the book because some of the abuse Lorna went through will shape how she tackles on in retrieving back her memories. I find it critical.

It’s like there’s this space or maybe the opposite, a void, hiding in my subconscious that I’m afraid to face. It’s right there and as much as I think I should acknowledge it, I want to run far away. My sleep has been sh*t. I think it’s because I’m not on guard in sleep and weird sh*t comes to my mind.

— Lorna, Dark

3.) I felt awful for Lorna. She was the “glue” for the group and was “unraveling in the seams” as the story continued. Even with Reid’s help to comfort her, Lorna was losing herself to her “traumatic past.” It tore me apart for her to realize how many memories she lost AND coming back “broken.” Each time she went “down,” she came up more broken, and it placed more questions as to what her “real past” was. She exhibited so much re-trauma by not addressing or talking about her experience in the past. But then again, when she spoke about what happened to someone she thought would understand, she was told to “forget” all about it. Later in the book, she does try to “remember” what happened to her and Araneae but at the cost of reviving other trauma that she thought was lost and forgotten.

“I’m swimming and there’s no shore.”

— Lorna, Dark

4.) After staying some time in Lorna’s headspace, the story goes to the other side – the men’s side, wherein they start looking into a secret group that may or may not be responsible. My brains perked up by then because this is where the story should be. It took a bit more pages, but meeting the “important players” brought more questions (and it did make a lot of sense) that worried the group. They were not privy to the other party’s sensitive information but gave up a few “info” from their end. 

5.) If you think Lorna and Reid were steamy in the chemistry department, this book re-enforces this again with some “unforgettable scenes” to help Lorna through a lot of what she was going through. She uses Reid to cope with her trauma and even “dissociate” from her past, which many trauma victims do, even if they want answers. 

There are pluses and minuses in the book, but the former wins over since all the patience I had was well worth it. The writing is well-put, and as expected for the author, so I was thrilled. The worst thing a reader can go through is to read through awful writing while trying to motivate oneself to finish the book AND piecing together the mystery. Dark IS NOT that – the “pieces” all came together, but of course, readers will need to read through the next book for the final. FYI – if you do not know – the Dark Web series is three (3) books so expect some new information and some resolution by the end, but it is NOT THE END. 

I would recommend readers who enjoy a good mystery, suspense, a side of drama, and steam for Dark. The book deals with more healing, justice, and redemption. It comes heavy and gut-wrenching, then it resolves the trauma to focus on the main focus of the group as a whole – who’s coming for the Sparrows. I welcome how the author took her time in this book (basically the whole book) to raise awareness of a trauma victim’s mental health and the long road to recovery. In this case, thank you to the Sparrow group for instilling “peace” for Lorna. The ending was a scene to remember. I cannot wait for the next book!

“You’re someone. The most important someone.”

— Reid, Dark

About the Author

Aleatha Romig is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author who lives in Indiana, USA. She grew up in Mishawaka, graduated from Indiana University, and is currently living south of Indianapolis. Aleatha has raised three children with her high school sweetheart and husband of over thirty years. Before she became a full-time author, she worked days as a dental hygienist and spent her nights writing. Now, when she’s not imagining mind-blowing twists and turns, she likes to spend her time with her family and friends. Her other pastimes include reading and creating heroes/anti-heroes who haunt your dreams!

Aleatha released her first novel, CONSEQUENCES, in August of 2011. CONSEQUENCES became a bestselling series with five novels and two companions released from 2011 through 2015. The compelling and epic story of Anthony and Claire Rawlings has graced more than half a million e-readers. Aleatha released the first of her series TALES FROM THE DARK SIDE, INSIDIOUS, in the fall of 2014. These stand-alone thrillers continue Aleatha’s twisted style with an increase in heat.

In the fall of 2015, Aleatha moved headfirst into the world of dark romantic suspense saga with the release of BETRAYAL, the first of her five-novel INFIDELITY series that has taken the reading world by storm. She also began her traditional publishing career with Thomas and Mercer. Her books INTO THE LIGHT and AWAY FROM THE DARK were published through this mystery/thriller publisher in 2016.

In the spring of 2017, Aleatha released her first stand-alone, fun, and sexy romantic comedy PLUS ONE, followed by ONE NIGHT, and ANOTHER ONE. Her range of genres includes erotic romance novellas in her INDULGENCE series.

Aleatha returned to her dark roots in 2018 with WEB OF SIN, a dark romantic trilogy with an all new anti-hero. The Sparrow Webs continued with TANGLED WEB, WEB OF DESIRE, and soon DANGEROUS WEB.

Aleatha is a “Published Author’s Network” member of the Romance Writers of America, NINC, and PEN America. She is represented by Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency. Her marketing is represented by Wildfire Marketing.

Connect with Aleatha
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CheckMate (A Sara Clemens Mystery Book 1) by L.R. Starr

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest and voluntary review.

Published on: 16 March 2020
Type: cliffhanger, series
Author: L.R. Starr
Read: 27 September 2020
Shelved: 29 September 2020
Get it here: Amazon USA | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Rating: 4 out of 5.


A gruesome murder. Floating body parts found in the Hudson river all before breakfast on a Sunday morning. The Elliot’s got away with it again…

A rich family lineage ruling New York City that deemed themselves untouchable. The golden baton has been passed to the blue-eyed Robert Elliot. He’s the head of the empire now, and he’s been getting away with murder. Or so he thinks… A stone-cold killer with an array of deadly charms. Elliot is used to getting everything he wants and then some.

What he didn’t bank on is the dark horse, Sara Clemens. Clemens is a badass private investigator and she’s set to turn the tables on Elliot in more ways than one. Clemens has her own set of problems to deal with. Like the fact, she has to babysit a bratty supermodel and avoid becoming a pawn in Elliot’s game.

Will she let this dangerously electric attraction between her and Elliot cloud the case? Will she be able to solve the murder in time to avenge the death of her client’s son?

Get prepared for a game of cat and mouse, high wit, unlikely players, forbidden attraction, crazy model behavior, and international espionage. 


Sara Clemens is a regular “plain Sara” by day, and a slick-chick, super sleuth by night. She started as a simple photographer that turned her into the exciting world of investigative detective. Sara is good at “finding answers” and has the instincts for the job. She wants to give justice to those who couldn’t.

Hawk is a six foot two, dark brown hair rogue assassin, army brat, and fellow spy partnered with Sara on this mission. He is very selective in taking on cases and freelances as a spy for the Secret Intelligence Unit (SIS) in Britain, but this case, particularly, has his interest piqued. He is also like a big brother to Sara – watches and protects her as best as he can.

The POV is from a few characters – Sara’s, Hawk’s, and even Elliot’s sides. The beauty in this mode is that readers get to (1) be at both investigator’s sides, (2) get a better image of what they each think and what they know, (3) know their backstories better – empathize and, at times, be frustrated with them. Readers get to compare notes between Sara and Hawk as they try to catch the same man.

The book is strong upon the first few sentences. It gives a “no-nonsense” approach in Sara’s voice, which in itself packed a lot of suspense and mystery. Readers will dive in more on Sara’s side of the case and experience it beside her with fresh eyes. We get a small peek of Hawk’s background while swimming a bit in the evil mind of Elliot. The writing is witty and bad-a**, which is perfect for a strong heroine.

The story starts as Sara going undercover to find “dirt” on Robert Elliot, New York’s infamous mafia boss, for a client through his wife, Evana Herold, a famous supermodel. The pace is slow in the first few chapters after the first chapter because the author had to help set up the players and situation since readers enter as “the mission” is underway.

Sara’s character is a complex one. She has to balance the duology of her role as one who upholds the law and being undercover at the same time. She needs to tread carefully in this “grey area” and see what was real versus evil. It conflicts her also – on how deep she needs to go ‘undercover’ to run the risk of losing herself. More internal conflict happens since the target she’s investigating is Robert Elliot, a drop-dead gorgeous, ruthless killer.

Upholding the law and being undercover simultaneously was a delicate tightrope to walk. I had to know when to remove the mask. To see what was real and what was evil.

Sara, CheckMate

I am frustrated with how Sara couldn’t “fight off” her attraction to Elliot. She would act so irrational under his presence. It was alarming because she knows how dangerous Elliot is, but she couldn’t ‘shut down’ her libido? Good thing, it all worked out in the end.

Hawk’s character background is dark and has its sad moments. On the one hand, he wants to remain his secret of being a spy and commit to no one, but on the other, he ironically found someone he can see himself having a relationship. Given that he didn’t take the chance fast enough, he loses her then is still haunted by their memories and how things come full circle that the object of his attention is now the person of interest under Sara and his investigation. Readers will connect to him on this – his pain is written all over it.

The attraction was steamy between Sara and Elliot, but being discovered undercover is slowly taking a risk with the people who are helping her. The suspense was off-the-charts, especially as secrets and new players come popping up that Sara realizes she will need to protect. It didn’t turn out as simple as we would think. It is more than just gathering intel, in that, it’s turning into the realm of global espionage and terrorism.

As a few things get resolved in the end, the author prepares readers for the next installment. There is breathing room, and it’s a welcome relief after all the action that happened when the “operation” went underway. Just when you think things seem “safe,” it isn’t, and how the ending turned into a cliffhanger will get to you in a good “part 2” kind of way. Checkmate indeed!

“I don’t like snakes. I’m cleaning up the yard.”

Hawk, CheckMate

I am still on edge on moving on to the next book, even if some parts wrapped up nicely. The story is definitely for a series with Books 2 and 3 on the horizon. I see great things for the author as she polishes and gets more creative in the next books. I recommend this book for all mystery/suspense loving readers out there.

Prequel Alert

For readers who want to know more about the backstory of how Hawk and Sara started out. Check out Firebomb, which is a great short to have a better appreciation for the series. The length is short but concise enough to show us the working dynamics of the two very unique individuals to the story. I liked the fast-paced, action-packed and no-nonsense approach of the character build-ups and ending to the case. I am surprised at how much engrossing I found this prequel!

How does a P.I. and a rogue assassin named Hawk start working together?
Let’s just say… it involves things blowing up, an off-the-wall ex bomb specialist, and 55 dead already.
The cause; a blonde beauty editor from Manhattan.
Can a green private investigator solve the case in time before the next bomb hits New York City?
A suspenseful, short story of the beginnings of a beautiful long-standing bond being formed.

About L.R. Starr

L.R. Starr is a writer and professional artist residing in down under Australia. She is a lover of twists and turns, and the uncovered mysteries of life. Never too far away from nature, she can be found planning her next travels or in the realms of her imagination coming up with something creative to keep you inspired and entertained.

Connect with L.R.
Facebook | Instagram | Amazon | Goodreads

Destiny Awakened (Destiny Series Book One) by C.J. Cooke

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest and voluntary review.

Published on: 14 February 2020
Type: series, cliffhanger
Author: C.J. Cooke
Read: 02 September 2020
Shelved: 03 September 2020
Get here: Amazon USA
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Rating: 5 out of 5.


In her debut novel, CJ Cooke brings the first book in the three part Destiny Series.

When the supernatural community announced to the human world that they were more than just stories and legends, the opinion of the humans split. Some loved them, some hated them. But when people with mixed blood started to lose control and slaughter those around them, the humans were quick to enact the registration act and deport them to the magic realm.

Aria Graves suddenly finds herself expelled from the human realm and entering a world which is at odds with her own beliefs. While she tries to understand her own growing magic, she embarks on a journey of empowering those around her and trying to make sense of new relationships. But danger lurks just around the corner and Aria must race to achieve all of her goals whilst trying to keep those she loves safe.

Reader warning: this book contains explicit scenes and briefly deals with themes which some readers may find triggering.

This is an adult reverse harem book involving MMFM relationships with explicit content and is intended for 18+ readers only.

This book does end with a cliff hanger ending, however book 2 is anticipated to be released in May 2020.

Book 1 – Destiny Awakened
Book 2 – Destiny Rising – coming soon
Book 3 – Destiny Realized – anticipated September 2020


Some background, when C.J. came to me to ask if I wanted to review her book and I was honored to do it but when I found out which particular book she was offering, I had my hesitation. I had to really think hard, aside from the load I had, since I haven’t had much luck with reverse harem books so I come into reading Destiny Awakened with caution. It can either be really good or really bad.

“All you can do is make yourself strong enough to stand by her when she needs it.”

— Aria, Destiny Awakened

Aria Graves is a foster care child who got out upon hitting eighteen and never looked back. After being discovered as having ‘powers’, she was shipped off immediately to Parkland Academy, a special school for children with powers, to learn how to control their powers and not harm others. She learns to be self-sufficient and independent but mostly kept to herself. She later meets other students (and teachers) and starts forming relationships that come more naturally now than before.

In comes, Kyle, Sykes, and Liam, shifters pack, helping Aria with her new move and understanding the “pull” they have towards Aria. Kyle, leader of the group, slowly helps Aria get adjusted to the way of this realm. They started getting to know more about her and learn how to use powers through Aria’s help.

Now, why do I like this book so much?

  1. A story that captivated me.
    I was so engrossed by the story of two realms, Earth and Mystical, and how Aria is the link between those two worlds. There were many questions that come popping out of my head each time: Aria’s background, and how she came about with her “powers”, the laws of the new realm, conspiracy theories, “backdoor dealings”, etc.
    C.J. was able to dive into Aria’s backstory when she learned how to trust people. Yes, Aria had a rough start in life but that didn’t deter her to channel her energy into a positive way. She came out stronger, mind, body, and spirit, she constantly reminded herself in the book. She still had questions about her past but she worries about the future more, which pushed her to train harder and learn what is going on with the current state of the realm she is stuck at.
    Some readers may think that this story is a “re-hashed” story at first glance but it is not. There were a lot of interesting things in this book through the characters, if readers pay attention to what was happening to Aria and the people around her. C.J. placed a lot of underlying messages that in the end, come out spectacularly!

  2. Perfect execution of multiple-POVs in a book
    Each POV used in the book had a purpose in shaping the story and characters. Not a lot of authors are successful in using multiple-POV techniques without confusing readers but C.J. did. Even if there were multi-POVs, it wasn’t overwhelming that made it difficult for me to connect with the characters. It did not dilute or stray away from the main purpose of the book. Each character had their distinct voice and stuck to one chapter per POV, although Aria’s POV, the “main character, receives more chapters) than the others, and whose story and character development is the overall focus of the book. It is a true art to write well in this manner.
  3. The impeccable visual imagery with words…
    C.J.’s descriptive words gave such vivid imagery that helps readers enter the world of magic and wolf packs, especially the combat scenes. These scenes were the ones I looked forward to since the characters seem like dancing, not fighting, as they try to defend themselves. It like being right in front of the action or like being in the movies.
  4. A great resolution for a cliffhanger (huh? but so true for me!)
    I was so hesitant with starting a series with a “cliffhanger”. It takes out so much in me that I avoid it as much as possible…so why this book? I was very curious about Aria and C.J.s work that this book was impossible to ignore.
    Upon opening the first chapter, the book hooked me immediately and held it well to the end. There was no way I could put the book down, even if I knew at the back of my mind that I will be left hanging. Yes, readers will be left hanging…but I wanted to share that I did not come out angry or frustrated after with how it all turned out. (I read books to have better insight and maybe get a little emotional but not to the point of affecting my mood for the whole day. I want to feel good after or look forward to the next book.) The ending helped solved a few things but also provided me with hope for the next book. This is very rare in my limited experience in this genre and thus would explain why I would rate this book high even if with the cliffhanger. (FYI – I have not rated high marks for cliffhangers…ever!)
    Don’t get me wrong, I do not mean to “belittle” others who might feel otherwise. I wanted to share though that fully invested to continue with the series; in that, I’m excited to grab Book 2 and 3 after this review.
  5. A colorful and amazing cast of characters…
    –> Kyle, the surprising and unique alpha pack leader
    Alpha packs are still new for me but from my limited experience on the alpha pack leaders, most of them are hard-headed, arrogant, and annoying. In this case, although Kyle has the “inner fire” of an alpha leader, he is the most understanding and kind based especially on their first impression for Aria (and myself) plus as the story went along; even better was that the rest of the “pack members” exude the same air of understanding towards Aria. They all seem so mature in thought and actions. I enjoyed having not to deal with “immaturity” and too much “drama”.
    –> Aria, the “bada**” heroine
    Although there were a lot of “alpha claiming” going on, given the culture of the supernatural realm’s “laws” but the main thing is that Aria was still able to be assertive especially when she showed her classmates how far she’d come with combat skills. I love strong and “level-headed” heroines – Aria is one of the strongest ones I’ve currently had to pleasure of reading. She knew from the start that she can defend herself and even others when it comes time, but there are times when she yields to Kyle since he would know more and emphasizes with him on a lot of the situations. She is a true inspiration to the women at the academy.
    –> Caleb, “no-need-for-weapons”, combat teacher
    It is rare for a man who teaches combat lessons to be humble enough to ask for help. Caleb is one of these people and has no problem admitting that his own skills are not up to par in preparing the school for a possible attack, let alone a battle. He gave Aria a chance to prove herself as a capable fighter and in training the students.
    –> Madame Nines’ insight is spot-on.
    She’s the grandmother figure that Aria didn’t have in the human world but surely felt she wanted. It was odd for her to mention this especially when she tried her hardest NOT to form any relationships but she did want to with Madame Nine. She was could possibly be like her mentor/father-figure Alfie in the magical world. She is the procurement officer of the school i.e. magical being with purchasing powers. (Reminds me of an awesome personal shopper!) She seems to whip everything that the students need even before they enter her room…except for Viennese whirls. She was a delight and Aria really bonded with her instantly.

I am so happy that C.J. talked me into giving this book a try.
This book reminds me of the Revenants (Amy Plum) meshed up with Buffy the Vampire Slayer mixed with Hogwarts with themes of bravery, family (pack style), and love. If you have read my review of Amy Plum, it’s one of the memorable books that still leaves me a good feeling each time I think about it. I believe I will be thinking about this book also even after 5 years down the line.
Now, comparing Destiny Awakened with those two series- it is with full respect to state that I really like the book! I was so happy after this book that I immediately messaged C.J. to thank her by squashing my fear of paranormal, harem stories. I cannot thank her enough and is still currently on a “good high”.

Sometimes we don’t need to explain things. They just are. Trust yourself, Aria, and trust the way that you feel. We have enough questions in life without adding to them by questioning ourselves.

— Madame Nines, Destiny Awakened

I highly recommend this book for those who love reading about paranormal fantasy, strong and “rational” heroines, pack groups, harem (straight or reverse), and combat/battle scenes. It has great writing and plot development. The characters are strong and relatable for all. The cliffhanger is a good touch in the end and makes readers want to continue to the next book with renewed hope. C.J. assures me that Book 2 is out and while Book 3 is just around the corner so I did not have to wait long to find out what happens to Aria.

C.J. Cooke lives in Nottinghamshire, England with her husband and son. She was born and grew up in Yorkshire and even though it is only up the road, she will always be a Yorkshire girl in her heart.
Her love of reading naturally evolved into a love for writing and she released her debut novel in February 2020. She wrote her first book aged seven. A few decades later, her work is published in 23 languages, has won numerous awards, and has been optioned for film and television.

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Author Feature: Kennedy Fox for Keep My Heart (Top Shelf Romance Collection Book 7)

Top Shelf Romance is bringing you the best modern classics of romance in Collection #7, KEEP MY HEART, featuring FOUR bestselling books from authors: Lex Martin, Kennedy Ryan, Kennedy Fox, W Winters!!

Keep My Heart will be releasing on September 8th

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When you crave something exceptional, exciting and enchanting, Top Shelf Romance promises this and more.⁣

Checkmate: This is War

Travis King is the worst kind of a**hole.
He taunts me for being a good girl and mocks my high standards.
He’s cruel, crass, and has enough confidence to last two lifetimes.
And I hate him.
It wouldn’t matter so much if he were avoidable.
But considering he’s my older brother’s best friend and roommate, I see him more than I’d ever want to.
His sculpted abs and gorgeous eyes are wasted on such an arrogant man, which makes me hate him even more.
Even though I’ve had a crush on him since I was ten, the feelings weren’t mutual and he’s made that very clear.
He’s always loved getting under my skin and one night against my better judgment, I let him in my bed.
I’ve succumbed to his manw**re ways, but that doesn’t change a thing.
Because the King is about to get played at his own game–and lose.


**Recommend for ages 18+ due to sexual content and adult language.**

Checkmate: This is Love

Viola Fisher is the epitome of perfection.
She despises my one-night stands and mocks my less-than-classy habits.
She’s smart, beautiful, and too good to be true.
And I want her.
If she were anyone else, I’d have made my move years ago, but considering she’s my best friend’s little sister, she’s always been off-limits. Not to mention how much she loathes my very existence.
Hating me is her religion, but needing her is mine. Her sexy curves and filthy smart mouth make me want her even more, and I’m more determined than ever to change her mind.
I’ll prove I’m done playing games.
But until then, we’ll continue to play by her rules.
Viola Fisher may have won the battle, but the war isn’t over yet.

Checkmate, princess. 

About the Author Duo:

Brooke Cumberland & Lyra Parish are a duo of romance authors who teamed up to write under the USA Today Bestselling pseudonym, Kennedy Fox. They share a love of Hallmark movies & overpriced coffee. When they aren’t bonding over romantic comedies, they like to brainstorm new book ideas. One day, they decided to collaborate and have some fun creating new characters that’ll make you blush and your heart melt. If you enjoy romance stories with sexy, tattooed alpha males and smart, independent women, then a Kennedy Fox book is for you!

Connect with Kennedy Fox: 

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Running from Fate (Infamous #2) by Ivy Wild

Published on: 28 July 2020
Type: series – trilogy, cliffhanger
AuthorIvy Wild
Read: 08 August 2020
Shelved: 08 August 2020
Get here:  Amazon USA 
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Sophie Strong and Connor Driscoll went from best friends to complete strangers overnight. Connor knew that Sophie might be discovered one day, but he hadn’t expected it to be so soon, and he certainly hadn’t expected her to leave without saying goodbye.
But all that glitters isn’t gold, and the music industry quickly turned against Sophie, despite her obvious talent. Back in D.C. to finish her degree, she and Connor find themselves unable to stay away from one another.
Except for when the media frenzy starts to follow Sophie to the East Coast. Sophie is fearful that her past will ruin Connor’s future.
Connor watches as the woman he loves runs from him, not for the first time, but for the second.

He’d be dammed if he lost her again.
Five years ago, he’d let her go.
This time, there’d be none of that.

Running from Fate is Book Two of the Infamous Trilogy

The story continues from readers are last left in Chasing the Idol (Infamous Book 1), you can read my review for more details.

The Characters

Sophia Stronglen is a newly discovered musician, renamed herself as”Sophie Strong”, discovered one night at a small cafe. She was offered a recording deal immediately and had to leave for Los Angeles missing the last semester of her senior university year and her best friend, Connor. She gets thrown into a world of the cut-throat world of music, wherein lost her who identity. She also discovers that the music business, things are not always what they seem and everyone will always try to find a way to pull you down for their rise.

Connor Driscoll is a promising working employee of Phoenix Development, a property development company, that has its owner wanting to retire but with no heir in sight. Working with the company has brought him great satisfaction but his personal life has been stagnant since Sophie left him. Yes, he would date around but nothing moved past the quick one-night stands or short term hook up. By then, Connor realizes that his heart is owned by someone else already.

The Review

I like the story even more than Book 1! The author did not disappoint and I’m so honored to have gotten the opportunity to review this book. It explains a lot of his actions in the previous book.

The book takes us back to the history of both main characters to better connect and understand what happened. It also showed a lot of life-changing moments like when Connor told Sophie how he really felt but things didn’t really turn out as how he hoped it would be.

Her face was on advertisements and her music was on the radio constantly. Even if he wanted to forget her, the world wouldn’t let him. It was either trying to send him a very clear message or he was the butt of its biggest joke.

— Connor, Running from Fate

Reading through “flashback stories” can get pretty tricky since the ending is already a predicted ending; in this case – what happened five years ago. It can go very wrong…or very right. I have to admit that the author did a good job of piecing things together in a cohesive way that stayed true to the character’s own personalities. Readers see both characters still needed to “grow”. The story jumps between Connor and Sophie’s lives and the people who interacted with them which is nice. The event flow is also noteworthy and wasn’t just there as filler – there is a purpose. It doesn’t get too long on the nitty-gritty stuff but fast forwards to the more relevant events to have readers dive deeper into their respective worlds.

I appreciate seeing both their stories moved in parallel to each other. It reminds me of Sliding Doors meets Music & Lyrics meets Love, Rosie meets A Lot Like Love with an even better HEA ending I thought possible. What I can say is Fate really had something “cooking” for the five years before. I do not think it would have worked if Connor and Sophie did end up somehow together since both needed to experience life outside of their friendship to come back even strong and more willing to fight for each other, even at the cost of their own happiness.

“No more running, Sophie”. Tomorrow he would find her and then she would be his.

— Connor, Running From Fate

This book has a wonderful prologue before starting with where readers are left off. I highly recommend this book. This book rounds out and resolves so many questions readers would have after the first book. It will make you sad, cry then renewed hope as you read the end…most especially since we already know where things are by then. Be prepared to experience a lot of emotions – love, loss, redemption, healing, and forgiveness. It will feel like a roller-coaster of emotions but after going through the motions, wherein some things will be explained while you will want to chase after the next solution. I was rushing through and wishing things would fall into place…but as expected, I was left with uncertainty. The only saving grace is the short reprieve before the next, final book.

Beating the Odds (Infamous #3) comes out August 11. Pre-order asap!

Sometimes we do crazy things for the people we love.

— Sophie, Running From Fate

Ivy Wild is dedicated to the empowerment of women through the cultivation of sexual energy, Ivy Wild brings you romance dominated by powerful men, steamy encounters and tantalizing climaxes.​
Even today, there is still so much sexual repression that exists and one of the easiest ways to challenge this is through romantic fiction. Sexual energy is life force energy! However you choose to cultivate it, the effort is not wasted!

Chasing the Idol (Infamous #1) by Ivy Wild

I received a complimentary copy of this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest and voluntary review.

Published on: July 2020
Type: series, cliffhanger
AuthorIvy Wild
Read: 31 July 2020
Shelved: 01 August 2020
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Get here:  Amazon USA /  Bookbub

I longed for her.
Even after all these years, I still wanted her.
Sophie Strong walked out of my life five years ago to become America’s next pop idol.
But everything didn’t go as planned.
And now she’s back in D.C.
Back within my reach.
I was just a kid when she left, but I built my fortune while she was gone.
I will have her, and she will come to me willingly.
This time, I’m not letting her go.

Chasing the Idol is the first book in the Infamous Trilogy.

The Characters

Sophia Stronglen (aka Sophie Strong) is a fallen pop star who sets out to reclaim herself after a big scandal that left her in ruins and running away from her career. She left Los Angeles for Washington DC to quietly finish her degree at her old university and back to her hometown.
She is intelligent and hardworking but after abrupt ending her friendship with her best friend, Connor, five years ago, she had apprehensions of bumping into him around the city. As fate would hold it, she becomes her professor in one of the subjects and becomes his intern to his company – both are required for her to finish and get her degree.

All that glitters isn’t gold.”

— Sophie, Chasing the Idol

Connor Driscoll is the owner of Pheonix Development, a property development company, that specializes in renovating older buildings and some ground-up constructions through DC with green technology. He’s is also an adjunct professor in his and Sophie’s alma mater wherein he teaches a seminar, where his company also offers an internship program that Sophie ends up working at to finish her degree. He’s been Sophie’s best friend before she abrupt departure from their last year of university that he was torn up all about it, till a chance meet-up oncampus changed everything for him and Sophie.

The Review

I like the story and how it’s written. It is easy to follow and the characters are relatable. There are a few twists in the plot that makes the book more interesting as readers read on that is beyond just friends reuniting. There are jealous ex-girlfriends (as termed by the crazy girlfriend), Sophie’s scandal past coming back to find her and the complicated, precarious relationship between the main characters. It is a second chance romance that deals with healing, friendship, lies, deceit, and bravery.

I enjoyed how both of them try to “one-up” the other at the start of the book since both does not want to admit their true feelings with it’s obvious to everyone. The notes and the “implied discussions” were funny. It’s a cute comic relief that reminded me of the movie, War of Roses, but in a passive-aggressive with humor manner. After the flirting war is done then the story gets rolling with Connor and Sophie giving in to the inevitable.

Relating to the characters, Connor is a unique one because readers will not know who you will get from one scene to another – because of Connor’s many facets – Bedroom Connor versus Businessman Connor versus Professor Connor versus her Best Friend Connor are all different with a good mix for the readers. How he sees Sophie, wooed and even impose himself to her were well executed.

Sophie’s so strong for what she has to endure and to push through to get her back to “herself” again takes a lot of courage. She also has to navigate crazy TAs (teaching assistants) and the people who destroyed Sophie’s reputation that still lurks to find her and finish her for good.

The bedroom scenes were steamy with a bit of light BDSM but not cheesy. It is always good to have a bit of it without it coming as “trying hard”. I appreciate this and Sophie gets to know Connor in a whole new light.

There are a few villains in the story that will get to readers, especially when you are rooting for a reconciliation from Sophie and Connor’s past behaviors.
1.) Aubrey Knight is the “crazy ex-girlfriend”, as termed by her, and the daughter of a congressman who always gets what she wants. She wants Connor and had to pressure him to date her (as seen at the start of the book) and when Connor decided (long time due already) to break off with her, she set-off to find out why. She later finds out that Sophie, her student in one of her teaching-assistant classes, came into the picture and she decides to destroy them both to teach them a lesson.

2.) Lennie Webb is with tabloid companies that Aubrey contacted to help execute her plan of destruction to Connor and Sophie. He’s wondering why Aubrey is not seeking money or fame for exposing Sophie Strong. I hope we get to know what’s his role more in the next book.

I’m glad that there are friends who have both Sophie and Connor’s back.
1.) Kris is Connor’s hardworking assistant who impressed his boss when Kris interned in Phoenix. After Kris finished his degree, Connor offered him the position and has been his loyal employee since. He’s independent and knows what Connor needs when it counts to make the company run smoothly.

2.) Skyler is the classmate of Sophie. She also works at Friendly Pancake where she first saw Connor with Sophie for lunch. She’s witty, smart and a strong supporter/friend of Sophie. She understands where Sophie is coming from and knows why she wants not to be recognized or asked about her past since Skyler, herself, also has a past she doesn’t want to share (yet).

3.) Travis is the funny tattoo artist and friend (boyfriend) of Skyler who gave Sophie her first tattoo. You have to read the book but what she got is really cool. She worked on it with Travis and held a lot of meaning to her situation. It was huge for Sophie since it was a way for her to take back control of her life, outside of being a pop star and from controlling handlers when she was in Los Angeles.
These people all helped Sophie and Connor one way or another in the story and made them all “braver” in giving their relationship a second try.

Overall, I want to disclose early on that this has a cliffhanger ending. I do not normally subscribe to this but given that there were issues resolved in Book 1 that I am happy with. I like the book and cannot wait to continue to Book 2 when it’s ready. There are so many unexpected outcomes to the story that is not typical when you just read the summary that got me pleasantly surprised. I hope readers will get to know more about the other supporting characters in the book soon.

Ivy Wild is dedicated to the empowerment of women through the cultivation of sexual energy, Ivy Wild brings you romance dominated by powerful men, steamy encounters and tantalizing climaxes.​
Even today, there is still so much sexual repression that exists and one of the easiest ways to challenge this is through romantic fiction. Sexual energy is life force energy! However you choose to cultivate it, the effort is not wasted!

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