Review | The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune

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Published on: 17 March 2020
Published by: Tor Books
Type: standalone, series
Genre: LGBTQ+ Humorous Fiction,  Fantasy Fiction
Author: TJ Klune
Book Length: 400 pages (hardcover)
Read: 29 November 2021
Shelved: 08 December 2021
Rating: 5 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Linus Baker is a by-the-book caseworker in the Department in Charge of Magical Youth. He’s tasked with determining whether six dangerous magical children are likely to bring about the end of the world.

Arthur Parnassus is the master of the orphanage. He would do anything to keep the children safe, even if it means the world will burn. And his secrets will come to light.

The House in the Cerulean Sea is an enchanting love story, masterfully told, about the profound experience of discovering an unlikely family in an unexpected place―and realizing that family is yours.


The House in the Cerulean Sea is about Linus Baker, a diligent, “by-the-rules” caseworker for the Department in Charge of Magical Youth (DICOMY). He was recently appointed to observe a very special orphanage on the island of Marsyas, wherein Linus hardly had any information to prepare by Extremely Upper Management (aka Big Bosses) until he was right on the island itself. When he does learn all about people, children, and the orphanage’s master, he starts questioning his life, his job, and the people he works for. This assignment leads him to open himself up beyond the “rules book” that he obediently follows and starts seeing the injustices happening after his report gets submitted. 

From the very start, humor is number one in this book. Don’t believe me? Check out snippets like the below to reinforce why.

“Well, I suppose there are all sorts of factors. Modern research suggests extreme emotional states can trigger instances such as yours. Sadness. Anger. Even happiness. Perhaps you were so happy; you accidentally threw a chair at your friend, Marcus?”

With the above just at the first chapter, I know that things will be interesting, and the author has successfully proven it to me.

Each character in the book contributes ample (if not more) humor at appropriate and sometimes much-needed segments. I love it! Readers can expect a lot of these sorts of humor and interjections in all the characters as Linus starts learning each one of the children like no one else in his position has.

The book’s voice and perspectives are from Linus Baker only – first-person POV. It may not be something I read in the past, but I realize that as I move to more YA, sci-fi, fantasy, suspense, and mystery books, this is the most common and most successful route to use. It is also a refreshing take in books since the reader does not know everything (less time to be frustrated on telling off a character that they are wrong, etc.). So, instead of knowing everything, the reader gets entrenched in that character’s perspective and (hopefully) connects with the primary (and supporting) characters as they mature and grow as the story progresses.

The writing and pacing are perfect. Ample “space” and character development were given and respectfully discussed. Many quotes will make you think and reflect. I enjoy books that make me curious. This book has light humor and many heavy topics like social issues, human rights, privilege, preconceived notions, etc. It is hard to write about these controversial topics without coming off as propagandistic. It is an art to balance social commentary AND good storytelling, and the author did it flawlessly! 

I love the internal struggles that readers will see in all the characters, even if it’s all from Linus’ POV because these children he’s assigned to observe are vocal enough to share when they are ready. The deep thoughts and philosophies these 

It was impossible not to love the book with all the conundrums and discussions instilled by the orphanage’s master, Mr. Arthur Parnassus, and his students! Some were enlightening, like “categorical imperative,” while some get pretty frustrating (same feelings as the character) on how the world’s perception of things are. The ideas in the book are great conversation starters and will make you want to “start the change” from within yourself, radiating outward.

A few passages that got to me are:-

“Categorical Imperative…that it’s the supreme principle of mortality. It’s an objective. A rationally necessary and unconditional principle that we must always follow despite any natural desires or inclinations to the contrary.”
“And was Kent right? …”
“And why not?”
“Because people aren’t black and white. No matter how hard you try, you can’t stay on one path without diversions. And that doesn’t mean you’re a bad person.”

This is one of the many philosophical talks Lucy and Mr. Parnassus discussed in the book. If you like in-depth talks on human behavior and perception, this is a great book that balances out both sides of the spectrum but also debunks archaic thought to help prove the point of empathy, respect, and acceptance.

You can find out more about Categorical Imperative by Kent here.

“These children are faced with nothing but preconceived notions about who they are. And they grow up t be adults who know only the same. You said it yourself: Lucy wasn’t who you expected him to be, which means he was. How can we fight prejudice if we do nothing to change it? If we allow it to fester, what’s the point?

Reading this made me think of how hopeless people sometimes are, especially if others have already “brainwashed” the future generations on a set idea, even if current evidence says otherwise. The herd mentality plus generational prejudice tears me up sometimes. Standards and barriers need to come down to enable humans to flourish to one’s full potential.

“Words can hurt too,” Lucy told him. “I know. But we must pick and choose our fights. Just because someone else acts a certain way, doesn’t mean we should respond in kind. It’s what makes us different. It’s what makes us good.”

In this day and age, we all have to deal with many problems – some solvable while others beyond our capabilities, but having to decide which ones we will “let slide” and otherwise will ensure sanity and stress levels are managed. I am glad that Linus also had this thinking since he needs to watch his blood pressure as his doctor advised.

“And it’s not fair. At all. But you need to remember your position. You need to remember who looks up to you. Who you care for. And what they’ll think. Because what you do here, no, will stay with them forever.”

The voice of reason, Linus’ line struck a chord because we are all role models to the future generation as adults. Whether our actions were good or bad, there will always be a lesson from them, whether a cautionary warning or a successful guideline remains uncertain.

Before I forget – the ending was magnificent!
I want to say, and this is NOT a spoiler. HEA was not evident even after a few “revelations” happened. Instead, there was a lot of uncertainty and limbo situations that I got lost, especially why Linus did what he did. There were a few confrontations but a lot of “pondering time” that kept me on edge.
Thankfully, the story wrapped up for the moment, but the problem would persist unless we start somewhere. Linus knows it, and I am sure that even after readers like myself have read the last sentence of the last chapter, the “seeds of change” have taken root and will slowly and steadily grow and flourish into a brighter future for the characters.

Overall, The House in the Cerulean Sea will make you laugh, cry, and see the world in a new light. It will teach you about empathy, self-worth, sensitivity, and love in all types and levels. It was impossible NOT to become emotional when reading this book because, like Linus, these children in Linus’ case file are endearing and uplifting in their words, thoughts, and action. I cried in various chapters because of all the poignant, controversial discussions – right and wrong and, especially, the “grey areas.” 
This book may not be for young readers, but I hope people who read it will spread and share the message of love, hope, and non-judgmental life approaches with humanity.
I am excited to start with the second book, Under the Whispering Door, soon!

Tropes: Humor, Thought-provoking, controversial, LBGTQ+

About the Author

Tj Klune is a Lambda Literary Award-winning author (Into This River I Drown) and an ex-claims examiner for an insurance company. His novels include the Green Creek series, The House on the Cerulean Sea, and The Exraordinaries. Being queer himself, TJ believes it’s important—now more than ever—to have accurate, positive, queer representation in stories.

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Book Reivew | Dial A for Aunties by Jesse Q. Sutanto

L-R: US cover, UK cover

Published on: 27 April 2021
Published by: Berkley
Type: HEA, standalone, series
Genre: Cozy Mystery, Comedic Drama, Humour
Author: Jesse Q Sutanto
Read: 12 June 2021
Shelved: 15 June 2021
Rating: 5 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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What happens when you mix 1 (accidental) murder with 2 thousand wedding guests, and then toss in a possible curse on 3 generations of an immigrant Chinese-Indonesian family? 

You get 4 meddling Asian aunties coming to the rescue! 

When Meddelin Chan ends up accidentally killing her blind date, her meddlesome mother calls for her even more meddlesome aunties to help get rid of the body. Unfortunately, a dead body proves to be a lot more challenging to dispose of than one might anticipate, especially when it is inadvertently shipped in a cake cooler to the over-the-top billionaire wedding Meddy, her Ma, and aunties are working at an island resort on the California coastline. It’s the biggest job yet for the family wedding business—”Don’t leave your big day to chance, leave it to the Chans!”—and nothing, not even an unsavory corpse, will get in the way of her auntie’s perfect buttercream flowers.

But things go from inconvenient to downright torturous when Meddy’s great college love—and biggest heartbreak—makes a surprise appearance amid the wedding chaos. Is it possible to escape murder charges, charm her ex back into her life, and pull off a stunning wedding all in one weekend?


Meddelin “Meddy” Chan is a good daughter. Unlike her other cousins who left their moms (the “Aunties“), she stayed on and started a business with her aunts in the wedding industry. Meddy’s decision to stay (and live near) her mom and relatives in the same area after university made her life contented and straightforward, or so she believes until her mom set her up on a date that would jumpstart Meddy’s incredible journey of self-discovery.

Dial A for Aunties is told from a first-person POV, Meddy’s. It is an enticing read that will stun, amaze, and “pull out the waterworks” for any reader. The writing is clear and concise. This technique made Meddy a relatable character, especially with me being Asian and with parents who are still hovering around me, even if I am already a parent like them.

Top 5 things I love about the book:-

1. Family, family, family

Basing everything on the title alone, it is inevitable NOT TO LOVE the antics the author shared with Meddy’s Aunties (I’m using capital for the “A” to depict the group and respect for the aunts)! I believe they are the stars of the book. Each personality and detail was well thought of and represented were matched to each aunt. I love how the author shows us that flaws and faults, the Chan clan is “tight” and will support with no question when things are “down to the wire.”

2. Traditions explored

The author did a great job sharing just enough Indonesian tradition and cultures between family and ceremony (i.e., a wedding) to the world. For example, the pemjemputan – a traditional wedding ritual in the Indonesian culture, was discussed in concise detail but did not overwhelm. It gives us a taste of sometimes extreme of a well-to-do Chinese-Indon wedding yet still grounds us with how the characters acted/reacted in the story. 

3. non-stop Humor

The whole book felt so light, even if with a dead body in the center of all this. Usually, I do not enjoy the rom-com genre from a sole first-person POV, but this book worked so well! I was pleasantly surprised because I focused on the crazy events happening versus trying to “overanalyze” the characters’ thoughts. The main characters, mainly the Aunties, have no “blinders” and would spew out everything if not all of their thoughts as it happens, which makes everything work. Their reactions were honest and pure and makes me love them all more. 

4. Past wrongs are righted.

There was a lot of reconciliation going on. Meddy’s past hangups about how she sees relationships, family obligations have come between growing and maturing. This theme is at the forefront of the book as Meddy realizes how her big family is becoming the person she is today. She discovers that sometimes, one needs to look at things differently – to look at them in a positive light.

5. The ending (you just have to read to believe!)

There were so many twists and turns in this book! Just when things seem to “work out” for Meddy and her Aunties, something so “right-field” happens that throws up their solution for the “dead body!” I laugh out loud each of those times, which means I have got aching cheeks to prove it. Many unexpected things complicate Meddy and her aunts’ problems – the dead body and conflicts between each other. In the end, how the author “wrapped things up” for all the characters involved was so spectacular that it deserves a standing ovation. It was non-stop edge-of-your-seat suspense and mystery until the end.

Based on the above, I highly recommend Dial A for Aunties for readers who love comedy, second chances, drama, and even twisted plots. I could not put the book down!! 
Readers will surely be laughing their heads off with the antics of Meddy’s Aunties and the creative plot happening. With four very opinionated Aunties, nothing was left unexplored with body disposal options.
In addition, I love how the author wrote the voices that impart so many different underlying concepts – tradition, culture, and family. I cannot wait to see the next book when it comes out! I firmly believe that Meddy’s aunts’ backstories will be incredible if the following books explore this.

About the Author

Jesse Q Sutanto grew up shuttling back and forth between Jakarta and Singapore and sees both cities as her homes. She has a Masters degree from Oxford University, though she has yet to figure out a way of saying that without sounding obnoxious. She is currently living back in Jakarta on the same street as her parents and about seven hundred meddlesome aunties. When she’s not tearing out her hair over her latest WIP, she spends her time baking and playing FPS games. Oh, and also being a mom to her two kids

Also, checking out the comedic skit of the book’s aunties here!

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Book Review: Goddesses Inc. by Autumn Bardot

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Published on: 11 March 2021
Type: HEA, standalone
Genre: Adult, Contemporary, Women – Humor
Author: Autumn Bardot
Read: 10 March 2021
Shelved: 12 March 2021
Rating: 5 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Divinity was their destiny. Now mortality is their fate.

Mnem has everything. A glamorous lifestyle, beauty, family, and immortality. But she doesn’t have a platform. Or followers. Or relevance. Which is why Mnemosyne, goddess of remembrance and mother of the nine muses, is fired.

Mnem isn’t the only one. Three other goddesses are also up a mortal creek without a divine paddle. Now they must build a life—a real one.

Although their divinity is gone, their soul and courage remain. But mortal life is so frustrating! As the four ex-goddesses struggle to find friendship, love, and purpose, mortals get in the way. Sexy mortals. Obnoxious mortals. And dangerous ones. Before they have a chance to get a handle on the whole mortality thing, their lives take an unexpected turn with an epic decision. One with deadly consequences.


Contemporary meets Mythology.
Goddess Inc. will make us all believe that Gods and Goddesses walk among us!

Goddesses Inc. is four “demoted” goddesses who had to find a way to “live on” in the mortal world after being deemed as “redundant.” These now ex-goddesses did not see the demotion coming and were ejected from FEM (Female Energy Macrocosm) immediately. It was what anyone being “fired” would go through – every privilege revoked, frozen, blocked, or inaccessible upon exit of the FEM building. 

Told through multiple perspectives, each characters’ voices were clear, easy to relate to, and unique. Their voices and perspectives match the ex-goddesses‘ powers and virtues, even after being stripped of their divinity. The writing is honest, “humbling,” and, at times, raw. Each character learns on their own what needs to be done while at the same time, pulls the support of the other demoted goddesses for physical and emotional support.

The saying “when one door closes, another door opens” runs true to the story. These goddesses had to go through a lot of internal reflection, self-discovery and find that inner strength to go through the “next phase” of their mortal lives. It was heartbreaking at first since these goddesses never had to worry about human problems like money and mortality. Some of them went through a few “weak moments” in the book. But with conviction and not succumbing to self-pity, each one pushed and overcame these “dark emotions.”

Ritual connected them to the sacred, to the mindfulness, to renewal.

— Goddesses Inc, Autumn Bardot

Their excitement, passion, and determination in their new journeys “sparkled” through the pages as each starts finding ways to be “relevant” again. I was thrilled with delight as these characters grow, develop, and shine. Each goddess seems to excel in something that they did not realize until someone pointed it out to them or hired on the spot! It is a fantastic sight when it happens – a renewed hope that things are looking up for them. The author did justice in “job-placing” each goddess into jobs that were more prolific to the respective characters.

This blood would make her a better person. It would ground her, make her feel empathy in ways she never did before.

— Goddesses Inc, Autumn Bardot

This book will treat Mythology fans because it talks about goddesses not commonly referred to in most stories. These goddesses are still important to discover or rediscover. There are many connections made between art and mythology. The author’s love of the arts mixed with mythology is evident in each goddess’s conversations. Readers will enjoy (and love) the connections, traditions, and beliefs shared in the book, if not be enthralled with its origins.

Creativity is an enigma.
Art is gold. An artist speaks through his hands. Art is humankind’s greatest gift.

— Goddesses Inc, Autumn Bardot

I love the plot twists intertwined in the goddesses’ lives and intersected midway through the book – mystery, suspense, drama, “big choices,” and love. It dived deep into what every person would want, human or “others,” to “feel,” remembered, and with a purpose. Although each ex-goddess contributed to helping solve their problems, it is from their internal reflections that they found “the answer” all along. They each discover their worth and influence unto the mortal world that is far more immeasurable than the deity world can offer. Their connections, mortal or otherwise, and the uncertainty of time is what makes life worth living.
Kudos / big applause to the author for her philosophical and spiritual points all over the book! Wonderfully weaved a complex plot, conflict, and resolution, the story will gut and shock readers, but the best part had to be the ending with all the revelations! 

“The choices we made were a hundred percent goddess.”

— Goddesses Inc, Autumn Bardot

In summary, Goddesses Inc. is an empowering book about second chances, women support, and rediscovery from not only one but four strong, resilient and determined female protagonists. This theme is appropriate and current – wherein we have and the limitations we are now faced. I love this book a lot since I saw myself in their position at various times of my life, and it invigorated me in ways that I forgot. The highs of new, rediscovered, and reinvigorated passions are the best motivators of reinvention. The author gets the theme very well and successfully executes this in each of the goddesses’ scenes. This book will make readers realize that no matter what stage in your life you are at, there is always room to reinvent, reinvigorate and redesign your life. Take a chance for a change and adapt to the times. You are the authors of your lives, and you face forward with the change.

About the Author

Autumn Bardot is a multi-genre author who writes stories about fearless women and dangerous passions. She has taught literary analysis and writing for almost twenty years. This year Autumn is a presenter at the Historical Novel Society conference. Autumn was the featured author on Stoya’s Book Club; has an article on; and was a guest speaker on several podcasts, library panels, and writing clubs. Autumn is currently writing her next novel and posting informational videos on her YouTube channel.

Autumn has a passion for history and a special affinity for the unsung courageous females that history neglects or misunderstands. She lives in Southern California with her husband and ever-growing family. She wishes she was one-tenth as brave as the women she writes about.

Autumn also writes as LZ Marie.

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Up for grabs is a $20 Amazon gift card!
This Blitz-wide giveaway is open internationally so head-on to Rafflecopter here to join.
Good luck!

Lovebug (Natural History Book #2) by Erin Mallon

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Published on: 24 February 2021
Type: HEA, standalone, series
Genre: Contemporary Women’s fiction
Author: Erin Mallon
Read: 17 February 2021
Shelved: 20 February 2021
Rating: 5/ 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Kindle Book Reviewed)

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My name is Mabel, the girl who “wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

Of course I wouldn’t.
I’m an entomologist for goodness’ sake.
I work in a nature center.
Bugs are my jam.

It’s the humans in my life who are starting to get me down. I’m used to them calling me sweet and innocent. I can even handle them calling me naïve. But when they lie and keep secrets from me? That’s when my proverbial pincers want to come out.

Trouble is, I’m not the girl who fights back.

Not until a handsome groundskeeper with a dirty mouth and secrets of his own shows up and lights all sorts of fires in me.

In the bug world, the female is always the fiercest. The praying mantis doesn’t worry about being a “good girl.” Nope, she follows her instincts no matter how crass or crude they may seem to others.

Turns out I could learn a thing or two from her.

I’m not necessarily looking to tear anyone’s head off, but after decades of being nice, it’s high time for me to return to nature and unleash my wild side. 

Start Erin Mallon’s Natural History Series today!
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Mabel McGonigle loves her bugs! She is an Entomology scientist at the Museum of Natural History, who is currently the supervising counselor at arboretum summer camp. She still lives at home with her parents and is very sheltered. Being with her boyfriend of six years, eight months, and thirteen days, Mabel should not be surprised when her boyfriend proposed to her in front of his mother and family, right? Wrong – caught off guard with some “what-ifs” and “what the heck,” Mabel starts discovering how much she needs to grow and mature, away from the “toxicity” that she is in. 

Lovebug is my first encounter with the author’s work. I have been intrigued with her voice-over projects and was pleasantly surprised that she also writes books (screenplays also) and feel fortunate to have the opportunity to review this book. 

Lovebug is told from Mabel’s POV only. It gives many puns, jokes, laughter, flirtatious banter, overzealous posse, and some “suspicious people” who try to manipulate her. The writing is easy to relate to and very humorous. There are a few references to 80s and 90s pop culture that will see older readers smile as they reminisce.  

Mabel is adorable and a big “chatter bug.” She is young, intelligent, and thoughtful of everyone’s needs, except for her own. She is so positive that people tend to take advantage of this trait. 

Mabel livens up the story immensely with the things that come out of her mouth and gets even better with her internal thoughts. Expect an array of random observations, weird trivia, and movie quotes/references that will have readers chuckling, snickering, and laugh-out-loud! 

**I got the Seinfeld reference even before I read it!!! 

I want to point out that Mabel’s character was initially reserved and would ramble in uncomfortable situations versus facing it head-on. In the beginning, Mabel was a sheltered “caterpillar” who later learns to shed her “cocoon” to form into a beautiful butterfly. But before this could happen, some “crazy events” had to happened midway that required her to look deep into herself and go head-to-head with her “oppressors” as she is no longer happy with being “status quo.” Yes, the pinchers and fangs start coming out by then.

I love how adorable and yet brooding Wallace (aka “Wally”) is. He’s the juxtaposition of sweet yet spicy hot tamales or a huggable yet ferocious bear. Wally’s opinions and outlook amazed and “knocked-me-off-my seat” with the random things that come out of his flirtatious mouth! It is NOT what you would expect in a burly, supposedly quiet man.

Her interactions with Wally were epically funny, steamy, and humbling. Her new lease in life because of “wonderfully insistent” friends, a supportive burly man, and her parents’ absence during this phase made it all possible.

There is more to the story aside from Mabel’s regaining her self-esteem. There are more secrets in this book than I realized. These secrets grazed through the book quickly at the beginning because everyone’s attention was on Mabel. But after one thing gets resolved, another secret pops up and doesn’t get disclosed until closing the end. It deals with her whole identity, which will stun and shock. 

The book’s stellar casts of Calliope, Cyndi, Louise, April, and Chloe helped Mabel “level up” to adulthood. They are more outspoken and expressive, which works well since Mabel seems too uptight and needed as much “adulting.” These gal pals are most helpful when they start inquiring about her boyfriend that no one knew about, and things got a lot entertaining. Aunt Tina plays an important role, and even if the “truth” came out in the end, her words and thoughts shared with Mabel tips all the scales to have her realize what she needed to be and do in the end. 

Overall, Lovebug is a sure win! This book is impossible NOT to like! 

It is unique, exceptional and will leave you a belly full of laughs way beyond the chapters. 

The writing style is a catchy, no-nonsense, no-holds-barred approach. Expect the story to grab and take readers to a “wild ride” of hilarious fun, rambling rants, embarrassing “positions,” crazy banter, and witty comebacks. 

Edgy, raw characters are current with a sassy side that jumps out of the pages. This book talks about self-reflection, self-discovery, and self-growth for Mabel. She sees it when she cannot condone any longer the things going on around her and through her friends’ life experiences, especially Wally. Mabel matures and becomes braver to pursue her happiness and the truth in the end. 

This book is so worth it!

Meet the Author

Erin Mallon‘s debut romantic comedy novel, Flirtasaurus, releases in July 2020. She is an award-winning narrator of over 450 books and an accomplished playwright and producer in New York City. She has written over 40 plays, which have been produced Off-Broadway and all over the country, including These Walls Can Talk, a raucous theatrical love letter to the romance audiobook community. She lives in a little yellow house on the outskirts of NYC with her husband and Three J’s.

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Reign: A Romance Anthology by Nina Levine, Penny Dee, Bec McMaster, K.E. Osborn, Addison Jane, Emma James, Liz Lovelock, Kally Ash, Kat T. Masen, Evie Mitchell, Corinne Mazille, Leesa Bow, J.A. Low

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Published on: 09 February 2021
Type: HEA, standalone
Genre: Romance Anthology, Dark Romance, Suspense/Mystery Romance
Author: Nina Levine | Penny Dee | Bec McMaster | K.E. Osborn, Addison Jane | Emma James | Liz Lovelock | Kally Ash | Kat T. Masen | Evie Mitchell | Corinne Mazille | Leesa Bow | J.A. Low
Read: 01 February 2021
Shelved: 06 February 2021
Rating: 5 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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They say that power changes a person.
Love changes them more.

Long may they reign…

You find them in the boardroom. The throne room. The bedroom.
They burn brighter than the rest.
They wield power as easily as they breathe.
They stop at nothing to get what they want.

Royalty, CEOs, mafia kings, demons, and more.
When love conquers, will they fall to their knees for the person they can’t live without?

Reign is a collection of thirteen brand new romance novellas featuring men and women who rule their empires but not their hearts.


I enjoy anthologies since it’s a great deal. In this case, Reign consists of fifteen standalone short stories from a great group of authors. Each story is unique and fascinating in its own right.

Illusive – The Exiled Eight MC by Addison Jane

The start was very catchy, and it is a dark romance, but I enjoyed getting to know Zoey and the Huntsman. It’s got your mystery/suspense and some hot men as protectors. Both main characters try to deny the off-the-charts magnetism but their “control” falters as Fate has other plans.

Little Bird by Kally Ash

Wren Montana is one tough cookie and a protective sister who had to go up against Bane Rivera, a mob boss. Instead of just paying off a debt, she gets more than she bargained from with this successful drop-gorgeous billionaire. This story screams your dark erotic romance that was borne on a mistake then turned into something “more” in the end.

Surrendered Hearts by Nina Levine

Emilia and Javier have the love-hate passion that readers will love. I like how it reminds me of “War of the Roses” but more firey steamy scenes. This mafia-cartel story is full of suspense, drama, and fast-paced action that will make readers set on edge until the last chapter. It has its share of heartaches and disappointments that come crashing out that will bring readers down to their knees in pain.

King of the Boroughs by Penny Dee

Bella and Alessandro is a story of young love and ageless promises that turns sour. Heartache and disappointments in the name of family, secrets, and honor were prominent. It recalls a bit of Romeo & Juliet with a few twists and dark, steamy attraction. 

This story will make readers believe in everlasting/transcendent love through the years, even if both are stubborn to a fault. Both main characters have to work through their “issues” to get to their “forever.” The ending was exhilarating! 

The Unwanted Crown by K. E. Osborn

Savannah and Hunter’s introduction has an unusual yet truthful story of family history and obligations, an unexpected plot twist, and a side of danger. Savannah’s story is filled with secrets that her family kept well-hidden from her until it implodes in the middle of the story. What she decides will shape her family legacy to be. To add to the conflict, someone in her past comes back that threatens everything. 

There is no denying the chemistry of Savannah and Hunter together – sizzling! The problem is that Savannah is also not willing to conform to what society dictates for her. Her unwillingness to accept her “new role” brings tension to the whole story wherein she starts seeing things without her “rose-colored glasses.” The main characters get to grow and mature even within a few chapters. It is a great story about forgiveness, growth, and responsibility. 

Three’s a Crown by JA Low

A unique and extraordinary retelling of a classic fairytale with a twist – reverse harem style (aka “why-choose romance”) is the perfect addition to this anthology! Basing on the title, it should be a dead giveaway on what it is.

Augustine is the prince looking for a suitable mate to honor his family’s legacy. With his best friend Greyson, Augustine’s search for his mate proved to be a tough one, especially someone who would agree on their “particular arrangement.” This story is one that will rock the monarchy!

The Trouble With Love by Kat T. Masen

A father-daughter relationship story about transitioning to being independent, The Trouble With Love will make readers remember their own youthful experiences – trials and tribulations of finding one’s identity in the sea of people. It brings past friendships and young love in its theme as readers get sucked into Amelia Edward’s world. I liked this story’s honesty, and yes, heartbreak is inevitable, but this makes the characters all mature and faces the truth of life – its fragility and uncertainty.

Prince of Ruin by Bec McMaster

This book is a paranormal romance with an espionage/suspense flavor. It will blur the fine line between love, passion, lust, and hunger between two forbidden entities. A “fallen world” and an on-going war raging on Earth, Sera is tasked to get an urgent item that will tip the scales to victory. Whose victory is the question? Who is really saving who? And what will do you do when faced with the only person you gave your heart and soul to but betrayed you in the end?

**This story got to me because it reminds me of Dante’s Inferno and City of Angels – I cried ugly my heart out on this story. The last two chapters of this story will make a massive impact. It will be raw and honest. Be ready to C-R-U-M-B-L-E!

The Marriage Claim by Evie Mitchell

A young reluctant princess takes on the Crown as queen when tragedy struck. Ruling independently after years as a single Queen has not yielded much confidence in her people. She is expected to find a suitable mate to lead beside her and solidify her reign. Her people are pressuring her to find a mate and produce an heir. The problem is Queen Katherine needs someone who would accept and support her given her position, someone who would NOT capitalize on her title, and most importantly, someone who will love and laugh with her as Katherine. It is a tough one, plus wanting love in the mix – next to impossible. Her journey in finding her “right” match is fascinating and brings her back to her childhood, where the seeds of love sprouted and bloomed.

Stardust by Leesa Bow

This story is a sports romance with a newly traded athlete, Dustin, starting in a new place, with new teammates, at the same time, trying his best to prove that he is worthy of the trade. But a chance meeting with the princess of a biker gang in the city changed everything for Dustin. This relationship turned simple to complicated when it was up to Dustin and his family to rescue a captive princess from a fortress.

Queen of the V by Liz Lovelock

This story is a rom-com on fake relationships, a chance meeting, and witty bantering. It has a strong female protagonist, Dylan, who needs to have her mother off her back regarding finding a man and having babies. The solution walked into her clinic when Cole’s friend played a prank that involved “wasting” Dylan’s time. What happens next are a few more funny moments between Dylan and Cole that will have readers chuckling non-stop. I enjoyed this book, especially with its excellent character development. These characters later discover as they keep their “facade” that there are “more things underneath” than meets the eye. It is a great story to round out this anthology.

King’s Gambit by Emma James

This story is a romance suspense/mystery story set in the future. It focuses on an unfortunate event that unexpectedly bound Queenie and Bradford from merely a one-night stand into a “rabbit hole” of circumstances and encounters with a group so of alpha-doms who help Queenie get back on her feet and rescue what is rightfully hers. It brings a strong female protagonist in a world ruled and manipulated by men. It is refreshing to see this no-excuse, no non-sense lady take on the world in this story. 

Runaway Princess by Corinne Mazille

This story is a motorcycle (MC) theme of a lost princess, Sofia, who later found her strength from within to take back the life she hoped. Sofia’s a successful businesswoman, only to be shadowed by her parental expectations of marrying well and “keeping appearances.” It took a dark and brooding biker, Jett, to overcome her fears and leap into her rightful place because she did “runaway” from someone. That someone comes back to find her and threatens her, and everything holds dear – including Jett. I love her friends – Brad and Maya, who played essential roles in the story. It was an enjoyable read.

All in all, Reign is a worthy read. It has a diverse option of romance to satisfy all types of romance readers. Each of the stories has strong female protagonists who balance out the alpha dominants in each story – no matter which era. This story will give you a full range of emotions you wouldn’t realize you have in such a short chapter. It will provide you with the highs, lows, disappointments, euphoria, and hope. Also, all of the stories will surely make a lasting impression. 

It was hard to choose, but my favorites are Prince of Ruin, The Marriage Claim, and Illusive – The Exiled Eight MC.

About the Authors

Nina Levine

I’ve always written from around the age of twelve. Back then, I used to create my own newspaper and write all the articles for it. I’d photocopy the pages and distribute to my family. The crazy stuff we do as kids! My teens were filled with writing in my journals and then later, I began writing stories. I always featured as the main female who fell in love, usually with whichever rockstar I was infatuated with at the time. More crazy shit lol. At around age sixteen, I collaborated on a story with a friend. She’d take our book home one night and write a chapter, and then I’d take it home the next night. I wrote my first sex scene back then. I remember having to flick through one of my mother’s romances for tips on that lol.

Anyway, as I grew and attended uni (don’t judge me, but I’ve started four degrees now and not finished one), had a child and started accumulating all the baggage of life, writing fell to the background. I wrote every now and then, usually finishing a chapter or two and then putting the story back down to get back to life and paying bills. Then came Fifty Shades…

I was obsessed with indie authors after reading Fifty Shades and then Beautiful Disaster. My nights and weekends were filled with reading and being a part of the indie community online. I pulled my notepads out and began writing again. At that time, I was studying a psychology degree and loving it, but my lifetime dream of publishing a book came back into view as I learned about self publishing. In late 2013, I decided to put my studies on hold to take a shot at making my dream come true. I published Storm on the 21st November that year and haven’t looked back. That book sold thousands of copies and then my second book, Fierce, hit the USA Today Bestseller list three months later. I quit my job a couple of months after that and have written full time ever since. I’ve also been blessed to travel the world meeting readers at signings, and visiting countries I never thought I’d see. 

I was almost 40 when I achieved my dream. Never ever give up on what you want in life.

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Penny Dee

I’ve written stories for as long as I can remember. I wrote my first book when I was five. It was called The Goodies and it was about a drive to the shops to get milk. It was amazing. It was also brilliantly illustrated in orange felt tip pen because I was all about the awesomeness when I was five years old.

Skip forward a few decades… and I write romance, erotic romance and romantic suspense. And MC romance. And rockstar romance. And contemporary romance. Hell, if they’re romancing then I’m writing it. I feel really fortunate because I get to meet interesting characters every single day—fictional characters who shock the hell out of me! I never know where their story is going until they lead me there. They’re in charge. They can be bossy and demanding. Sometimes a little impatient and frustrating. And let me tell you, they don’t understand the concept of quiet time.

No. I am not crazy.

When you write fiction, you share your grey matter with a lot of characters. Characters who show up unannounced and demand to be put to paper.

Fictional characters aside, I also like to hear from real humans so don’t be shy, drop me a line and say hi.

I promise you. I am not crazy.

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Bec McMaster

I’m a writer. Dreamer. Travel Addict. And enthusiastic-if-not-perfect baker. I’ll honestly admit that I don’t always follow the recipe, be it cooking, or writing romances.

If I’m not sitting in front of the computer, I’m probably plotting my next world trip. Or eating chocolate. Sometimes I run. Because…chocolate. I grew up on a steady diet of 80’s fantasy movies like Ladyhawke, Labyrinth and The Princess Bride, and love creating epic, fantasy-based worlds with heroes and heroines who must defeat all the odds to have their HEA.

I live in a country town in Australia, with my very own beta hero, Byron; Kobe, a dog who will eat anything (even used teabags); and demanding chickens, Siggy and Lagertha.

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K.E. Osborn

I often get asked, ‘How did you become a writer?’ There’s a simple answer to this question and a far more deep and meaningful version.

I’ll start with the simple answer. Back in 2012, I had a dream, not like Martin Luthor King, just a straightforward dream one night of a scene. It wasn’t unusual for me to have animated dreams, but this particular dream was so vivid it stuck with me. So the next morning, I made my way to my computer and decided to type out that scene.

That dream was about a couple meeting under unusual and humorous circumstances, and this became my first book, Trust Me. I didn’t know how to properly format a manuscript, how to even place dialogue tags correctly. All I wanted to do was write the story brewing in my mind, so I did, and the words kept flowing. That one scene turned into a full-length novel, which then escalated into a four-book series.

Now for the more deep and meaningful answer to the original question. How did you become a writer? It may sound cliché, but I believe that writers aren’t made—they’re born. I didn’t know I wanted to head down this path until that dream woke something inside me—a calling, if you will. Since that day in 2012, when I began writing, I haven’t looked back.

So, did I become a writer? No, I AM a writer. I was born a writer, and I hope to always be one.

Since my first book Trust Me was published on September 7, 2013, I have written many stories. These include series, standalones, anthologies, collaborations, and co-authoring with another talented author. I’ve branched out into various genres, Rock Stars, MC Romance, Suspense Romance, Sports Romance, and Rom-Com, just to name a few. Through all this, my love for the written word only grows with every book I publish.

I strive to bring you, my readers, my best work every time because I want to produce what I want to read. Every character has a little piece of me in them—and a giant piece of my heart.

So I hope you will take this journey with me.
Welcome to the world of K E Osborn.
I hope you enjoy the ride!

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Addison Jane

Addison Jane is a born and bred kiwi girl with a passion for romance and writing.
When she gets the chance she enjoys the little things in life such as reading, dancing, music, and Facebook, but her world really revolves around the little girl who calls her Mum. It’s an awkward balance between alpha males and Disney princesses but it works.
Growing up on a small farm next to the beach will always make her a country girl at heart. But since moving away to a small town close to the city she’s discovered a dangerous love for shopping.
Writing stories has been something that’s come naturally since she was young, and with the massive support of her friends and family, she finally decided to step out of her comfort zone and share them with the world.
She enjoys bringing her books to life with strong female leads, sexy passionate men and a rollercoaster of twists and turns that lead to the happily ever after that her readers desire.

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Emma James

Emma James is the author of the completed Hell’s Bastard series, a jaw-dropping, highly addictive, unpredictable, sexy, and very twisted dark suspense/thriller series and also the much-loved Men of Ocean Beach series.

Emma writes in multi-genre and loves to keep the reader guessing with all the twists and turns found in her stories. Always expect the unexpected.

One consistent thing with her stories is love will always rise from the ashes.

Marley, her black Labrador, is the inspiration for Bear in Men of Ocean Beach series. Morrison, the family pet rescue cat, who has many OCDs, will be grabbing some of the limelight in a future standalone because the dude rocks the ‘tude.

She likes Pina Coladas, but not getting caught in the rain.

Emma takes regular zen breaks from her writing to listen to and stare at the ocean because you only live once, might as well stare at the sea when you can.

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Liz Lovelock

Liz is from bright sunny Queensland, Australia. She has always been a reader. When she was little she would be up late reading Garfield and Asterix comic books and also Footrot Flats. When she hit high school she read Tomorrow When the War Began by John Marsden and from there, her love of books continued to grow. She always has a book to read beside her bed along with a notebook for when inspiration hits at those crazy hours.

She is a stationary addict and a one-click addict. She loves everything books, authors and of course loves chocolate and lollies to keep her going.

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Kally Ash

Kally Ash is a USA Today Bestselling  Author whose passions include curling up with a good book, devouring chocolate and getting kitty cuddles. Tempt Me is her debut novel, and the first book in a three book series.

Some of her unicorn authors include Sawyer Bennett, Elizabeth Hayley and Haley Jenner.

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Kat T. Masen

Born and bred in Sydney Australia, Kat T. Masen is a mother to four crazy boys and wife to one sane husband. Growing up in a generation where social media and fancy gadgets didn’t exist, she enjoyed reading from an early age and found herself immersed in these stories. After meeting friends on twitter who loved to read as much as she did, her passion to write began and the friendships continued on despite the distance. “I’m known to be crazy and humorous. Show me the most random picture of a dog in a wig and I’ll be laughing for days.”

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Evie Mitchell

Evie Mitchell is a thirty-something woman who loves dirty books, bad boys and men who know how to treat their woman right. She specializes in dirty reads for curious minds.

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Corinne Mazille

My name is Corinne Mazille, and I love to write romance in all different tropes. I started writing a lot later in life, but once an idea formed in my head after reading hundreds of books, I couldn’t stop. Coming up with characters and worlds is so much fun, and I can’t wait until I can do this fulltime.

I never really thought of myself as being artistic, but years ago, I did start a makeup course because I would have loved to work on movie sets, but real life got in the way and a job opportunity arose that I couldn’t turn down. But I still have a massive love of makeup and can very easily spend hours watching make up tutorials on youtube.

And I am blessed with a daughter who I have trained well. She loves to play with makeup, although I do find pieces missing from time to time.

We are also huge Disney fans in this house, and we are currently planning our next trip, this time hoping to get to Disney World.

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Leesa Bow

Leesa writes contemporary, and new adult romance. She especially loves to read and write sport romance after living it through her elite sporting family. In her spare time Leesa enjoys watching basketball and football, having beach days with the family, catching up for coffee with girlfriends, and taking long walks along one of the beautiful beaches in South Australia. Leesa is a member of the Romance Writer’s of Australia (RWA) and the South Australian Romance Authors (SARA).

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J.A. Low

JA Low lives on a faraway beach in Australia. When she’s not writing steamy scenes and admiring hot surfers, she’s tending to her husband and two sons, and dreaming up the next epic romance.

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Blog Tour : The Bromantic Comedies by Erin Mallon

The Bromantic Comedies, an all-new compilation of laugh-out-loud audio plays from Erin Mallon and featuring your favorite narrators is available now!

Download your copy today!
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Check out an Instagram interview with Erin and some of the narrators from The Bromantic Comedies!


A paintball battleground. A wrestling mat for sleep-deprived new daddies. A feminine product aisle in the local drugstore. These are some of the places where men connect… at least in The Bromantic Comedies.

A compilation of humorous and heartfelt plays exploring what it means to be “masculine” in a world where men are supposed to be tough.

Meet Erin

Erin Mallon‘s debut romantic comedy novel, Flirtasaurus, releases in July 2020. She is an award-winning narrator of over 450 books and an accomplished playwright and producer in New York City. She has written over 40 plays, which have been produced Off-Broadway and all over the country, including These Walls Can Talk, a raucous theatrical love letter to the romance audiobook community. She lives in a little yellow house on the outskirts of NYC with her husband and Three J’s.

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Stay up-to-date with Erin, sign up for her mailing list.

Feisty (The Do-Over 3) by Julia Kent

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Published on: 28 January 2020
Type: HEA, standalone, series
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Author: Julia Kent
Read: 17 January 2021
Shelved: 18 January 2021
Rating: 4/ 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Get it here: (99¢ for a limited time only!)
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Google Play | Bookbub | Goodreads


I’m not too proud to admit that finding Mr. Right involves swiping right. Right? Welcome to dating in avocado toastland.

Here I am, on my first blind date, ever, courtesy of a smartphone app and my two annoying best friends.

So what is Chris “Fletch” Fletcher doing, walking across the room, looking at his phone like he’s pattern matching a picture to find a real person he’s never met before?


Oh, no.

The guy I drop-kicked in seventh grade cannot be my blind date. The guy who earned me this infernal nickname.

That’s right.


More from New York Times bestselling author Julia Kent as Fiona “Feisty” Gaskill gets her chance at love – drop-kick included.


Disclosure: Traumatic events discussed and relived in this book. Things like a potential school shooting/siege/hostage, kidnapping, violence, and reliving it might be triggers for some, and it all happened in the first few chapters of the book. Readers take heed.

Fiona “Feisty” Gaskill is a nursery school teacher. She is a spiritual person – finding her calm through nature and the earth’s energy. That energy helped save her and her students when an out-of-control parent decided to storm their small classroom. Fiona’s quick wit and heroic actions in defending her “space” and the kids were all caught on camera, and she later becomes a viral sensation!

Chris “Fletch” Fletcher is a paramedic and is the uncle of Mattie, who the out-of-control parent who stormed Fiesty’s preschool. He was the first responder on the scene and was the one who comforted Fiona and “grounded” her. It was an overwhelming sight for readers, I am sure.

I have been following The Do-Over series since Book 1 came out. A few of the series’ characters are present, but readers do not need to read the other books from the series to start Feisty.

The story is from a single POV – Fiona’s. The writing is smart, sharp, and witty. There was a lot of humor infused that balanced off the internal struggles of Fiona with her feelings. It talks a lot about redemption for both main characters, not only Fiona.

Note that the book may run slow. It can be considered a slow-burn book. A lot of Fiona’s thoughts heavily depended on the spiritual and energy connections around her. Readers may find this complicated, but I appreciated this since I believe in it. (Some call this gut-instinct or “intuition.”)

Fiona’s a very emotional and spiritual character that will make you feel everything she does as she tries to explain herself to everyone around her, including self-talking to herself in many situations. What she did to save her students, then later to reenact them again, is astounding. The traumatic experience did leave an impression on her, but not how readers will expect. 

I enjoyed discovering the “real Fiona,” especially the internal fights between her old self versus her new self. The latter being the social media sensation that brought women empowerment to Anderhill, Massachusetts.

Self-awareness is a double-edged sword. After a while, I can sense when one self inside me is fooling another self. You would think the clarity would help.
Instead, it just threatens the piece of me that is avoiding pain. It’s like the universe is conspiring to put us together.

— Feisty (The Do-Over 3), Julia Kent

Since readers only see Fiona’s POV, Fletch’s POV was critical for me. After his “encounter” with Fiona, it made a big impression on how he turned out in the book – this is HUGE! 

It is not often that teenagers realize the gravity of their actions unless it impacts them. The author talks about how Fletcher reflected on his actions – listening to women’s words and taking heed. This topic is an important one and applies to everyone, not only women. The author talks about empowerment and self-worth while quashing self-entitlement and misinterpretation. It is refreshing to have someone (anyone) in the book community tackle this topic, especially from the male’s perspective. Fletch does talk a lot that made me smile at what happened after he got his “shiner” from Fiona.

The “push-pull moments” between Fletcher and Fiona are stellar. Both grew individually and separately after their “encounter,” but their attraction is “fated.” Their in-book chemistry was explosive and volatile, wherein Fiona goes hot and cold all at the same time since she felt everything. 

“Did you kiss her again?” he demands.
Candi makes a snorted sound.
“Yes,” Chris confesses.
“Then you have to marry her!”

Feisty, Julia Kent

I felt terrible for Fletcher in a lot of book scenes as he knew that Fiona needed “space,” even if readers all know how it would end. He gave what he can and more. I believe them when they mentioned that “it was easy” – most likely because they connect beyond the physical but emotional/spiritual. Fiona being so emphatic, absorbs all the good, the bad, and in-between everything around her that she needed others to help her make sense of her “new feelings” for Fletcher that the latter gladly and patiently did throughout the book.

I miss Perky and Mallory from Books 1 and 2. They were how I remembered them. They both give readers a good balance of uncensored jokes, reality-checks, and unending laugh out banter that will be ingrained in your heads! 

In summary, I enjoyed Feisty. It is not your typical enemies-to-lovers rom-com and instead brings focus on the growth, maturity, and personal development of the main characters. The trauma of the past, if left unresolved, will find a way to resurface and make a person face it head-on – old self versus new self. Having Fate conspiring against Fiona’s wishes to avoid Fletcher is the best part of the book and will make readers believe in “meant-to-be” because it is true for both of them! Fletcher seems to have done a lot of “work” on himself in the past after his “lesson” from Fiona made him the best candidate/partner for Fiona to face and later “marry” her two selves into the best version of herself for everyone.

Energy doesn’t lie. People do. People can fool themselves, use denial as a tool, create defense mechanism that look like artwork. But energy? It just is. And when you fall for the right person, it’s the same way.
It just…is

Feisty (The Do-Over 3), Julia Kent

About the Author

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Julia Kent writes romantic comedy with an edge. From billionaires to BBWs to new adult rock stars, Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every contemporary romance she writes. Unlike Shannon from Shopping for a Billionaire, she did not meet her husband after dropping her phone in a men’s room toilet (and he isn’t a billionaire). She lives in New England with her husband and three sons in a household where the toilet seat is never, ever, down

Connect with Julia
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In celebration of the release of Feisty, a giveaway is being run! Up for grabs is a $25 winner’s choice gift card!

This Blitz-wide giveaway is open internationally. The giveaway ends February 4.

Join now with the link below!
Head-on to Rafflecopter here.

Good luck!

The Honeymooner (Paradise Bay 1) by Melanie Summers

Disclosure:All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Published on: 07 August 2018
Published by: Indigo Group 
Type: HEA, series, standalone
Genre: Contemporary British Fiction, Romantic Comedy, Satire Fiction. Women’s Fiction
Author: Melanie Summers
Read: 18 January 2021
Shelved: 19 January 2021
Rating: 4 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Get it here:
Amazon | Kobo Audio | Barnes & Noble | Google Play Audio | Bookbub | Goodreads


Twenty-nine-year-old workaholic Libby Dewitt lives by the motto ‘if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.’ She’s finally about to start her dream life with her steady-as-a-rock fiancé, Richard Tomy. Together, they’re the perfect power couple—right down to the fact that he’s agreed to use their honeymoon to help further her career in mergers and acquisitions. But ten minutes before the wedding, her dreams dissolve via text message.

Devastated and humiliated, Libby escapes to Paradise Bay alone. She’s got two goals for her trip: to devise a plan to get Richard back and to convince resort owner Harrison Banks to sell his property to her company. Unfortunately, when she arrives, she discovers that tall, dark, and built, Harrison is not about to make anything easy for her.

Instead, he derails her plans while at the same time, bringing out a side of Libby she’s kept carefully tucked away—a carefree, adrenaline junkie. After a few days together, Harrison’s got her wondering if the life she always wanted was meant for some other girl. Suddenly, Libby must decide which version of herself she wants to be.

Will she go back to her comfortable, safe life, or risk everything to be with the only man who’s ever made her feel truly alive?


Liberty (“Libby” for short) Dawn Dewitt is a business analyst for GlobalLux Inc and has been pursuing new properties to expand GlobalLux’s asset holdings as the world’s premier luxury hotels. The company has its eyes set on Paradise Bay and is currently in negotiations/talks with the resort on possible acquisition when the book starts.

Libby is also a jilted bride (left at the altar) by her long-time boyfriend, which sucks big time for her. To get ahead and seal the deal (win-win in her books), Libby booked her honeymoon at Paradise Bay without realizing that she will be going alone. Note that she did push-through with her honeymoon to Santa Valentina Island, where Paradise Bay hoped to get a “win” in her professional life since her personal life isn’t doing very well.

Harrison Banks is the owner of Paradise Bay Resort. Harrison is very behind on his loan payments. He has a full load of responsibilities – keeping the resort afloat, supporting his siblings (one of them is finishing off her education), and still keep his sanity. His priority – to find a way to pay off the resort’s loans and turn the resort into a profitable one. Libby’s company acquisition offer at first was out-of-the-question, but as he had to sell an essential piece of his family’s possession at the start of the book, he realizes that maybe he might have to “cave-into” the offer whether he wants to or not.

The story is told from Libby’s and Harrison’s POVs. The writing is witty and hilarious as readers dive into the crazy minds of Libby and Harrison. There were many laugh-out moments that I kept chuckling, but there were also slow moments. There were a few moments when I wanted to shake Libby to let her know that in no way should she go back to her ex-fiancé, even if he does beg and grovel.

Libby’s been too uptight as a person, most likely because she wants to make sure she has everything planned and controlled compared to her mother, a free-spirited, nomad woman, who did not even know who Libby’s father is aside from a 3-day stand. She got lost along the way to her forever when she started looking forward versus looking to the present and “being” with her ex-fiance, which was what I believe the latter mentioned as the downfall of their relationship. She felt alone and lost when it all imploded.

In comes Harrison, who has this protector complex and easy-going nature, having trouble finding a solution to save the resort. He knows that he needs to focus on making the resort a profitable one.

The sparks were not immediate, but there was something – call it intuition, and learning more about each other brought them together in the book. They tried to avoid each other when they found out that Libby’s job was to find a way to have Harrison sell the resort to the company she works for, but things do not turn out that way.

Both characters have their flaws. For Libby, it is her constant need to “control” everything, trying to find a way to make her ex-fiance come back to her and avoid anything remotely “adventurous.” For Harrison, his compulsion to think of everyone else but himself drives everyone around him nuts. 

“I’m bored. Let’s do something incredible.”

— The Honeymooner, Melissa Summers

Along the way, things get a bit more complicated aside from finding a way for the resort to survive, Libby’s and Harrison’s feelings for each other, and keeping Libby’s sanity. Something happened near 3/4ths of the book that I appreciate the author bringing it in. It gives the first part of the story, Libby’s past, its worthy “closure.” This event has to happen and be “sorted out” before anything can even start with Libby and Harrison. That resolution becomes the book’s turning point that will make Libby and Harrison decide if there is anything to pick up after it happens.

Will Libby’s expertise in restructuring help Paradise Bay get back to its original splendor, or have it all sold to the highest bidder? 

Will Harrison’s desperation in helping everyone part of the resort means the end of anything that can spring up on a remote island?

In summary, I enjoyed reading The Honeymooner. It’s got a piece of everything for readers who love second chances, redemption, self-discovery, steadfast love, and humor. Yes, the book comes with a HEA ending for both main characters, the resort, and even the jilted ones that will surprise you how the author resolved Libby’s past and what she had to do for her future. And oh boy, did she come out of her comfort zone – to a new and improved without recognition Libby!

PS: I love the book’s inclusion of the wedding invitation, a map of the island, and even a resort brochure! That’s a lot to start, then the prologue in the form of email correspondences are perfect!

PSS: I’m glad that Libby didn’t end up with her ex-fiancé. Her full married name would be a real laugh-trip! I pity her future kids with it. You would have to read the book to get it, but I choked on my drink when the author explained how pronounced it was. LOL

About the Author

Melanie Summers resides in Edmonton, Canada, with her husband, three sporty nerd children, their adorable no-eyed dog, and one tiny puppy with a cute little brown nose. When she’s not writing novels, she loves reading (obviously), snuggling up on the couch with her family for movie night (which would not be complete without lots of popcorn and milkshakes), and long walks in the woods near her house. Melanie also spends a lot more time thinking about doing yoga than actually doing yoga, which is why most of her photos are taken ‘from above’. She also loves shutting down restaurants with her girlfriends. Well, not literally shutting them down, like calling the health inspector or something. More like just staying until they turn the lights off.

Melanie Summers also writes under the name M.J. Summers.

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Book Blitz: Eventually Evie by Cat Lavoie

How are you supposed to get your life back on track when the Universe won’t stop messing with you?

Title: Eventually Evie by Cat Lavoie
Publication date: January 4th 2021
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Romance

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How are you supposed to get your life back on track when the Universe won’t stop messing with you?

After a series of personal and professional setbacks, interior designer Evie Glass has lost faith in herself and the world. The last thing she needs is her loud, boisterous family poking their noses in her business, so that’s why she avoids opening up about anything—especially her love life—during their weekly dinners. Thankfully, her bestie and next-door neighbor, Matilda, always has her back.

When Evie is asked to cat-sit Matilda’s beloved rescue, she’s not thrilled at the prospect. One well-meaning mistake later and a distraught Evie is rushing her furry charge to the ER where she meets and is instantly smitten with Fletcher West, a charming veterinarian who seems to return her interest. That is until they both realize they’ve met before—ten years ago when he was dating her temperamental cousin. Fletch’s break-up with Bee put him at the top of her family’s hit list and makes him the last person Evie should be dating.

In addition to navigating a secret romance with Fletch, Evie must also deal with a demanding new job, an eccentric client from her former life, and an ex who’s suddenly blowing up her phone. She convinces herself she’s got it all under control, but what happens when things start falling apart and Evie learns she’s not the only one keeping secrets?

One thing’s for sure…

Eventually Evie’s got to take a chance—on love, on life, and on herself.


Text to Matilda: Someone just threw a meatball at my face. Talk about kicking a girl when she’s down. Rescue me?

I don’t know what I did to piss off the Universe, but she’s had it in for me for a while. And because of her latest stunt, I now have bits of ground beef stuck in my hair and Aunt Pina’s famous tomato sauce streaking my face and shirt. You could easily mistake me for an extra on the set of a mediocre horror film—one who just realized her real life will never be the quirky rom-com she desperately wants it to be. This is not what I signed up for. Who approved these script changes?

It’s my fault for allowing myself to get distracted. I sent an urgent text to Matilda, my best friend, over twenty minutes ago, and I was just checking my phone to see if she answered—she hadn’t. And then a three-year-old sniper attacked me.

My cousin Frankie’s son has been going through a phase where he throws everything that isn’t glued down as if he’s trying out for the Yankees. I’m his favorite target, so I need to stay on my toes when he’s around. Thank goodness he’s adorable and I’m a sucker for dimples. All of my adult family members are too busy screaming at each other to notice—or punish—the meatball-throwing toddler. Their voices are getting louder and louder, and even though I love everyone sitting at this table, I sometimes wish my family enjoyed the sound of silence a little bit more.

But the scene before me is completely normal. All the sharp objects on the table will be used to eat a delicious dinner, not to stab someone in the heat of the moment. Despite the loud voices and animated gestures, no one is angry.

In fact, it’s a joyous occasion. My cousin Bianca—Bee to friends and family—has just announced she’s getting married. Obviously, the earth has stopped spinning on its axis at the very news and the presses have screeched to a halt. It’s also my birthday today, but my measly milestone has once again been eclipsed by something involving Bee. It’s almost become a beloved family tradition, and I’m so used to her claiming all the attention for herself that I can’t be mad at Bee. I’m not in the mood for attention anyway.

“Isn’t it gorgeous?” Bee is holding up a bunny-eared iPhone so we can see a picture of the ring Mike is going to buy her—a princess cut diamond surrounded by two smaller pink stones on a white gold band. I crane my neck to get a closer look. As per the ring website, this model is their biggest seller and a wonderful way to tell her you want to spend all of eternity by her side. Gag me. But why isn’t the ring on her finger?

“Wait. Wait. Wait. Hold on a minute,” my cousin Fabrizio says between bites of crusty bread dripping in the extra virgin olive oil one of my uncles brings back from Italy every year. “Why am I looking at a picture of this ring on your phone? Shouldn’t it be on your finger?” He’s clearly reading my thoughts. (And he’s also spewing crumbs with every word, but we’re on opposite sides of the table, so I’m safe. Aunt Pina—not so much.)

Bee flicks her long, chocolate-colored hair off her shoulder and gives her brother a stern look. “We’re not technically engaged yet. But it’s going to happen. Soon. We’re just waiting for the ring to be delivered.” It’s obvious by her narrowed eyes that follow-up questions will not be accepted at this time.

It takes all the willpower in the world for me not to groan in annoyance. Does Mike know he’s just a UPS delivery window away from proposing? And won’t he wonder why no one is surprised when Bee makes her official announcement?

“You’re going to make a beautiful bride.” Aunt Pina—one of my mother’s four sisters—can’t get the words out without choking up, and she brings a linen napkin to her face to delicately wipe away a tear. Bee is her only daughter—a much-prayed-for miracle baby after five boisterous sons—and her wedding day has been planned since the second she was born. It will be a night fit for a princess—a big fat Italian wedding to top all other big fat Italian weddings. Every single guest will marvel at how delicious the food was, how gorgeous the bride looked in her designer dress, how no expense was spared from the finest champagne to a dessert table guaranteed to induce a diabetic coma and widespread jealousy and envy.

About the Author

Cat Lavoie is a chick lit writer from Montreal, Canada.
She loves writing fun and quirky romantic comedies and is the author of BREAKING THE RULES, ZOEY & THE MOMENT OF ZEN, PERI IN PROGRESS and MESSING WITH MATILDA.

A fan of all things feline, Cat loves cats and hopes to someday have a house full of them in order to officially become a crazy cat lady. (But one or two cats will do for now.)

If she isn’t reading or writing, Cat enjoys listening to podcasts (mostly comedy and true crime) and watching way too much TV. She fell in love with London many years ago and hopes to go back one day. Cat is currently at work on her next novel.

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In celebration of the release of Eventually Evie, a giveaway is being run! Up for grabs is two (2) Amazon $50 gift cards!

This Blitz-wide giveaway is open internationally. The giveaway ends January 14, 2021 .

Join now with the link below!
Head-on to Rafflecopter here

Good luck!

Kitty Valentine Dates a Billionaire by Jillian Dodd

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Published on: 23 April 2020
Published by: Swoonworthy Books
Type: series, standalone
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Humous Fiction, Humore
Author: Jillian Dodd
Read: 07 January 2021
Shelved: 08 Janusary 2021
Rating: 5/ 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Six years ago, Kitty Valentine took the book world by storm when her sweet debut romance hit number one on the New York Times Best Sellers list, which was followed by a string of successful releases.
Her latest novel, however, totally bombs, causing her editor to suggest she write much sexier books.
To Kitty, writing smut is the literary equivalent of stripping. But with no advance coming in and her royalties dipping to an all-time low, Kitty has no choice.
Armed with a hot-guy spinning prize wheel, made by her best friend, listing all the different types of men she will date and then write about, Kitty will be spinning-not stripping-her way back onto the best-sellers list.

And in the process, she just might write her own happily ever after.

Check out the Kitty Valentine Series here and on Goodreads.

This humorous chick lit series (imagine an awkward Carrie Bradshaw navigating the NYC dating scene) is now complete and ready for binge-reading!


Kitty Valentine is a New York Times best-selling romance writer with six books under her name. She is on top of the world – until she wasn’t. She got word that her latest book to be published because it was not “current” and raunchy for new readers. Needing new “writing material,” Kitty agrees to start casual dating based on a “dating wheel of eligible characters” that can help make her put more “spice” in her books. Spin the wheel and dating character #1 is a billionaire!

Blake Marlin is a media mogul and businessman. He is a busy man and ironically owns the publishing company that handles Kitty’s book publishing endeavors. An accidental meet-up initially made him doubtful of Kitty’s real intention, but, in the end, Blake “goes along” with helping her take a peek into his world for her book. Little did he realize that casually dating Kitty would show him how much he has traded for success. He started self-evaluating his priorities. 

The storyline is a refreshing take on dating. It might be harder versus screening men online, but Kitty’s connections and determination it was “a walk in the park,” or so we think. I can see a few eyebrows going up or heads shaking, thinking that this book is “predictable.” Readers may think it’s what all the romance novels describe it to be – catch a billionaire’s attention, then everything happens, and Kitty finds her “the one,” and she writes her book. Nothing new, so why the fascination with this series. Right? 

SO WRONG! The author gets it and tells us how things are not what they seem. If the first date was a sign, things were real and more complicated with dating Blake. 

Overall, Kitty Valentine Dates a Billionaire is a chuckling filled, reinvent-yourself book. Readers can expect lots of laugh-out moments, dating bloopers, self-discovery, and the pros and cons of dating a billionaire. I like how “organic” the story unfolded. It may not seem like a HEA, but I was happy with how the ending happened. It’s more like “on-to-the-next” and makes readers hopeful for Kitty and her outlook as she continues with her writing career.

Kitty Valentine Dates a Billionaire is a great start for the series, and I’m excited to see more!

I highly recommend this book for readers who love the atypical romance comedy, rational and logical characters, and honesty insight into dating and relationships. 

About the Author

Jillian is a USA TODAY bestselling author who writes fun romance novels with characters her readers fall in love with–from the boy next door in the That Boy trilogy, to the daughter of a famous actress in The Keatyn Chronicles®, to a kick-ass young assassin in the Spy Girl® series. Jillian’s books have enthralled more than two million readers since she burst onto the indie scene in 2011.

She lives in a small Florida beach town, is married to her college sweetheart, has two grown children, and two Labrador Retrievers named Cali and Camber. When she’s not working, she likes to travel, paint, shop for shoes, watch football, and go to the beach.

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