Book Review | Needing You Always (The Always Series 2) by Lizzie Morton

Disclosure: I received this complimentary copy from the author and/or publisher and voluntarily left an honest review. A positive review is not required.

Published on: 12 April 2022
Type: series, standalone
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Lizzie Morton
Book Length: 463 pages
Read: 04 April 2023
Shelved: 06 April 2023
Rating: 5/ 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Retailers: Amazon US | UK | Universal Link

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From international bestselling author Lizzie Morton, an edgy, emotional, enemies-to-lovers, stand-alone romance.

Ryan Alvarez is unreliable, unapproachable, and has an attitude as foul as his mouth.
His masculine beauty is more infuriating than his blasé attitude to life.
He’s everything I hate and everything I avoid.
And then his past indiscretions force our paths to align.
Where proximity is forced, feelings aren’t.
Our chemistry is palpable, undeniable.
The two of us together are perfectly imperfect.

Until the sparks, we create catch light, the fire that is us burns through the foundations of everything I thought I wanted to be.

My wants. Hopes. Beliefs.

The worst kind of enemy is the one that makes you believe they’re not, and the problem with falling for them …

When they decide to strike, you have no choice but to crumble.

** Needing You Always is Book 2 in a series of interconnected standalones. It is not required to read the Always Trilogy. Each book is a complete story and contains a HEA.**


Character: ★★★★★
Atmosphere: ★★★★★
Writing: ★★★★★
Plot: ★★★★★
Intrigue: ★★★★★
Logic: ★★★★
Enjoyment: ★★★★★
OVERALL: 4.9 or 5 stars ★★★★★

TW: alcohol, drugs, blood, past trauma, death of a loved one, abandonment issues

POV: first person, Susanne Van Rensburg

Some stories are easy to read/breeze through, sure-HEA, but this is NOT one of them. Readers can expect angst-driven proximity, slow-burning attraction, and cold-hot enemies-to-lovers/in-denial. Expect a lot of push-and-pull, misunderstandings, and hurtful words. Readers should come prepared to be emotionally invested in the characters and the slow-burning romance.

Cunningly, the author used a first-person, central POV (Susanne “Sooz” Van Rensburg), a different writing approach from the previous books in the series, which made the story more credible, expressive, intriguing, and impactful. Susanne’s journey, which has many unexpected twists and turns, takes the reader on a rollercoaster of emotions. In the end, readers can relate to the universal themes of courage, strength, and resilience that Susanne embodies.

Sooz, co-owner of Next Level PR agency, works above and beyond what is expected. She may be on top of her professional career, but her relationships (family, friends, and others) are next to none. She is cold and shut off from many meaningful relationships. Constantly on guard because of “life disappointments and hurts,” Sooz became a workaholic, focusing on goal-centered results rather than fulfilling and lasting relationships. 

The fact that she endured a “rocky start” with Ryan Alvarez, drummer for S.C.A.R.A.B., made it even more believable that opposites attract. Through many heated arguments and bitter lessons, Sooz slowly realizes the importance of family. She later succumbs to the inevitable – reconnecting lost familial relationships and becoming open to the possibility of finding a previously imperceivable future for herself. Over time, Sooz learns to trust her family and finds solace in their love and support. As the story continues, Sooz begins to appreciate life and learns to really “see” Ryan instead of believing the image he projects in public.

Ryan is one confusing character. He was hot-cold for many moments in the book, giving me (and Sooz) constant whiplash. He makes many cryptic statements and expects others to understand what he means. Heck, I was in a daze about what he wanted, then did something that threw things off. I suppose the “secrets” affect his actions and how he “handles” them, but come on! Give readers like me (and Sooz) a break and do not just disappear and expect us to be okay about it, especially after some significant development in the storyline. Considering that Ryan and Sooz already have abandonment issues from their pasts, Ryan shouldn’t have done what he did. Ryan should have stated things from the beginning because instead of finding a solution to his “issue” early on, Sooz felt confused, hurt, and betrayed (it was stated that “those who matter” were in on “the secret” – ouch!). It’s not fair to drag readers along and second-guess their emotions. Ryan needs to take responsibility and explain his actions to Sooz.

In summary, Needing You Always is a deep dive into complex emotions, new perspectives, and nuances about family politics/misunderstandings, commitment/disconnection, self-depreciation, abandonment, and misconceptions – public vs. private image. This book brought me distress and anxiety! It kept me on edge from start to finish. I was shattered by “Ryan’s issues,” and even if I might disagree with how the characters handled the “issue,” I respected their reasons…and it did end up with a HEA that is “on the upside.” Many new insights opened my eyes to possible positive outcomes with mutual respect and taking risks within a “safe space.” I realized now that the path to redemption and healing is not as straightforward or “clear-cut” as expected. Sometimes there are no easy answers. It’s a process that takes time, patience, and understanding. It’s a journey of self-discovery and growth. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking a thought-provoking and engaging read.

About the Author

Lizzie Morton is an author of Contemporary Romance and Romantic Suspense.

Her first novel, Always You, was written in her spare time while looking after her first child. Since then Lizzie has become a full-time author, and her first novel has become an international bestseller as part of The Always Trilogy.

Lizzie Morton’s ongoing future projects will include The Always Series, a series spin-off from the trilogy with interconnecting standalones.

When Lizzie isn’t writing, she enjoys reading, binging on Batman, and dancing to Spotify in her kitchen with her three children and Daddy Morton.

Connect with Lizzie:
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For Love Or Honey by Staci Hart

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. A positive review is not required.

Published on: 21 September 2021
Type: HEA, series, standalone
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
Author: Staci Hart
Read: 12 Sept 2021
Shelved: 14 September
Rating: 4 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Get it here: Amazon | Kobo | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Bookbub | Goodreads


When the devil comes to town, you have to meet him head-on.
Which is exactly what I did when Grant Stone rolled into our small Texas town, driving a sports car I could fit in the bed of my truck, wearing a suit as black as his soul. He’s here to acquire mineral rights to half a dozen farms in town.
And there’s no way he’s getting mine.
I don’t make deals with the devil.
So when he challenges me to show him the small town ropes, my motivation is the prospect of seeing him make a fool of himself. He might have an angle, but if he thinks he can finagle me into endangering my bee farm, he’s got another thing coming.
Until the line in the sand is washed away.
My farm in danger. A town in upheaval. A man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
And me in the middle.
When the devil comes to town, you have to meet him head-on.
And when he sneaks into your heart, he’ll only break it.


Jo Blum lives in Lindenbach and works at their family bee farm. The farmland has shale deposits that Flexion wants to buy the rights to mine the c coming into their small town. She is determined to stop Flexion from taking advantage of the townspeople and spreading inaccurate information about fracking. 

Given this, Flexion hires Grant Stone, who goes from farm to farm and convinces them to sell our rights to the shale under their properties. Yes, he is the handsome guy with a hidden agenda that will complicate the story. Things get a lot more tricky with a proposed “challenge” between Jo and Grant.

Without giving away too much, here are a few things I like about For Love or Honey:-

1.) Writing gets better and better with each series!

This book is not my first time reading the author. Since her Austin series, I knew I was a goner! The book is a standalone and part of the Small Town Romance series. Readers can jump into this book or any of the books series. I love how each book she writes evolves into something even better than the last books in the series. The author has polished and strengthened her storytelling abilities in a way that is way polished than her writing from last year. The conflict has more at stake than the rest of the books I have encountered for this author. It’s a whole town!!!

2.) Character transformation for the better.

Both main characters change in this book, and that’s what I love most about books – growing, organic characters – one that comes out better with each other versus alone. 

I love the honesty and vulnerability of Jo and Grant. Ironically, the most vulnerable character between the two is Grant, who seems to be the most “put-together,” but not! As I got to know Grant, he became a relevant character that I was rooting for at the end. 

Coming in, Grant is a “loaded character.” He carries a considerable amount of baggage (hung-ups) that becomes more evident when Jo starts showing him her side of the world – away from his khaki pants, big city glitz, and flashy cars. She shows him the intrinsic value of family, contentment, and happiness. With this, Grant started to look introspectively and realized everything he held necessary before wasn’t anymore. The final’s draw finally crumbled down when an unexpected visitor would later invalidate Grant’s purpose, identity for that character. 

Jo is a strong and memorable character. She is impressionable and embodies family love and duty. I love how her mind works, trying to see if she can “break” or “convert” Grant through the “challenges” she imposes on him. It was sneaky, sly, and ingenious! She didn’t expect her plan to backfire and later exposed her vulnerability by learning to trust Grant. The end product was hilarious yet transformative for everyone.

3.) Well researched background and information.

So many details dived into the bee business, the fracking operations, and family dynamics will make readers keep going. Many of the scenes went into the fracking and bee farm business. The details were overwhelming but enough to help me understand and appreciate the business. 

Note: As I read through the author’s acknowledgment, I found out that the book’s sentiments have some basis on her family heritage and background. It’s cute and adds more to the book’s beauty, like an ode to her family.

4.) Off the charts chemistry!

When Jo and Grant do “hook up,” it was explosive! The joking banters later translate into heated passion and intimacy – HOT HOT HOT! There were many scenes that Jo and Grant took advantage of because they foresaw everything between them as temporary. 

5.) Revisiting interrelated/past characters.

It is nice how the author brought in past characters from the books in the series – in this case, it was from Friends with Benedicts’ Presley and Sebastian. These characters came with a purpose to the story. They either helped Jo and Grant focus on their feelings or reinforced how wonderful they are as individuals. 

I have a short rant. I felt there were a few missing elements at the end. Yes, readers will get the angst and conflict sorted, main characters finding their HEA, and the book never loses the love story of Jo and Grant, BUT I still had more questions! Unanswered questions that were mentioned in the book but had no resolution in the end. Maybe the author felt that things got sorted out in the ending, but I didn’t get it. There were still others in the town that had to give up a lot, so I want to know: (1) what came about with the fundraising effort of Main Street? (2) What will happen to Flexion’s fracking efforts in the town? There were no hints of what will be next on this, but I wish the town well, and Flexion will disappear.

Overall, For Love or Honey is a fun and feel-good read! It is definitely for the “enemies-to-lovers” tropes and the steamy, forced proximity genre readers. The writing is clear and easy to follow. Readers will love the strong, determined, and independent women at the forefront of the book – the Blum women. I liked how all characters grow and evolve to be their best versions, aside from the main characters. I love the book’s message of finding happiness with the right person. This book have you look at honey and bees in a whole new way!

About the Author

Staci Hart has been a lot of things up to this point in her life: a graphic designer, an entrepreneur, a seamstress, a clothing and handbag designer, a waitress. Can’t forget that. She’s also been a mom to three little girls who are sure to grow up to break a number of hearts. She’s been a wife, even though she’s certainly not the cleanest, nor is she the best cook. She’s also super, duper fun at a party–especially if she’s been drinking whiskey–and her favorite word starts with f and ends with k.

From roots in Houston to a seven year stint in Southern California, Staci and her family ended up settling somewhere in between and equally north in Denver, where snow is magic and the mountains have become home. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, gaming, or designing graphics.

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Excerpt Reveal: For Love or Honey by Staci Hart

COMING 21 September 2021!

Check out Staci Hart’s upcoming book, For Love or Honey

Type: HEA, standalone
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
AuthorStaci Hart

Preorder at the sale price today!
Get it here: Amazon | Kobo | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Bookbub | Goodreads


When the devil comes to town, you have to meet him head-on.

Which is exactly what I did when Grant Stone rolled into our small Texas town, driving a sports car I could fit in the bed of my truck, wearing a suit as black as his soul. He’s here to acquire mineral rights to half a dozen farms in town.

And there’s no way he’s getting mine.

I don’t make deals with the devil.

So when he challenges me to show him the small town ropes, my motivation is the prospect of seeing him make a fool of himself. He might have an angle, but if he thinks he can finagle me into endangering my bee farm, he’s got another thing coming.

Until the line in the sand is washed away.

My farm in danger. A town in upheaval. A man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

And me in the middle.

When the devil comes to town, you have to meet him head-on.

And when he sneaks into your heart, he’ll only break it.


I am ready to fall in love with the devil. SO READY. 

We protestors switched gears to Fracking smells, we won’t sell! when a murmur rolled through the rest of the crowd. Movement around the door to city hall caught my attention, and when it opened, I stopped so suddenly, my sister Poppy slammed into the back of me with an oof that left me wondering distantly if she’d smashed the eggs in my backpack.

Because the actual devil himself walked through that door and down the stairs toward the podium.

His hair was the color of a starless night, his jaw chiseled from stone and lips somehow both lush and sharp at the same time. Maybe it was the line they made that felt like a coercion, a temptation. Maybe it was his switchblade eyebrows framing eyes I expected to be as dark and soulless as the rest of him. But they weren’t. They were a blue so intense, I felt their chill in the warm September sun. 

He was the embodiment of power, somehow consuming all air, all attention, all thought, until he was the only person left standing. He clearly knew the art of intimidation, but every sharp edge of him was softened by a lusty sort of charm, the kind that let everyone know that he got what he wanted. Anything he wanted.

Everything he wanted. 

About the Author

Staci Hart has been a lot of things up to this point in her life: a graphic designer, an entrepreneur, a seamstress, a clothing and handbag designer, a waitress. Can’t forget that. She’s also been a mom to three little girls who are sure to grow up to break a number of hearts. She’s been a wife, even though she’s certainly not the cleanest, nor is she the best cook. She’s also super, duper fun at a party–especially if she’s been drinking whiskey–and her favorite word starts with f and ends with k.

From roots in Houston to a seven year stint in Southern California, Staci and her family ended up settling somewhere in between and equally north in Denver, where snow is magic and the mountains have become home. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, gaming, or designing graphics.

Connect with Staci
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Say You Hate Me (Love At Work 4) by Amanda Richardson

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Published on: 11 May 2021
Type: HEA, series, standalone
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Office Romance
Author: Amanda Richardson
Read: 08 May 2021
Shelved: 10 May 2021
Rating: 4/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Get it at : Amazon US| UK | CA | AU
iBooks | Kobo | Barnes & Noble | Argus & Robertson | Mondadori | Global Link | Bookbub | Goodreads


My love life would be almost comical if it weren’t so depressing. Why can’t romance be like it is in the novels I love? I stupidly assume things can’t get any worse, but then I get fired from my job. Good one, universe. Now I have no choice but to work for my brother and his surly business partner, Anderson.

We can’t seem to get on the same page about anything. He’s judgmental and rude, and I can’t stand him. To make matters even more trying, he’s ridiculously hot.


I never agreed to bring on a new marketing manager, and certainly not her. My business partner leads with his heart, and when he hires his sister, her ability to crawl under my skin is insurmountable.

So, why does she make my heart race every time she’s close? When things escalate, I lose all semblance of control, which just makes me angrier. I can’t keep my hands off her, even though she makes me crazy.

Hatred can drive a person insane, but so can love.

The Love at Work Series consists of interconnected standalones, all having to do with falling in love at work. They can be read in ANY order!


Natalia Rossi recently was “let go” by the publishing agency she has worked for since finishing her degree. Her passion is in promoting upcoming authors and books, so it was a massive blow with the “abrupt” dismissal. Luckily, Luca offered a job that he is in dire need of a marketing specialist for Gather, which Natalia is an expert in. She dives in and does an excellent job of helping the company get more “online presence – too bad Anderson keeps undermining her with snide comments and secret meetings to add to her growing suspicions about him.

Anderson Møllen is the CFO of Gather, an emerging health foods-focused company, with Natalia’s twin brother, Luca. He is older than Natalia (and Luca) and has seen his share of life’s ups and downs. He has revived, renewed new and old companies to be one of the most sought-after partners in the business. He is also good friends with Luca and has mutual friends. His first impression of Natalie was not a pleasant one…it was a very odd and frustrating bit.

POVs are from both main characters, but readers will see more from Natalia’s side. The writing is clear and easily relatable, with characters maturing as the story progressed. 

The relationship they have for each other is boarding between hate and passion. It was fascinating to see how the main characters found ways to “one-up” each other while working to make Gather a success. I connected to Natalia more than Anderson since the book discussed more of Natalia’s thoughts and feelings. Anderson remained a mystery to readers, so connecting was more fleeting than I would have hoped. 

Both Natalia and Anderson have character flaws that get resolved on their own at their own time. Note that although there were people around them telling them how to feel and act, it did not fully come into effect until they both rationalize and internalize individually. 

I appreciate the “explosive” moments and the “reflective” times in the book. I love how the book talks about self-love, centering, and open-mind/open-heart to “receive” the world. That was the turning point of the book for me. It helped me understand what happened to Anderson and appreciate the timing. If it came too early in the book, it would have been lost and disjointed for readers. I felt hopeful that no matter what “crazy things’ Anderson does with Natalia’s feelings and with Gather, he will do the right thing.

Although readers are given short summaries randomly in the book, I would have loved to know more about Anderson’s past, which the book did not explore much in detail. There is a short talk about his family relationships, his work ethics, and even his previous personal relationships. It is sad since I believe that given more time, the author could have disclosed more to understand what he went through. I do not know if this is a technique for a mysterious effect and impact his possible shady actions, but we get to know and understand Natalia’s POV more in the end.

The story takes a turn ¾ths of the way – not only one but more than, and it will change everything for everyone – walls going down, truths spewing out, and feelings, the most evaded concern, are addressed. I liked it a lot, especially when the characters (even the minor ones) realize the importance of “seizing the day” than trying to “block out” relationships for fear of being hurt later on. My advice to readers is to keep reading even when you feel otherwise.

Overall, Say You Hate Me will appeal to enemies-to-lovers, bully romance, forced proximity, and workplace romance genre tropes. Its message is clear – do not judge anyone on the surface. I have to give it to the author – the steamy scenes between Natalia and Anderson are worth the read and epic in many ways. The passion is there, but I didn’t particularly appreciate how Anderson could go hot and cold with Natalia and the company dealings. It is a worthy read for the steamy interactions and character development. Both characters matured exponentially in the book, which always makes a book worth reading. 

Meet Amanda Richardson

I’m a photographer turned travel writer turned indie romance author (a jack of all trades?) I write books with relatable heroines and charismatic, mysterious heroes. So, how’d I go from a travel writer to a romance author? I won a prestigious travel writing award, got gifted with a huge travel writing assignment… and was then told by my mentor that my writing was better suited to writing books. So here I am!
I live in Los Angeles with my husband, two adorable sons, and two cats. I’m a coffee lover (plain with just a splash of milk, in case you were wondering) and my husband and I collect houseplants like they’re going out of style. I’m obsessed with the royal family (my first book was a romantic mystery involving a descendant of the Tudors… it will never see the light of day…) and I love to travel. Even though travel writing didn’t work out, I still dream up rich settings for each of my books.

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Reign: A Romance Anthology by Nina Levine, Penny Dee, Bec McMaster, K.E. Osborn, Addison Jane, Emma James, Liz Lovelock, Kally Ash, Kat T. Masen, Evie Mitchell, Corinne Mazille, Leesa Bow, J.A. Low

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Published on: 09 February 2021
Type: HEA, standalone
Genre: Romance Anthology, Dark Romance, Suspense/Mystery Romance
Author: Nina Levine | Penny Dee | Bec McMaster | K.E. Osborn, Addison Jane | Emma James | Liz Lovelock | Kally Ash | Kat T. Masen | Evie Mitchell | Corinne Mazille | Leesa Bow | J.A. Low
Read: 01 February 2021
Shelved: 06 February 2021
Rating: 5 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Get it here:
Amazon | Kobo | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Bookbub | Goodreads


They say that power changes a person.
Love changes them more.

Long may they reign…

You find them in the boardroom. The throne room. The bedroom.
They burn brighter than the rest.
They wield power as easily as they breathe.
They stop at nothing to get what they want.

Royalty, CEOs, mafia kings, demons, and more.
When love conquers, will they fall to their knees for the person they can’t live without?

Reign is a collection of thirteen brand new romance novellas featuring men and women who rule their empires but not their hearts.


I enjoy anthologies since it’s a great deal. In this case, Reign consists of fifteen standalone short stories from a great group of authors. Each story is unique and fascinating in its own right.

Illusive – The Exiled Eight MC by Addison Jane

The start was very catchy, and it is a dark romance, but I enjoyed getting to know Zoey and the Huntsman. It’s got your mystery/suspense and some hot men as protectors. Both main characters try to deny the off-the-charts magnetism but their “control” falters as Fate has other plans.

Little Bird by Kally Ash

Wren Montana is one tough cookie and a protective sister who had to go up against Bane Rivera, a mob boss. Instead of just paying off a debt, she gets more than she bargained from with this successful drop-gorgeous billionaire. This story screams your dark erotic romance that was borne on a mistake then turned into something “more” in the end.

Surrendered Hearts by Nina Levine

Emilia and Javier have the love-hate passion that readers will love. I like how it reminds me of “War of the Roses” but more firey steamy scenes. This mafia-cartel story is full of suspense, drama, and fast-paced action that will make readers set on edge until the last chapter. It has its share of heartaches and disappointments that come crashing out that will bring readers down to their knees in pain.

King of the Boroughs by Penny Dee

Bella and Alessandro is a story of young love and ageless promises that turns sour. Heartache and disappointments in the name of family, secrets, and honor were prominent. It recalls a bit of Romeo & Juliet with a few twists and dark, steamy attraction. 

This story will make readers believe in everlasting/transcendent love through the years, even if both are stubborn to a fault. Both main characters have to work through their “issues” to get to their “forever.” The ending was exhilarating! 

The Unwanted Crown by K. E. Osborn

Savannah and Hunter’s introduction has an unusual yet truthful story of family history and obligations, an unexpected plot twist, and a side of danger. Savannah’s story is filled with secrets that her family kept well-hidden from her until it implodes in the middle of the story. What she decides will shape her family legacy to be. To add to the conflict, someone in her past comes back that threatens everything. 

There is no denying the chemistry of Savannah and Hunter together – sizzling! The problem is that Savannah is also not willing to conform to what society dictates for her. Her unwillingness to accept her “new role” brings tension to the whole story wherein she starts seeing things without her “rose-colored glasses.” The main characters get to grow and mature even within a few chapters. It is a great story about forgiveness, growth, and responsibility. 

Three’s a Crown by JA Low

A unique and extraordinary retelling of a classic fairytale with a twist – reverse harem style (aka “why-choose romance”) is the perfect addition to this anthology! Basing on the title, it should be a dead giveaway on what it is.

Augustine is the prince looking for a suitable mate to honor his family’s legacy. With his best friend Greyson, Augustine’s search for his mate proved to be a tough one, especially someone who would agree on their “particular arrangement.” This story is one that will rock the monarchy!

The Trouble With Love by Kat T. Masen

A father-daughter relationship story about transitioning to being independent, The Trouble With Love will make readers remember their own youthful experiences – trials and tribulations of finding one’s identity in the sea of people. It brings past friendships and young love in its theme as readers get sucked into Amelia Edward’s world. I liked this story’s honesty, and yes, heartbreak is inevitable, but this makes the characters all mature and faces the truth of life – its fragility and uncertainty.

Prince of Ruin by Bec McMaster

This book is a paranormal romance with an espionage/suspense flavor. It will blur the fine line between love, passion, lust, and hunger between two forbidden entities. A “fallen world” and an on-going war raging on Earth, Sera is tasked to get an urgent item that will tip the scales to victory. Whose victory is the question? Who is really saving who? And what will do you do when faced with the only person you gave your heart and soul to but betrayed you in the end?

**This story got to me because it reminds me of Dante’s Inferno and City of Angels – I cried ugly my heart out on this story. The last two chapters of this story will make a massive impact. It will be raw and honest. Be ready to C-R-U-M-B-L-E!

The Marriage Claim by Evie Mitchell

A young reluctant princess takes on the Crown as queen when tragedy struck. Ruling independently after years as a single Queen has not yielded much confidence in her people. She is expected to find a suitable mate to lead beside her and solidify her reign. Her people are pressuring her to find a mate and produce an heir. The problem is Queen Katherine needs someone who would accept and support her given her position, someone who would NOT capitalize on her title, and most importantly, someone who will love and laugh with her as Katherine. It is a tough one, plus wanting love in the mix – next to impossible. Her journey in finding her “right” match is fascinating and brings her back to her childhood, where the seeds of love sprouted and bloomed.

Stardust by Leesa Bow

This story is a sports romance with a newly traded athlete, Dustin, starting in a new place, with new teammates, at the same time, trying his best to prove that he is worthy of the trade. But a chance meeting with the princess of a biker gang in the city changed everything for Dustin. This relationship turned simple to complicated when it was up to Dustin and his family to rescue a captive princess from a fortress.

Queen of the V by Liz Lovelock

This story is a rom-com on fake relationships, a chance meeting, and witty bantering. It has a strong female protagonist, Dylan, who needs to have her mother off her back regarding finding a man and having babies. The solution walked into her clinic when Cole’s friend played a prank that involved “wasting” Dylan’s time. What happens next are a few more funny moments between Dylan and Cole that will have readers chuckling non-stop. I enjoyed this book, especially with its excellent character development. These characters later discover as they keep their “facade” that there are “more things underneath” than meets the eye. It is a great story to round out this anthology.

King’s Gambit by Emma James

This story is a romance suspense/mystery story set in the future. It focuses on an unfortunate event that unexpectedly bound Queenie and Bradford from merely a one-night stand into a “rabbit hole” of circumstances and encounters with a group so of alpha-doms who help Queenie get back on her feet and rescue what is rightfully hers. It brings a strong female protagonist in a world ruled and manipulated by men. It is refreshing to see this no-excuse, no non-sense lady take on the world in this story. 

Runaway Princess by Corinne Mazille

This story is a motorcycle (MC) theme of a lost princess, Sofia, who later found her strength from within to take back the life she hoped. Sofia’s a successful businesswoman, only to be shadowed by her parental expectations of marrying well and “keeping appearances.” It took a dark and brooding biker, Jett, to overcome her fears and leap into her rightful place because she did “runaway” from someone. That someone comes back to find her and threatens her, and everything holds dear – including Jett. I love her friends – Brad and Maya, who played essential roles in the story. It was an enjoyable read.

All in all, Reign is a worthy read. It has a diverse option of romance to satisfy all types of romance readers. Each of the stories has strong female protagonists who balance out the alpha dominants in each story – no matter which era. This story will give you a full range of emotions you wouldn’t realize you have in such a short chapter. It will provide you with the highs, lows, disappointments, euphoria, and hope. Also, all of the stories will surely make a lasting impression. 

It was hard to choose, but my favorites are Prince of Ruin, The Marriage Claim, and Illusive – The Exiled Eight MC.

About the Authors

Nina Levine

I’ve always written from around the age of twelve. Back then, I used to create my own newspaper and write all the articles for it. I’d photocopy the pages and distribute to my family. The crazy stuff we do as kids! My teens were filled with writing in my journals and then later, I began writing stories. I always featured as the main female who fell in love, usually with whichever rockstar I was infatuated with at the time. More crazy shit lol. At around age sixteen, I collaborated on a story with a friend. She’d take our book home one night and write a chapter, and then I’d take it home the next night. I wrote my first sex scene back then. I remember having to flick through one of my mother’s romances for tips on that lol.

Anyway, as I grew and attended uni (don’t judge me, but I’ve started four degrees now and not finished one), had a child and started accumulating all the baggage of life, writing fell to the background. I wrote every now and then, usually finishing a chapter or two and then putting the story back down to get back to life and paying bills. Then came Fifty Shades…

I was obsessed with indie authors after reading Fifty Shades and then Beautiful Disaster. My nights and weekends were filled with reading and being a part of the indie community online. I pulled my notepads out and began writing again. At that time, I was studying a psychology degree and loving it, but my lifetime dream of publishing a book came back into view as I learned about self publishing. In late 2013, I decided to put my studies on hold to take a shot at making my dream come true. I published Storm on the 21st November that year and haven’t looked back. That book sold thousands of copies and then my second book, Fierce, hit the USA Today Bestseller list three months later. I quit my job a couple of months after that and have written full time ever since. I’ve also been blessed to travel the world meeting readers at signings, and visiting countries I never thought I’d see. 

I was almost 40 when I achieved my dream. Never ever give up on what you want in life.

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Penny Dee

I’ve written stories for as long as I can remember. I wrote my first book when I was five. It was called The Goodies and it was about a drive to the shops to get milk. It was amazing. It was also brilliantly illustrated in orange felt tip pen because I was all about the awesomeness when I was five years old.

Skip forward a few decades… and I write romance, erotic romance and romantic suspense. And MC romance. And rockstar romance. And contemporary romance. Hell, if they’re romancing then I’m writing it. I feel really fortunate because I get to meet interesting characters every single day—fictional characters who shock the hell out of me! I never know where their story is going until they lead me there. They’re in charge. They can be bossy and demanding. Sometimes a little impatient and frustrating. And let me tell you, they don’t understand the concept of quiet time.

No. I am not crazy.

When you write fiction, you share your grey matter with a lot of characters. Characters who show up unannounced and demand to be put to paper.

Fictional characters aside, I also like to hear from real humans so don’t be shy, drop me a line and say hi.

I promise you. I am not crazy.

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Bec McMaster

I’m a writer. Dreamer. Travel Addict. And enthusiastic-if-not-perfect baker. I’ll honestly admit that I don’t always follow the recipe, be it cooking, or writing romances.

If I’m not sitting in front of the computer, I’m probably plotting my next world trip. Or eating chocolate. Sometimes I run. Because…chocolate. I grew up on a steady diet of 80’s fantasy movies like Ladyhawke, Labyrinth and The Princess Bride, and love creating epic, fantasy-based worlds with heroes and heroines who must defeat all the odds to have their HEA.

I live in a country town in Australia, with my very own beta hero, Byron; Kobe, a dog who will eat anything (even used teabags); and demanding chickens, Siggy and Lagertha.

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K.E. Osborn

I often get asked, ‘How did you become a writer?’ There’s a simple answer to this question and a far more deep and meaningful version.

I’ll start with the simple answer. Back in 2012, I had a dream, not like Martin Luthor King, just a straightforward dream one night of a scene. It wasn’t unusual for me to have animated dreams, but this particular dream was so vivid it stuck with me. So the next morning, I made my way to my computer and decided to type out that scene.

That dream was about a couple meeting under unusual and humorous circumstances, and this became my first book, Trust Me. I didn’t know how to properly format a manuscript, how to even place dialogue tags correctly. All I wanted to do was write the story brewing in my mind, so I did, and the words kept flowing. That one scene turned into a full-length novel, which then escalated into a four-book series.

Now for the more deep and meaningful answer to the original question. How did you become a writer? It may sound cliché, but I believe that writers aren’t made—they’re born. I didn’t know I wanted to head down this path until that dream woke something inside me—a calling, if you will. Since that day in 2012, when I began writing, I haven’t looked back.

So, did I become a writer? No, I AM a writer. I was born a writer, and I hope to always be one.

Since my first book Trust Me was published on September 7, 2013, I have written many stories. These include series, standalones, anthologies, collaborations, and co-authoring with another talented author. I’ve branched out into various genres, Rock Stars, MC Romance, Suspense Romance, Sports Romance, and Rom-Com, just to name a few. Through all this, my love for the written word only grows with every book I publish.

I strive to bring you, my readers, my best work every time because I want to produce what I want to read. Every character has a little piece of me in them—and a giant piece of my heart.

So I hope you will take this journey with me.
Welcome to the world of K E Osborn.
I hope you enjoy the ride!

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Addison Jane

Addison Jane is a born and bred kiwi girl with a passion for romance and writing.
When she gets the chance she enjoys the little things in life such as reading, dancing, music, and Facebook, but her world really revolves around the little girl who calls her Mum. It’s an awkward balance between alpha males and Disney princesses but it works.
Growing up on a small farm next to the beach will always make her a country girl at heart. But since moving away to a small town close to the city she’s discovered a dangerous love for shopping.
Writing stories has been something that’s come naturally since she was young, and with the massive support of her friends and family, she finally decided to step out of her comfort zone and share them with the world.
She enjoys bringing her books to life with strong female leads, sexy passionate men and a rollercoaster of twists and turns that lead to the happily ever after that her readers desire.

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Emma James

Emma James is the author of the completed Hell’s Bastard series, a jaw-dropping, highly addictive, unpredictable, sexy, and very twisted dark suspense/thriller series and also the much-loved Men of Ocean Beach series.

Emma writes in multi-genre and loves to keep the reader guessing with all the twists and turns found in her stories. Always expect the unexpected.

One consistent thing with her stories is love will always rise from the ashes.

Marley, her black Labrador, is the inspiration for Bear in Men of Ocean Beach series. Morrison, the family pet rescue cat, who has many OCDs, will be grabbing some of the limelight in a future standalone because the dude rocks the ‘tude.

She likes Pina Coladas, but not getting caught in the rain.

Emma takes regular zen breaks from her writing to listen to and stare at the ocean because you only live once, might as well stare at the sea when you can.

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Liz Lovelock

Liz is from bright sunny Queensland, Australia. She has always been a reader. When she was little she would be up late reading Garfield and Asterix comic books and also Footrot Flats. When she hit high school she read Tomorrow When the War Began by John Marsden and from there, her love of books continued to grow. She always has a book to read beside her bed along with a notebook for when inspiration hits at those crazy hours.

She is a stationary addict and a one-click addict. She loves everything books, authors and of course loves chocolate and lollies to keep her going.

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Kally Ash

Kally Ash is a USA Today Bestselling  Author whose passions include curling up with a good book, devouring chocolate and getting kitty cuddles. Tempt Me is her debut novel, and the first book in a three book series.

Some of her unicorn authors include Sawyer Bennett, Elizabeth Hayley and Haley Jenner.

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Kat T. Masen

Born and bred in Sydney Australia, Kat T. Masen is a mother to four crazy boys and wife to one sane husband. Growing up in a generation where social media and fancy gadgets didn’t exist, she enjoyed reading from an early age and found herself immersed in these stories. After meeting friends on twitter who loved to read as much as she did, her passion to write began and the friendships continued on despite the distance. “I’m known to be crazy and humorous. Show me the most random picture of a dog in a wig and I’ll be laughing for days.”

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Evie Mitchell

Evie Mitchell is a thirty-something woman who loves dirty books, bad boys and men who know how to treat their woman right. She specializes in dirty reads for curious minds.

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Corinne Mazille

My name is Corinne Mazille, and I love to write romance in all different tropes. I started writing a lot later in life, but once an idea formed in my head after reading hundreds of books, I couldn’t stop. Coming up with characters and worlds is so much fun, and I can’t wait until I can do this fulltime.

I never really thought of myself as being artistic, but years ago, I did start a makeup course because I would have loved to work on movie sets, but real life got in the way and a job opportunity arose that I couldn’t turn down. But I still have a massive love of makeup and can very easily spend hours watching make up tutorials on youtube.

And I am blessed with a daughter who I have trained well. She loves to play with makeup, although I do find pieces missing from time to time.

We are also huge Disney fans in this house, and we are currently planning our next trip, this time hoping to get to Disney World.

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Leesa Bow

Leesa writes contemporary, and new adult romance. She especially loves to read and write sport romance after living it through her elite sporting family. In her spare time Leesa enjoys watching basketball and football, having beach days with the family, catching up for coffee with girlfriends, and taking long walks along one of the beautiful beaches in South Australia. Leesa is a member of the Romance Writer’s of Australia (RWA) and the South Australian Romance Authors (SARA).

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J.A. Low

JA Low lives on a faraway beach in Australia. When she’s not writing steamy scenes and admiring hot surfers, she’s tending to her husband and two sons, and dreaming up the next epic romance.

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Feisty (The Do-Over 3) by Julia Kent

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Published on: 28 January 2020
Type: HEA, standalone, series
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Author: Julia Kent
Read: 17 January 2021
Shelved: 18 January 2021
Rating: 4/ 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Get it here: (99¢ for a limited time only!)
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Google Play | Bookbub | Goodreads


I’m not too proud to admit that finding Mr. Right involves swiping right. Right? Welcome to dating in avocado toastland.

Here I am, on my first blind date, ever, courtesy of a smartphone app and my two annoying best friends.

So what is Chris “Fletch” Fletcher doing, walking across the room, looking at his phone like he’s pattern matching a picture to find a real person he’s never met before?


Oh, no.

The guy I drop-kicked in seventh grade cannot be my blind date. The guy who earned me this infernal nickname.

That’s right.


More from New York Times bestselling author Julia Kent as Fiona “Feisty” Gaskill gets her chance at love – drop-kick included.


Disclosure: Traumatic events discussed and relived in this book. Things like a potential school shooting/siege/hostage, kidnapping, violence, and reliving it might be triggers for some, and it all happened in the first few chapters of the book. Readers take heed.

Fiona “Feisty” Gaskill is a nursery school teacher. She is a spiritual person – finding her calm through nature and the earth’s energy. That energy helped save her and her students when an out-of-control parent decided to storm their small classroom. Fiona’s quick wit and heroic actions in defending her “space” and the kids were all caught on camera, and she later becomes a viral sensation!

Chris “Fletch” Fletcher is a paramedic and is the uncle of Mattie, who the out-of-control parent who stormed Fiesty’s preschool. He was the first responder on the scene and was the one who comforted Fiona and “grounded” her. It was an overwhelming sight for readers, I am sure.

I have been following The Do-Over series since Book 1 came out. A few of the series’ characters are present, but readers do not need to read the other books from the series to start Feisty.

The story is from a single POV – Fiona’s. The writing is smart, sharp, and witty. There was a lot of humor infused that balanced off the internal struggles of Fiona with her feelings. It talks a lot about redemption for both main characters, not only Fiona.

Note that the book may run slow. It can be considered a slow-burn book. A lot of Fiona’s thoughts heavily depended on the spiritual and energy connections around her. Readers may find this complicated, but I appreciated this since I believe in it. (Some call this gut-instinct or “intuition.”)

Fiona’s a very emotional and spiritual character that will make you feel everything she does as she tries to explain herself to everyone around her, including self-talking to herself in many situations. What she did to save her students, then later to reenact them again, is astounding. The traumatic experience did leave an impression on her, but not how readers will expect. 

I enjoyed discovering the “real Fiona,” especially the internal fights between her old self versus her new self. The latter being the social media sensation that brought women empowerment to Anderhill, Massachusetts.

Self-awareness is a double-edged sword. After a while, I can sense when one self inside me is fooling another self. You would think the clarity would help.
Instead, it just threatens the piece of me that is avoiding pain. It’s like the universe is conspiring to put us together.

— Feisty (The Do-Over 3), Julia Kent

Since readers only see Fiona’s POV, Fletch’s POV was critical for me. After his “encounter” with Fiona, it made a big impression on how he turned out in the book – this is HUGE! 

It is not often that teenagers realize the gravity of their actions unless it impacts them. The author talks about how Fletcher reflected on his actions – listening to women’s words and taking heed. This topic is an important one and applies to everyone, not only women. The author talks about empowerment and self-worth while quashing self-entitlement and misinterpretation. It is refreshing to have someone (anyone) in the book community tackle this topic, especially from the male’s perspective. Fletch does talk a lot that made me smile at what happened after he got his “shiner” from Fiona.

The “push-pull moments” between Fletcher and Fiona are stellar. Both grew individually and separately after their “encounter,” but their attraction is “fated.” Their in-book chemistry was explosive and volatile, wherein Fiona goes hot and cold all at the same time since she felt everything. 

“Did you kiss her again?” he demands.
Candi makes a snorted sound.
“Yes,” Chris confesses.
“Then you have to marry her!”

Feisty, Julia Kent

I felt terrible for Fletcher in a lot of book scenes as he knew that Fiona needed “space,” even if readers all know how it would end. He gave what he can and more. I believe them when they mentioned that “it was easy” – most likely because they connect beyond the physical but emotional/spiritual. Fiona being so emphatic, absorbs all the good, the bad, and in-between everything around her that she needed others to help her make sense of her “new feelings” for Fletcher that the latter gladly and patiently did throughout the book.

I miss Perky and Mallory from Books 1 and 2. They were how I remembered them. They both give readers a good balance of uncensored jokes, reality-checks, and unending laugh out banter that will be ingrained in your heads! 

In summary, I enjoyed Feisty. It is not your typical enemies-to-lovers rom-com and instead brings focus on the growth, maturity, and personal development of the main characters. The trauma of the past, if left unresolved, will find a way to resurface and make a person face it head-on – old self versus new self. Having Fate conspiring against Fiona’s wishes to avoid Fletcher is the best part of the book and will make readers believe in “meant-to-be” because it is true for both of them! Fletcher seems to have done a lot of “work” on himself in the past after his “lesson” from Fiona made him the best candidate/partner for Fiona to face and later “marry” her two selves into the best version of herself for everyone.

Energy doesn’t lie. People do. People can fool themselves, use denial as a tool, create defense mechanism that look like artwork. But energy? It just is. And when you fall for the right person, it’s the same way.
It just…is

Feisty (The Do-Over 3), Julia Kent

About the Author

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Julia Kent writes romantic comedy with an edge. From billionaires to BBWs to new adult rock stars, Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every contemporary romance she writes. Unlike Shannon from Shopping for a Billionaire, she did not meet her husband after dropping her phone in a men’s room toilet (and he isn’t a billionaire). She lives in New England with her husband and three sons in a household where the toilet seat is never, ever, down

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In celebration of the release of Feisty, a giveaway is being run! Up for grabs is a $25 winner’s choice gift card!

This Blitz-wide giveaway is open internationally. The giveaway ends February 4.

Join now with the link below!
Head-on to Rafflecopter here.

Good luck!

Shaken (Twisted Fox 2) by Charity Farrell

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest and voluntary review.

Published on: 22 September 2020
Type: standalone, series, HEA
Description: enemies-to-lovers, workplace romance
Author: Charity Ferrell
Read: 14 September 2020
Shelved: 15 September 2020
Get Shaken here: Amazon | Amazon WW | Apple Books | B&N | Google Play | Kobo
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Rating: 4 out of 5.


A see yourself out note isn’t how you want to celebrate the morning after your first one-night stand.
The first time I meet Archer Callahan is when I block him in a parking spot.
The second is a fender bender.
The third is at a bar, drinking away our problems, and finding our way to his bed.
I never expected to see him again.
That changes when a month later, he’s introduced as my brother’s new business partner.
In need of a job, I’m hired at their bar, much to Archer’s dismay.
We hate each other.
We’re off-limits.
But every time we’re together, flashbacks of that night shake through us.
We push, we pull, until one of us breaks.

Add Shaken to your Goodreads to-read list!

Also available in THE TWISTED FOX SERIES:

Book 1 – Stirred (Cohen and Jamie’s story)
Amazon | Amazon WW | Apple Books | B&N | Google Play | Kobo

Book 2 – Shaken (Archer and Georgia’s story)
Amazon | Amazon WW | Apple Books | B&N | Google Play | Kobo

Book 3 – Straight Up (Lincoln and Cassidy’s story *PREORDER*
Amazon | Amazon WW | Apple Books | B&N | Google Play | Kobo

Book 4 – Chaser (Finn and Grace’s story) *PREORDER*
Amazon US | Amazon World | Apple Books | B&N | Google Play | Kobo

Book 5 – Last Round (Silas and Lola’s story) *PREORDER*
Amazon | Amazon WW | Apple Books | B&N | Kobo


Georgia Fox is a good heart, optimist, and fun-loving gal but has an uncanny way of attracting herself into embarrassing situations like a fly to honey. She is the epitome of clumsiness and “Murphy’s Law” scenarios that I’ve currently encountered. No matter how much she tries, she somehow gets entangled with Archer Callahan too many times and in the oddest of situations that one would think Fate was playing a good joke on them. Georgia somehow ended up with Archer/Chase later realizes that Archer and her would be connected more than just one night.

Archer Callahan (aka “Chase Smith”) is a disappointed man. He’s been let-down by his family too many times. He wanted nothing to do with the family business, let alone with his disappointing father but had to work there…until one day, he decided that he had enough. He traded-in being kind to being career-driven. He just learned to be the worst person and show it to the world. He wanted a simple and quiet life. He discovers later that it’s not mean to be and his partner and good friend, Cohen, is the brother of Georgia who he had slept with!

Throughout the years, I’ve learned the easiest approach for convincing people to leave you alone is for them to dread your presence. No one wants to hang out with the brooding bastard.

Archer, Shaken

The chemistry is very intense and passionate – love/hate going on as early as the very first chapter! I love the banter that goes on between them! There were a lot of “coincidental meetings” for Archer and Georgia in the book. These meet-ups are the ones I look forward to since these are the absolute funniest part of the book. I snicked, chuckled, and laughed my way through their volleying remarks. Both of them seems to be keeping score each time!

Georgia doesn’t take anything that Archer throws at her “sitting/lying-down”. She stood up and defended herself, even as she gets distracted with all is stature (very tall, I might add). On the other side, Archer, as he gets riled up, also gets distracted in his mind on what was going on between his brain and Grace.

All joking around aside, both characters do have their own “issues”. During those low points, they ironically also bumped into each other. Their own histories are sad – definitely family issues. It is rare but they did try their best to be resilient and “move-on” with their issues and from their attraction. There is a lot of “pushing-pulling” going on …most on Archer’s part. It’s a lot of gut-wrenching confessions and more fights. I agree with Georgia’s friends that she needs to think of putting herself first at the end of all this.

The story spans weeks or sometimes months, which is nice and realistic to make the characters grow and realize how they are denying themselves the happiness that they both deserve. The story takes readers into Archer’s world with his new business and later his strained interactions with his family and the legacy that he has to face.

Georgia is a brave, and a very forgiving person – a saint! She is a big fan of second chances and is always on the positive side of life. She takes on the same attitude with Archer by giving so many chances to fess up but each time, he goes off and throws it to her face due to his fear and insecurities. She is also responsible for having Cohen and their mother work things out in the end..she’s a pure joy to read up about!

The thing with me is, my heart survives a beating. It can get fractured in every way possible, nearly destroyed, and I’ll still pick up every piece. I”ll gather them one by one and then hand them over to someone even more reckless.

Georgia, Shaken

Archer’s story and background were not fully realized till far closer to the end – with why he’s been putting himself “down” with being with anyone. There was no way to have Archer “leap” into a relationship due to his “heavy past” and it all goes really full-on gut-wrenching each time. His ‘defeatist attitude’ is a downer and there are so many times that I wanted to “shake” him out of that slump of “doom and gloom” attitude. Ironically, his story unfolds later on before Georgia, and what she discovers about him that she realizes how best to help Archer in the end. Thank goodness!

She is the calm to my storm.

Archer, Shaken

The ending is beautiful. It took some time but that’s the reality with people who needs to get over things by themselves with their support system in place. For Archer, Georgia was the support system that he needed. She is a great woman to keep “fighting” for them, even if she feels that Archer has given up countless times. (Those are the times I just get so angry with him!) Without giving anything away, I am sure the readers will agree that the Charity did a great job of ‘weaving’ their story beautifully in the end.

Love is when you want to wake up every single day and prove to the other person that you’ll work on being a better person than you were the day before — a better love, a better friend.

Archer, Shaken

I recommend this book for readers who love enemies becoming lovers, second chance romances, and hot steamy chemistry! I really appreciate the length and build-up that will ensure the characters really dig deep to mature and grow for each other – to be better versions of themselves to their loved ones in the end.

About Charity

Charity Ferrell resides in Indianapolis, Indiana with her boyfriend and two fur babies. She loves writing about broken people finding love with a dash of humor and heartbreak, and angst is her happy place.

When she’s not writing, she’s making a Starbucks run, shopping online, or spending time with her family.

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Open House (Uptown, #2) by Ruby Lang

Published on:  11 November 2019
Published by: Carina Press
Type: standalone, series, HEA
AuthorRuby Lang
Read: 11 September 2020
Shelved: 12 September 2020
Get hereAmazon USA
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Rating: 4 out of 5.


Love can take root where you least expect it.

Tyson Yang never imagined that one day he’d be the de facto spokesperson for an illegal community garden. But when the once-rat-infested-but-now-thriving Harlem lot goes up for sale, Ty can’t just let all their hard work get plowed under.

Even if he is irresistibly drawn to the lovely but infuriatingly stubborn real estate associate.

Magda Ferrer’s family is already convinced this new job will be yet another flop in her small but growing list of career path failures. But her student debt isn’t going anywhere, and selling her uncle’s historic town house and the lot nearby means a chance to get some breathing room.

Ty is her charming rival, her incorrigible nemesis, the handsome roadblock to her success.

Until one hot Harlem night blurs the hard line drawn between them, and the seeds of possibility in this rocky garden blossom into love…

Uptown series
Book 1: Playing House
Book 2: Open House
Book 3: House Rules


Magda Ferrer is a feisty young African-Latina woman who just wants to sell her uncle’s brownstone apartment and an empty lot, get the broker commission, and to pay off her student loans. Is that too much to ask? Supposedly, yes, it was too much especially to the “gardeners” who want to make sure to maintain their vegetable garden on the lot as part of the community versus the lot be flattened by developers.

Tyson Young is a young accountant who refuses to establish relationships with anyone, especially in his home community. The community garden is just a place where he didn’t have to think about work, his mother’s cancer, and his father’s “abandonment” after his mother passing. Somehow, he slowly started getting involved with the community’s endeavor to save the garden without realizing it. His sister was the one who pointed out to him that he was steadily changing. There were other changes in his life after that revelation and started shifting his priorities that was making him happy.

This is not your typical “contemporary love story”. Yes, there was some attraction and then there are the “hate-you” parts but a lot of the story is about internal self-discoveries and finding fulfillment in whatever way you can find. It was a slow-burn type of story wherein both main characters gave space for each of them to grow – very similar to how you would treat plants so there is some parallel to let things settle and flourish in its own time.

You might not always have time, but I have patience.

Tyson, Open House

I love the humor of the other cast of characters who supported and “nudged” the main characters out of their “comfort zones” and become the best versions of themselves. It is a tough balance between being the “good guy” while at the same time, still doing one’s job. These characters subtly to make the right decision with regards to the properties and with each other. Their families and friends empowered Magda and Tyson to believe that they can make a difference and still take on their responsibilities as urban preservers and responsible paying adults.

Magda thought of all the instances when Keith had told her she wasn’t aggressive enough, that she was too naive, and she didn’t have enough experience. And she reminded herself o how this business was built on relationships – clear-eyed relationships.

Open House, Ruby Lang

Readers may find the pace slow but remember that this book talks more about each main character’s identity based on their situation alone…meaning, there is no real ‘getting-to-know-you” as a couple but more of finding one’s own purpose and what Tyson and Magda want to be “remembered as”. They start a relationship, not solely due to attraction but because of their purpose: for Magda, to prove to herself that she can accomplish and finish something, while for Tyson: to learn how to start caring again about life and the people around him.

I recommend this book for people who seem to feel that their life is not what it seems. The book shows readers that there are other ways to find happiness and “be relevant” to people; you just need to not give up on finding it. I like how the main characters came together from different sides to resolve the community’s problem that later evolved to something bigger than themselves. They also found each other in the process.

Imagine my surprise to find something really different here, something beautiful and something that honors this neighborhood. It’s as if all the things buried here rose up again, thrived. They always wanted to live and they created a new life for themselves.”

Open House, Ruby Lang


Ruby Lang is the author of the acclaimed Practice Perfect series and the Uptown series. Her alter ego, Mindy Hung, wrote about romance novels (among other things) for The Toast. Her work has also appeared in The New York TimesThe WalrusBitch,  and other fine venues. She enjoys running (slowly), reading (quickly),  and ice cream (at any speed). She lives in New York with a small child  and a medium-sized husband.

The Good Stuff
I was born in Vancouver, Canada, and raised in Winnipeg. When I was  younger, I wanted to be fast-talking journalist Hildy Johnson from His Girl Friday but lacked verbal speed (and the ability to look good in hats) so I  became a hatless and hapless editor instead. I have a scar on my leg  from zipping down a banister in fifth grade. I also once slid down the  escalator banister at the Westin Emerald Plaza in San Diego but  sustained no lasting damage—except perhaps to my dignity. 

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Author Feature: Kennedy Fox for Keep My Heart (Top Shelf Romance Collection Book 7)

Top Shelf Romance is bringing you the best modern classics of romance in Collection #7, KEEP MY HEART, featuring FOUR bestselling books from authors: Lex Martin, Kennedy Ryan, Kennedy Fox, W Winters!!

Keep My Heart will be releasing on September 8th

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Every mood has its book.⁣

When you crave something exceptional, exciting and enchanting, Top Shelf Romance promises this and more.⁣

Checkmate: This is War

Travis King is the worst kind of a**hole.
He taunts me for being a good girl and mocks my high standards.
He’s cruel, crass, and has enough confidence to last two lifetimes.
And I hate him.
It wouldn’t matter so much if he were avoidable.
But considering he’s my older brother’s best friend and roommate, I see him more than I’d ever want to.
His sculpted abs and gorgeous eyes are wasted on such an arrogant man, which makes me hate him even more.
Even though I’ve had a crush on him since I was ten, the feelings weren’t mutual and he’s made that very clear.
He’s always loved getting under my skin and one night against my better judgment, I let him in my bed.
I’ve succumbed to his manw**re ways, but that doesn’t change a thing.
Because the King is about to get played at his own game–and lose.


**Recommend for ages 18+ due to sexual content and adult language.**

Checkmate: This is Love

Viola Fisher is the epitome of perfection.
She despises my one-night stands and mocks my less-than-classy habits.
She’s smart, beautiful, and too good to be true.
And I want her.
If she were anyone else, I’d have made my move years ago, but considering she’s my best friend’s little sister, she’s always been off-limits. Not to mention how much she loathes my very existence.
Hating me is her religion, but needing her is mine. Her sexy curves and filthy smart mouth make me want her even more, and I’m more determined than ever to change her mind.
I’ll prove I’m done playing games.
But until then, we’ll continue to play by her rules.
Viola Fisher may have won the battle, but the war isn’t over yet.

Checkmate, princess. 

About the Author Duo:

Brooke Cumberland & Lyra Parish are a duo of romance authors who teamed up to write under the USA Today Bestselling pseudonym, Kennedy Fox. They share a love of Hallmark movies & overpriced coffee. When they aren’t bonding over romantic comedies, they like to brainstorm new book ideas. One day, they decided to collaborate and have some fun creating new characters that’ll make you blush and your heart melt. If you enjoy romance stories with sexy, tattooed alpha males and smart, independent women, then a Kennedy Fox book is for you!

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Author Feature: Lex Martin for Keep My Heart (Top Shelf Romance Collection Book 7)

Top Shelf Romance is bringing you the best modern classics of romance in Collection #7, KEEP MY HEART, featuring FOUR bestselling books from authors: Lex Martin, Kennedy Ryan, Kennedy Fox, W Winters!!

 Keep My Heart will be releasing on September 8th !  

Add to Goodreads: Keeping My Heart

Every mood has its book.⁣

When you crave something exceptional, exciting and enchanting, Top Shelf Romance promises this and more.⁣


For the record, I’m not going to hook up with my boss.
I’m a lot of things—a screwup, a basket case, a flunky. But when I take a nanny job to be near my pregnant sister, I swear to myself I’ll walk the straight and narrow, which means I cannot fall for my insanely hot boss.
I don’t want to be tempted by that rugged rancher. By his chiseled muscles or southern charm or the way he snuggles his kids at bedtime. Ethan Carter won’t get the key to my heart, no matter how much I want him. 

Between us, she’s the last thing I need as I finalize my hellish divorce. 
What sane man trying to rebuild his life wants a hot nanny with long, sexy hair, curves for miles, and a smart mouth? A perfectly kissable, pouty mouth that I shouldn’t notice.
My focus is on my kids and my ranch, not the insufferable siren who sleeps in the room next to mine. It doesn’t matter that she wins over my kids in a heartbeat or runs my life better than I do. Tori Duran is the one woman I can’t have and shouldn’t want, no matter how much I crave her. RECKLESS is a standalone companion novel in the Texas Nights series. 

About the Author:

Lex Martin is the USA Today bestselling author of the Texas Nights series (Reckless/Shameless) and the Dearest series. She writes contemporary romances, the sexy kind with lotsa angst, a whole lotta kissing, and the hot happily ever afters. A former high school English teacher and freelance journalist, she’s lived all over the country but currently resides in her hometown of San Antonio with her husband and twin daughters.

Find out more about her upcoming projects, visit Lex Martin Writes for more details.
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