Tonic by Staci Hart

Author: Staci Hart
Series: Standalone
Release date: October 13, 2016
(Sub)genres: Contemporary Romance
Get it at: Staci’s Site
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Read: 12 July 2020
Shelved: 14 July 2020

“Heads and hearts are connected by threads impossible to cut completely.”

~ Joel, Tonic

Joel Anderson doesn’t take anything seriously.

Not his relationships, which have been few and far between since his brutal divorce. Not the drama of working in a tattoo parlor, which seems to be around every corner. When things get him down, he smiles and cracks a joke. But he’s not the kind of man you cross, or you’ll find yourself at the wrong end of his fists.

Annika Belousov takes everything seriously.

Like her job as a reality television producer, given that she typically has something to prove. Or her love life, which is defined by a series of requirements — affluent, ambitious, accomplished, to name a few. Definitely her family, who worked their whole lives to afford her every opportunity, a sacrifice she doesn’t take lightly. When she’s tapped to produce a reality show at Joel’s shop, she doesn’t think twice, just goes in for the kill, as if there were any other way.

The second Annika walks into Joel’s shop, he makes it his mission to crack her open, but she’s not having it. He’s all wrong — too crass, too hairy, too un-serious. But it doesn’t take her long to find out there’s more to him than smirks and tattoos. And what she finds could put her career and his heart on the line.

Not that Joel cares. Because for the first time in a long time, he’s found his tonic. 

The Characters.

Joel: the owner of Tonic tattoo parlor and is tall, dark and a bearded bear. He has a temper when he loses “control” and after being caught so vulnerable in his last relationship, he chose to lock them uptight and just be alone. He has a brother, Shep, who works at the shop with him since their parents died when they were a young age. He lives just above the tattoo shop, which makes his job, his life. He is the ex-husband of Liz who married Hal, a competitor tattoo parlor around the neighborhood. Annika named him ‘Hairy’ and didn’t like him upon the first impression since he got under her skin and wouldn’t stop pursuing her until she told him off. He is a big softie for kids and cats, as in the example of Kira and Kaz.

“He watched me in a way that made my heart speed up. “That’s not what I see.”
I met his eyes. “What do you see?”
“Snow. Cold and soft, the sum of an infinite number of beautiful pieces. And when the light hits just right, you shine.”
I had no words, my mind blank as my eyes hung on to his like a lifeline.”

― Joel & Annika, Tonic

Annika: executive producer of the upcoming reality tv show that Joel and his tattoo team is part of. She is the only daughter of Russian immigrant parents (Max and Dina), who escaped during the Cold War with the help of her Uncle Andre, part of the Russian mafia. She is a fur-mommy to Kaz, a 13-year-old rescued cat that found its way to Annika’s parent’s laundry shop’s dumpster when he was still a baby, and an aunt to Kira, who she shares a place with her cousin, Roxy.

She is as determined to pursue and succeed in the world of television and just finished working at a previous cut-throat reality tv series with Lacey, mentor and friend. She is starting to film a new series filmed in a tattoo shop, Tonic, where she meets Joel, the main owner of the shop. She is a dichotomy of personalities – a laid-back aunt at home AND a serious, no-nonsense executive producer at work. She compartmentalizes her job and functions well until Joel came into her life and turned it upside down.

“He watched me in a way that made my heart speed up.
“That’s not what I see.”
I met his eyes. “What do you see?”
“Snow. Cold and soft, the sum of an infinite number of beautiful pieces. And when the light hits just right, you shine.”
I had no words, my mind blank as my eyes hung on to his like a lifeline.’

― Joel and Annika, Tonic

The Start (Stop) of Something.

The chemistry and humor between Joel and Annika is kind of funny from the start. There’s so much “push and pull” going on that it gets a bit confusing since Annika would say something totally opposite to what she feels. I get it that since Annika is young so maybe all this “wishy-washy” mind is all because she’s attracted to an older man that’s totally opposite to what she’s exposed to in the past.

The relationship turned into something else by the time Annika really got into ‘terms’ with her relationship. I like how she opened up to her cousin, Roxy, and told her everything that made her concern with starting anything with Joel. It was very evident that they were so attracted to each other that they can ‘sense’ each other as they entered any room. Everyone in and out of the shop/show saw it but themselves or at the least, Annika who has been denying the connection from Day 1.

The Big Fallout.

I have to say that Joel acted very immaturely for a 38-year-old man, who runs a successful business. He seems to be very ignorant on how to act in the relationship department, which could probably account for the failure of his first marriage by sweeping/ignoring the problem through intercourse. He blows up in front of everyone (when he specifically told Annika, he wouldn’t do at the start) and blames Annika for lying to him. He was an uncontrollable freak and was not reasonable enough to listen to her side when he out-rightly told her to do what she needed to do to ‘get the job done’. I understand that it was wrong of Annika to leave it out but she was also instructed by her boss, Lacey, not to mention anything. I get also that she took it the wrong way with being intimate with Joel before the big reveal the next day and she was acting like it was ‘the end-of-the-world’ that made Joel lose his mind but Joel from the start, kept pushing himself towards her, if you read back. It was all a ‘me-me-me’ but nothing about them and her or the rest of the people around them.

Take for example: When Kaz died, it was nice of him to go to the funeral for Kira but when he told off Annika that he didn’t come for her, even if it’s true though so not(!), was inappropriate and wrong. Everyone was grieving and if only he asked her how Kaz died and realizing that it was Annika discovered Kaz dying beside her he would have been and should have been more respectful in front of everyone. I cried ugly on this part also since it was just wrong.

The Resolution.

Even after Annika came to apologize to Joel and ask his permission for a new proposal for the storyline of the shop, the whole outburst and ‘ultimatum’ are so alpha dominant (but in a more immature sense) got me all frustrated again. In all of this, I think Annika did the right thing to get everyone to continue with the show. She gave up her dreams for Joel…it’s a very mature action for a young lady.
Joel’s epiphany couldn’t have come at a better time. All the words and emotions that came all out – it was ‘passion puke’ – and it couldn’t be stopped by the time he was at Annika’s doorstep with a cute present. I also cried ugly in this part. Staci just gets it for me when things ‘right’ themselves in the end.

The Writing.

Overall, the story and plot were good. I can see Staci trying a different approach with the characters balancing totally hating to loving each other. I enjoyed the references of the 70s and present-day mesh-ups, especially with Joel’s tone-deaf singing vs Annika’s Elsa angelic voice. The comparison of the bear to the ice fox is good and I can better match their personalities with these spiritual animals for both of them.

Staci got me feeling things for the characters though not as deeply as her past characters. I was more frustrated with the ‘pushing-pulling’ that puts everything in a weird light immediately to feel and give into the relationship for the two main characters.

Staci has been a lot of things up to this point in her life: a graphic designer, an entrepreneur, a seamstress, a clothing and handbag designer, a waitress. Can’t forget that. She’s also been a mom to three little girls who are sure to grow up to break a number of hearts. She’s been a wife, even though she’s certainly not the cleanest, nor is she the best cook. She’s also super, duper fun at a party–especially if she’s been drinking whiskey–and her favorite word starts with f and ends with k.

From roots in Houston to a seven year stint in Southern California, Staci and her family ended up settling somewhere in between and equally north in Denver, where snow is magic and the mountains have become home. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, gaming, or designing graphics.

The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren

Published bySimon & Schuster/Gallery 
Publish on: May 14, 2019
Category: Adult (Contemporary Romance)
Series: Standalone, no cliffhanger
Author: Christina Lauren
Read: 5 February 2020
Shelved: 5 February 2020
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Get it at Christina Lauren’s website | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Rating: 5 out of 5.


Olive is always unlucky: in her career, in love, in…well, everything. Her identical twin sister Ami, on the other hand, is probably the luckiest person in the world. Her meet-cute with her fiancé is something out of a romantic comedy (gag) and she’s managed to finance her entire wedding by winning a series of Internet contests (double gag). Worst of all, she’s forcing Olive to spend the day with her sworn enemy, Ethan, who just happens to be the best man.

Olive braces herself to get through 24 hours of wedding hell before she can return to her comfortable, unlucky life. But when the entire wedding party gets food poisoning from eating bad shellfish, the only people who aren’t affected are Olive and Ethan. And now there’s an all-expenses-paid honeymoon in Hawaii up for grabs.

Putting their mutual hatred aside for the sake of a free vacation, Olive and Ethan head for paradise, determined to avoid each other at all costs. But when Olive runs into her future boss, the little white lie she tells him is suddenly at risk to become a whole lot bigger. She and Ethan now have to pretend to be loving newlyweds, and her luck seems worse than ever. But the weird thing is that she doesn’t mind playing pretend. In fact, she feels kind of… lucky. 

With Christina Lauren’s “uniquely hilarious and touching voice” (Entertainment Weekly), The Unhoneymooners is a romance for anyone who has ever felt unlucky in love.


“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”

― Olive in The Unhoneymooners

With quotes like that, you know that it’s going to be a hot, sizzling and snickering story on the way. It is a really hilarious book, especially just from the title. It is very cute and witty. Quotes like the below got me smirking left and right since I get it…when love-hate happens.

“Rumor has it your dad brought her flowers and she pulled off every petal and used them to spell PUTA in the snow.”

― Olive in The Unhoneymooners

The Plot.
I find the story creatively done and well put together. The setting and description were spot-on and I can feel the sights and sounds of each of the places Olive and Ethan visited. It was good honest writing that I wondered if the authors have been to the resort themselves at one point.

The Characters & Chemistry.
I like the humor invoked by Olive and Ethan. It was easy enough to relate with the enemies become friends sort of plot. My approach to the book is a lighthearted one so I didn’t expect much and just wanted humor.

“I can appreciate my body in a bikini and still want to set fire to the patriarchy.”

― Olive in The Unhoneymooners

The one thing that got to me was how Ethan didn’t really side with Olive when all the cards shows otherwise (i.e. Olive seeing how Ethan’s brother, Dane, was treating the people around him as like “push-overs”). I appreciate the realization and rationalization of Olive to her sister’s predicament but at the end of it all, being Olive (the honest and truthful one, even if unlucky at times) Torres, she spills out every truth in her – to her boss, sister and even Ethan.

“I knew he was a book lover, but to be the same kind of book lover I am? It makes my insides melt.”

― Olive in The Unhoneymooners

My Verdict.
I love the concept of family standing beside you and rallying for you when things get grim so that is very good. It was fun seeing the dynamics of each family member during times of need and at the end, family love rules all of them…even between sisters. The humor is superb and gets me each time I read through it. It is a good stand-alone lovely story with a fun and touching ending. 

Meet Christina Lauren

Christina Lauren is the combined pen name of long-time writing partners/besties/soulmates/brain-twins Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings. The coauthor duo writes both Young Adult and Adult Fiction, and together has produced fourteen New York Times bestselling novels. Their books have been translated into 30+ languages. (Some of these books have kissing. Some of these books have A LOT of kissing.)

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The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez

Author: Abby Jimenez
Series: The Friend Zone Book 1
Published on: 11 June 11th 2019
Published by: Forever (Grand Central Publishing)
(Sub)genres: Contemporary Romance
Get it at: Barnes & Noble | Amazon | Google Books
Read: 28 January 2020
Shelved: 29 January 2020
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Rating: 4 out of 5.


Kristen Petersen doesn’t do drama, will fight to the death for her friends, and has no room in her life for guys who just don’t get her. She’s also keeping a big secret: facing a medically necessary procedure that will make it impossible for her to have children.

Planning her best friend’s wedding is bittersweet for Kristen—especially when she meets the best man, Josh Copeland. He’s funny, sexy, never offended by her mile-wide streak of sarcasm, and always one chicken enchilada ahead of her hangry. Even her dog, Stuntman Mike, adores him. The only catch: Josh wants a big family someday. Kristen knows he’d be better off with someone else, but as their attraction grows, it’s harder and harder to keep him at arm’s length.

The Friend Zone will have you laughing one moment and grabbing for tissues the next as it tackles the realities of infertility and loss with wit, heart, and a lot of sass.


The Characters.

Kristen is a strong, smart independent woman who runs an online boutique selling toy-dog-related merchandise and is “making a killing” on it. She lives alone but is a long-distance relationship with Tyler, a Marine who is stationed overseas, for several years. She is best friends with Sloan, who is about to get married, and being the maid of honor, she is tasked to help with a lot of the wedding preparations. She has issues with her controlling mother, who is her total opposite and is a Supreme Court judge. Kristen has made it her mission, not to follow her mother’s footsteps.

Josh: is the firefighter, who moved all the way from East to West to get away from his past mistakes and lead a simple, no relationship life. His move to the fire station with is best friend, Mike, who is Sloan’s fiance. In between his work at the fire station, he finds extra work to supplement his income by taking up carpentry work with Kristen for her online store.

Stuntman Mike: the cuddly little terrier of Kristen who is the model and inspiration of the online store. that stole the show/book for me. I can read so many books after this but I will always remember this little guy’s cute wooden stairs that helped fund Kristen to work and stay at home. Plus he’s too adorable with his “pick-up” shirts.

The Verdict.

I laughed, cried and cried some more. I really got the characters and their issues.

For Kristen is sorting her internal issues…
1.) her acceptance of her infertility issues,
2.) her strained relationship with her mother that made her do the opposite of anything mother says/advises
3.) her fear/anxiety of starting to “finalize” the moving-in with Tyler (who I also think his own issues of moving back to civilian life that explains why he enlisted**), and
4.) her growing feelings for Josh that everyone sees in some way.
I felt though that Kristen took so much longer in trying to find herself that made the book a times dragging but hey, I’m all for Josh’s patience and persistence.

**On Tyler…I can’t believe Tyler would do what he did. He’s a pure prick in stringing along Kristen and not tell her of what was happening then spring marriage in the works when he gets home. It all sounds too controlling to even make the proposal sincere; let alone serious.

The writing is solid though some parts are dragging as mentioned above. I enjoyed the Pulp Fiction references and the “velocirapture” coming out of Kristen – I can visualize this well – the Jurassic Park dinosaurs coming out as it is. To me, it is pretty hilarious and gives the reader a very very good idea on Kristen’s personality when provoked.

The highs matches the lows of the book…though the ending of Kristen and Josh’s story got overshadowed by Sloan as we came to the last chapter. This is one of the rare books that you begin to feel so much more than the heroes mentioned. I also cried ugly in shock for Sloan and Brandon since this book is all about Kristen and Josh’s story then to see something so horrific to happen to the supporting characters is just ‘mind blowing’ that I didn’t function for days after reading this. A good rounding out to transition to the next book.

I’m glad to know that Abby worked on a sequel since she cannot leave Sloan the way she did in the end of this book. I cannot wait for the next book since Sloan’s story will evolve in a different direction, I am sure. 

Abby Jimenez is a Food Network winner and USA Today best selling author with her hit debut novel The Friend Zone. She founded Nadia Cakes out of her home kitchen back in 2007. The bakery has since gone on to win numerous Food Network competitions and has amassed an international cult following. Abby’s wry literary wit was spotlighted as the admin behind the hilarious viral comments on the now famous Nadia Cakes Vageode ® cake.

Abby loves a good romance, coffee, doglets, and not leaving the house. 

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The Roommate Agreement by Emma Hart

Published on: 24 March 2019
Published by: Self-published by Staci Hart
AuthorEmma Hart
Series: Standalone, HEA
Read : 24 January 2020
Shelved : 26 January 2020
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Let your homeless best friend stay with you, he said. Being roommates will be fun, he said.
It’s only temporary, he said.

He never said I’d fall for him.

You know what isn’t ‘temporary?’ The endless stream of dirty socks in my bathroom and empty food packets under the sofa—and don’t even get me started on the hot guys who take over my living room every Sunday to watch sports.
I can’t take anymore.

So I propose a roommate agreement. One that will bring peace and order back to my life, complete with rules that might just stop my newfound crush on my best friend in its tracks.
After all, there’s only so many times you can see your best friend naked before you start to lose your mind.

Rules. They’re meant to be broken… Aren’t they?

The Characters.

Jay is a 26 year old man who is sharing a flat with Shelby. From the start of the book, he’s a big mess. I’m frustrated with him and no matter how much he can see Shelby pick up after him, he still acts like he’s the “entitled one” in the flat. He works at a gym and is all muscle versus being considerate.

Shelby is a saint for having to deal with Jay and his ‘inconsiderate ways’. She is the responsible one in the flat and I can see her being taken advantaged of in general. She’s an introvert, except with telling Jay off.

The Verdict.

I liked Emma Hart’s works in the past so was excited to read this…till I realized that it’s quite different from her past works. This book just didn’t work for me in the end and I’m frustrated with myself on this.

I appreciate her reference to the Big Bang Theory and other past song fits of the 80’s/90’s like Backstreet Boys. The funny moments and flashbacks were great but even that took me so much effort to finish. There were so many times I wanted to just stop and give it up. I had to put it down and just stop to find the inspiration to continue on.

I really feel for the characters but it was dragging in plot development for the protagonist. I was even more interested in the supporting characters of Sean and Brie. It got better 3/4th of the book which really made me want to finish it (at last). I love how the parents in the end had their own plot twist…even grandma came into the action. Those parts made it worth chugging along the book.

In the end, I’m glad that both, Jay and Shelby, learned to grow up and face the reality of their developing relationship. It’s cute but needs better “connection” – deeper character development. 

Emma Hart is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over twenty novels and has been translated into several different languages. She first put fingers to keys at the age of eighteen after her husband told her she read too much and should write her own.
Four years later, she’s still figuring out what he meant when he said she ‘read too much.’

She prides herself on writing smart smut that’s filled with dry wit, snappy, sarcastic comebacks, but lots of heart… And sex. Sometimes, she kills people. (Disclaimer: In books. But if you bug her, she’ll use your name for the victims.)

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