Book Review | Fire and Ice (Mauzzy & Me Mystery Book 2) by B.T. Polcari

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author and/or publisher. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. A positive review is not required. Also, I may earn a commission on some affiliate links below, whose fees support independent bookshops. Hope you will consider getting it at a local bookstore.

Published on: 15 August 15
Published by: The Wild Rose Press, Inc
Type: series, no cliffhangers
Genre: Teen & Young Adult, Mysteries & Detective Stories, Humorous Fiction
Tropes: cozy mystery tropes
Author: B.T. Polcari
Book Length: 309 pages
Read: 01 June 2022
Shelved: 10 June 2022
Rating: 4 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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After encountering a brief power outage at work, college student Sara Donovan might be allowing her imagination to run wild. The main vault in the Carlton Museum holds the Fire and Ice Exhibit, a collection of rare gems, including the Star of Midnight, a 175-carat diamond. Although all the stones are accounted for, Sara suspects the Star of Midnight was stolen and replaced with a fake.

While conducting her own investigation, what Sara uncovers is beyond even her wildest imagination: a coded message, papers with strange characters, and a mysterious set of numbers carved into an office wall. Despite dismissive historians and other experts, she is certain these clues point to a mysterious centuries-old legend.

Unfortunately, her colorful history of usually being right, but always being wrong, means she must solve the mystery to prove her theory.


Disclosure:  I highly suggest readers start from Book 1 so as not to miss out on the “importance” of these guest characters to the plot and why Sara has to trust/not trust them, especially when they seem to know more than they say

As expected in most mystery theme books, Fire & Ice is told from Sara’s POV only. The writing is clear, descriptive, and fascinating, although with some “overwhelming parts, especially when ciphering codes and math jargon spewed out. 

The story continues with Sara Donovan working at another museum (different from Book 1) and on the trail of another mystery that seems to have her using her investigative skill again. She tackles interesting theories and intriguing locations that, at first glance, are not related to the questioned mystery until the many layers of mystery peel off.

It was great to see “the gang” from Book 1, helping Sara again, especially Mrs. Majelski! I miss that spunky lady’s sense of humor and cryptic messages to Sara. Mejelski’s more fierce in this book and will surely win readers again!

I love how the author portrayed other supporting characters like Zoe, Matt, and even her father, clarifying a lot of technical stuff about code-breaking theories Sara got herself into. Even with the many new cast of characters helping Sara in the book, the hero and problem-solving came from Sara.

Although many moments showed how “lucky” Sarah stumbled on relevant tips and essential clues because of her friends, everything still felt organically developed as the story progressed.

The writing is well researched, especially with the clues and connections. The pacing is just right, but I must mention that there were moments that frustrated me. It was when the author would add a specific detail that I thought would add to Sara’s advantage or not but later found out that it didn’t “work.” Some parts repeated, like Sara’s boyfriend, Connor (in Book 1), was mentioned often to vouch for Sara’s credibility constantly. It’s great and good that Connor reassured that particular friend of Sara’s credibility, BUT that friend’s faith in Connor showed less and less each time Sara discovered something extraordinary and even started doubting her at some point in the book. I am not sure if maybe that’s the author’s point – to provide much doubt and “stack everything against Sarah” that when it all came down at the end, it will have more “weight.”

Ultimately, Fire & Ice is an excellent cozy mystery read with many code-cracking mysteries, suspense, and danger. It was so engaging that I could not stop reading and then later reflect on each inch of the clues. I was taken out of my comfort zone of cozy mystery and thrown into the headspace of double meanings, misleading clues, and well-placed deflections. This book is full of twists and turns that will make one flip-flop between who is involved and who is the “mastermind.” It is one marvelous adventure anyone can have in problem-solving.

Don’t just take my word for it. Read it and find out for yourself!


– cute doggie Mauzzy helping out then leading Sara to go further
– excellent character development versus Book 1 for MC
– new casts and old converging to help solve the mystery
– ample Mrs. Majelski’s “air time” that provided the fierceness and spunk
– bigger picture lies outside of the museum piece (the diamond) and becomes a more explosive revelation in the end
– code-cracking skills well used and explained thoroughly


– repetition of some minor events seems to distract than emphasize; could have done without
– not enough of Connor Reed (!!!)

About the Author

B. T. Polcari  is a graduate of Rutgers College of Rutgers University, an award-winning mystery author, and a proud father of two wonderful children. He’s a champion of rescue pups (Mauzzy is but one example), craves watching football and basketball, and, of course, loves reading mysteries. Among his favorite authors are D.P. Lyle, Robert B. Parker, and Michael Connelly. He is also an unapologetic fantasy football addict. He lives with his wife in scenic Chattanooga, Tennessee.

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Review | Cutter (Badges of the Capital 2) by Misha Blake

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author and/or publisher. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. A positive review is not required.

Published on: 12 July 2022
Type: HEA, series
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Suspense/ Mystery, Drama, Second Chances
Author: Misha Blake
Read: 05 July 2022
Shelved: 07 July 2022
Rating: 3 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐

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Firefighter Mason “Cutter” Carter is one of the lucky ones—he is still alive after his life nearly got claimed in a fire. So when he wakes up from a coma, Mason is ready to get back to the life he knows—or the one he thinks he knows where the idea of a wife and a marriage is non-existent, but where the heart-stoppingly gorgeous brunette still haunts his nights and torments his days.

Ensley Carter-Walker puts the fire and the fighter in the term firefighter. Always strong, forever the one people would count on, Ensley has the fire in her soul and the fight in every fiber of her being. Now, more than ever, these attributes are challenged as she begins the battle of her life—fighting for Mason’s love and their marriage while experiencing his excruciating denial to succumb to his feelings for her.

Lies are told and truths are hidden.
Secrets are harbored and emotions are triggered.
Attraction skyrockets and tension builds.
Denied temptation hangs on by a thread and blurred lines get crossed.
Mason and Ensley gamble on a chance that could bring them a thriving forever or a tragic cessation.

The present’s stakes are high when Mason can’t outrun his deceitful and well-concealed past that catches up to him, creating an uncertain future. But the price to be paid gets even steeper when Ensley proves to be the only one standing between him and his looming legacy, and her life is in danger.

A fast-ticking clock sets off and every second that clicks by wagers against the love and happily ever after they once promised to each other—a vow remarkably close that’s within reach, but so dangerously far all the same.


Trigger Warning: divorce (mentioned), foster care, broken family

Cutter talks about a man who got lost and then rescued by love, family, and friends. It talks about how far one is willing to go to protect their loved ones while, at the same time, finding the strength to hold on to one’s soulmate.

The POV is from both MCs – Mason Carter and Ensley Walker, two firefighters trying their best to help their community.

I enjoyed the lessons in the book, like:

  1. How marriage is an ongoing project wherein couples must work with each other constantly to show their love and support.
  2. A family can come from many forms beyond giving birth.
  3. If all ends fail, be honest and let others in to help.

It is realistic and raw. It shows that a HEA married couple can still fall and run into big problems. Ensley was fearless in doing what she did. It was risky, but I understand her position, no matter how frustrating. I believe that with proper communication (and fewer secrets) from the start, everyone involved would have minimized all the heartache. BUT this is the author’s specialty…to bring in as much angst in a story. I cannot fault the author for this formula/direction. I would have better accepted the whole premise if the MCs had good communication from the start, then they brought in conflict, insecurity, and angst. I would be in a better headspace to accept the situation. 

I find the pacing a bit slower and repetitive at times. There is the point of Mason forgetting what he is to Ensley that shows through flashbacks and recollection that seems to drag some bits of the story. There was much grief and anguish in both Ensley and Mason’s situations and internal discussions that would distract me from focusing on the problem and piecing together the “missing pieces” of the story. 

About three-fourths of the story, the pace gets faster and more exciting – when Mason finally becomes vulnerable, and his secret slowly emerges. Readers get to see why Mason did what he did and the past that comes catching up with him. I love the action-packed, suspenseful ending that will grip readers till the end. 

Even with the above, I would still recommend Cutter. It is a good continuation of the series that will tie in many questions on what happened to Ensley. It continues from where it left off and provides an in-depth exploration of life after a wedding, basically how to make marriages last, which is to love and “fight” fiercely and honor their vows.

Meet the Author

Misha Blake is a new young author who lives her life in rainy England.
She has only just begun her long-postponed and long-overdue journey into the world of writing, but she is no stranger to romance herself.
Misha finds her inspiration for her books in everything that surrounds her, in her family, friends, and even the strangers on the streets.
Her genre is a steamy romance with a pinch of suspense and drama. It surrounds around strong and sexy heroes who dare to fall in love and love the heroines who are just as incredibly stubborn as they are alluring.

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Review | Fool Me Thrice (Fool Me Book 2) by Lizzie Morton

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author and/or publisher. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. A positive review is not required.

Published on: 28 April 2022
Type: series, HEA, duet
Genre: New Adult Romance, Romantic Suspense, Thriller
Tropes: thriller/suspense buffs, second chances fans, serial killer mystery readers
Author: Lizzie Morton
Book Length: 372 pages
Read: 28 March 2022
Shelved: 31 March 2022
Rating: 5 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Run, Josie, Run. Those are the words he wrote to me and that’s exactly what I’m doing.

I thought I was saving all of us, I thought I’d fooled him thrice. The only person I fooled was myself. Trapped in the darkness, I wondered if losing would be the easy way out.

Until Evan.

Off-limits. Dangerous. Everything I should stay away from.

The end was coming, I could feel it. But just when the odds were in my favor, the tables turned, taking me right back to where it all began, wondering who I could trust.

If anyone.

Only one thing is certain in this game of cat and mouse: there can only be one winner.

I’m determined to make sure it’s me.

**Fool Me Thrice is the final installment to the Fool Me Series. Please note this book has mature situations and themes which may be considered triggers for some. Reader discretion is advised.**


POV: first-person, dual POV – Evan and Josie/Freya

Fool Me Thrice starts jointly as Fool Me Twice, wherein part of Book 2’s final chapters intersects and is told from Evan’s POV – leading up to Book 2’s finale. I enjoyed the “interlocking scenes” that jived and stayed true to the previous book. It was delightful to revisit the other Beckets, even if it was a “gloom and doom” moment. 

Since this will be the last book in the series, one can expect more action, more suspense, and a lot of angst and slow-burn between Evan and Josie/Freya.

The storyline’s complexity will make reading the whole series worthwhile! I highly suggest readers read the prequel and Book 1 before starting this book to see the clues and connections that will come full circle. When the answers come, be ready to be in awe.

I appreciate the author’s detailed character development that gives new meaning to “slow-burn.” Josie’s character goes through a “coming of age” growth – physically and emotionally, from a young adult to a woman. Although readers will be in the thick of the mystery/suspense of the story, we also see Josie’s coming of age story, wherein she goes through much angst with the reluctant Evan!

Evan has been with us from day 1, but it is only in this book that readers will see all his insecurities, which hinders him from listening to his feelings about Josie that would have given readers relief from all the tension all over the book. A lot more backstory is going on with him, making him one of the book’s most angst yet intriguing characters.

Although I found the ending was a bit faster than I wanted, or maybe because I was blind-sighted by the killer in the end. I did not know who was responsible up until the killer was “unmasked,” so all around, I would say this was a very successful ending!

Overall, I could not put Fool Me Thrice down! There is more nail-biting suspense with looming uncertainty in each chapter as Evan and Josie/Freya navigate their complicated relationship and find a serial killer. The book is an excellent example of the “right kind” of balance – between character growth AND zeroing in to find the serial killers (hint hint) that span months of investigation, leading to “unexpected acquaintances,” revisit of past characters, more deaths, and twists that will surprise and shock readers. 

I highly recommend this book to suspense and thriller buffs!

About the Author

Author Lizzie Morton is an author of Contemporary Romance and New Adult novels. She lives in the U.K with her partner and three children.
Previously, she worked as a Personal Trainer and Back Pain Specialist and trained as a Chef at Leeds City College.
Her first novel was initially just a note on her phone but became a full manuscript – released in August 2020.
Her favorite things include running, sniffling, and changing nappies when she isn’t reading or writing.

Connect with Lizzie:
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Review | Bound by the Unspeakable by Emily A Myers

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author and/or publisher. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. A positive review is not required. Also, I may earn a commission on some affiliate links below, whose fees support independent bookshops. Hope you would consider getting it at a local bookstore.

Published on: 19 April 2022
Type: duology, continuation
Genre: Psychological Fiction, Suspense Thriller, Drama
Author: Emily A Myers
Read: 15 February 2022
Shelved: 07 March 2022
Rating: 4/ 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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“There are no angels in Hell. If I want to survive, then I’ll become the monster I must.”

One year after Emma and Julian fled New Orleans to escape an enemy with infinite reach, they are back in the Crescent City and praying for a fresh start. But their past soon catches up with Emma as a mysterious man who knows far too much about her to be innocent. Worried their new world of secrets and suspicion may be changing Julian, Emma embarks on a solo investigation into the man following her. Yet, what she discovers is more unspeakable than she ever could’ve imagined. Can she trust him? Definitely not. Is he the key to her freedom? Possibly. In this action-packed romantic thriller, Emma will come face to face with the enemy that sent her packing a year prior. The question is, will she lose herself in this war of worlds? And will she and Julian have the happily ever after they’ve been fighting for?

From the author of The Truth About Unspeakable Things comes the fast-paced, action-packed, emotional conclusion to Emma Marshall’s story. “Dark and surprising,” Bound by the Unspeakable is a “spine-tingling thriller [and] gripping suspense story that will make you hold your breath from start to finish! A must-read for thriller-seeking and suspense-loving readers.”


Note: it is highly advised that readers read Book 1 first before diving into this book; otherwise, there would be many spoilers, confusing content references, and past events that readers may get lost if they don’t know the backstory. Their backstories and backgrounds are here.

Bound by the Unspeakable continues a year after Book 1 ended. Emma and Julian return in Bound by the Unspeakable. But with the Brotherhood trying to find Emma and turn the people important to her, Emma has to seek support from the most unlikely mafia player in New Orleans, The Blood King.

POV: first-person, limited from Emma’s

Emma’s a flawed protagonist, but that makes her authentic. Her determination to protect others before herself is admirable to a fault. This selflessness makes her a great protagonist, yet sometimes to her downfall. She is willing to sacrifice everything without realizing what she is putting herself through. There is a lot of internal conflict and dialogue within Emma’s head. It can get long and repetitive, but it shows how much was going on with Emma – if she should stay and fight or leave for good. I found myself more frustrated with Emma’s character in this book than in the previous one. I felt that her indecisiveness and self-doubt were overwhelming the whole story. A few bad decisions would have been detrimental if anyone else had done it. Her slight guilt and self-sacrificing thoughts would at times overpower/overwhelm the moment; the main point gets lost.

The pacing and writing are perfect for the suspense and mystery of the book. Revelations were timed well and kept me hooked. The many more  “backstabbing” and back-door dealings were so complex that everything was uncertain until the last chapter. The ending provided is a fitting conclusion to the pain and sacrifices that Emma (and Julian, etc.) had to endure in the past.

I appreciate how the author provided “space” to grow for Emma, Julian, and Alister, but I wished Mason had given more “page time.” Mason’s character developed had significant momentum in Book 1 but lacked traction when Book 2 came. Readers who might expect more from Mason after Book 1 will be saddened to find that he is more “behind the scenes” – still crucial in certain moments, but the book focuses on Emma, Alister, and Julian instead. The author could have explored Mason’s story/side more than leaving it out of the story. I would either have Julian’s side in some chapters to help with explaining Mason’s story OR have him confess to Emma. Maybe having Mason disclose his insecurities and personality through a talk with Emma again would also help since some readers might jump into this book immediately versus reading Book 1. The nice thing to see in this book is that Julian and Mason’s relationship got a lot better, wherein wounds of the past are healing. 

Alister is an interesting character. He is made of too many layers and splits in the middle between a good versus bad guy. He wants to be the savior for everyone in his life, but at the expense of him having to take on all the “dirty deeds” after taking on his father’s business as the Blood King. There were many lines that he crossed that I disapproved. Nonetheless, given his confessions later, I am no longer sure about that stance. I respect Alister for trying to explain Mason’s part in the end. It may sound like he is appeasing Emma, but I felt he got Mason and provided an excellent ender to the story.

I like the juxtaposition of Julian (the light) and Alister/Beau (the dark) with Emma. Her determination to keep Julian “in the light” to “ground herself” to the light is constant from start to finish and is the saving grace that keeps everyone she knows alive. Her choices in trying to stay “in the light” while dealing with “the dark” enable her later to save herself and push with a “higher purpose.” 

The pivotal part at the end was heart-stopping. One doesn’t know who’s side is what, and when the explosive reveal comes, it took me by surprise! There were more people involved than first imagined in Emma’s head. Expect a lot of betrayals, backstabbings, and surprises.

Overall, Bound by the Unspeakable is a spine-tingling, gripping suspense story that will make you hold your breath from start to finish! I enjoyed the suspense and action-packed scenes and the twist at the end…that one I didn’t see coming! It will make readers rethink everything about dark, vile and underground investigation. 

A must-read for thriller-seeking and suspense-loving readers!


Memorable Quotes/Moments in Bound by the Unspeakable:-

Favorite Scene: Julian shows Emma a painted mural at Lucid Records to remind her what she is made of and that he loves all her “sides.”

Favorite line: 

“There can never be a perfect moment, no matter how planned things are, but just the perfect partner to be with to go through all the imperfect times.”

This quote reiterates one of the essential points in the book – the “seize the day” mantra. This line is a sweet proposal that melted my heart! The speech that came with it was swoon-worthy!

Favorite unexpected moment:

“The whole goodbye thing, it’s overrated. Words are only one way of letting someone know how you feel. A lot of times, they’re misused or misinterpreted. But actions? Actions are the truest form of love. And you loved Mason. Julian loved Mason. He knew that. And even though he told you shouldn’t have come, I guarantee you, deep down, he was glad you did. You showed up for him, for Julian. You put yourself at risk to save them. What great act of love could you have given him?”

I am in awe with the things that come out of Alister’s brains throws me off too many times in the book with comments like that! Who knew under that hard shell lies a poetic romantic?

About the Author

AUTHOR + BLOGGER – Emily Myers

I first found a love for storytelling in middle school. One of my most memorable early writings was a historical paranormal romance. It was a short story I wrote in the 8th grade and I still regret not saving a copy. Since then, I’ve had a love for writing, and that love has taken me far.

My love for writing inspired my college studies and my career post-college as a high school English teacher. But my days as a teacher were limited as I soon discovered the classroom environment was not the place for my talents or creativity to shine. I left teaching in the Winter of 2018 and have since been working to find my place in the literary world.​

I am pleased to announce, two years after leaving my position as a teacher, that my first novel is set to release this spring and I’ve already begun work on my second novel.
I’ve found my niche as a Romantic Suspense writer with a focus on protagonists that tackle prominent women’s issues. I hope you’ll stick around and follow along on my journey.

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Review | Portrait of a Thief by Grace D. Li

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the publisher/author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. A positive review is not required.

Published on: 05 April 2022
Published by: Tiny Reparations Books
Type: standalone
Genre: Asian American Literature & Fiction, Heist Thrillers, Cultural Heritage Fiction, Multi-cultural Interest
Author: Grace D. Li
Book Length: 384 pages
Read: 19 October 2021
Shelved: 03 November 2021
Rating: 5 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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History is told by the conquerors. Across the Western world, museums display the spoils of war, of conquest, of colonialism: priceless pieces of art looted from other countries, kept even now.
Will Chen plans to steal them back.
A senior at Harvard, Will fits comfortably in his carefully curated roles: a perfect student, an art history major, and sometimes artist, the eldest son that has always been his parents’ American Dream. But when a shadowy Chinese corporation reaches out with an impossible—and illegal—job offer, Will finds himself something else as well: the leader of a heist to steal back five priceless Chinese sculptures, looted from Beijing centuries ago.
His crew is every heist archetype one can imagine—or at least, the closest he can get. A conman: Irene Chen, Will’s sister and a public policy major at Duke, who can talk her way out of anything. A thief: Daniel Liang, a premed student with steady hands just as capable of lockpicking as suturing. A getaway driver: Lily Wu, an engineering student who races cars in her free time. A hacker: Alex Huang, an MIT dropout turned Silicon Valley software engineer. Each member of his crew has their own complicated relationship with China and the identity they’ve cultivated as Chinese Americans, but when Will asks, none of them can turn him down.
Because if they succeed? They earn fifty million dollars–and a chance to make history. But if they fail, it will mean not just the loss of everything they’ve dreamed for themselves but yet another thwarted attempt to take back what colonialism has stolen.
With poetic language, a fun, commercial hook, and a plot that spans the Western world, Portrait of a Thief is both a cultural heist and an examination of the Chinese American identity, as well as a necessary critique of the lingering effects of colonialism that readers won’t want to miss.


A bit of information about the Old Summer Palace, its backstory, and controversies surrounding the infamous fountain:-

Old Summer Place on WikipediaWhatsInWeibo

The controversies surrounding the Zodiac Heads:

The Story:- 
a senior college student recruited a group of his friends to help him pull off a few big heists worldwide. Told from a specific set of character POVs, Portrait of a Thief will mesmerize, shock, and leave readers grappling for more!

The Purpose:- 
to return artworks, particularly 5 of China’s Summer Palace’s bronze zodiac fountain heads found in other foreign museums.

The Crew (a.k.a. main characters):-

(a) William Chen: an art historian and art lover. He was an intern at the Sackler Museum when a robbery was happening at the beginning of the book. He believes in the crusade of returning stolen and lost artworks to their origins to preserve history for the future.

(b) Irene Chen: sister of Will Chen, studies at Duke and is roommates with Lily, referred to be part of the heist. She was recently offered an internship job at the start of the book in New York. She is protective of Will and Daniel since they all grew up together.

(c) Alex Huang: software engineer working in Silicon Valley. She met Will on Tinder as a freshman at MIT, who dropped out of college to pursue a lucrative job offer at Google. A burden weighs her down and hinges on familial duty and responsibility.

(d) Lily Wu: a friend of Irene, who is a Duke student by day, a “streetcar” racer by night. She seems lost with what she wants. Thus the two facades she projects: – the diligent and “straight-ace” student and the rebel without a cause.

(e) Daniel Liang: a college student applying for medical school, son of FBI Art Crime. He has been childhood friends with Will and Irene from way back. He has a tumultuous relationship with his father.

Things I Love About Portrait of a Thief:-

1.) Unlocking historical backstories. 

I love how the author inadvertently made me dive deeper into the history, background, and information about the zodiac heads, museums, and the people trying their hardest to restore the art and culture of China. This book took me longer to read because, aside from being a lengthy book, it also made me extrapolate each of the characters and their motivations. 

2.) Intriguing controversies are placed front and center in the book.

The author places the reparation of these stolen artworks into the mainstream of this book to help bring in more needed action/attention to this cause. It is current and appropriate as countries, i.e., China trying to find and “bring back” stolen artworks for national heritage preservation. Initially, two zodiac heads were “withheld” after a failed sale (via auction), but the owners later donated them back to China.

This book refers to the previous wars (i.e., the Opium War) that happened in China, with pillaging being the norm and the looting/ spoils of were became trophies brought out of China.

3.) Ingenious plot twists.

The author does a great job setting the mystery and suspense in each scene and between the characters. The book is from the third person, omniscient – multiple characters, which is the best of all worlds in writing BUT withholds some pertinent details that engage readers to keep reading. 

The crew got the “job” done with many moving parts, each character playing an important part. The task was daunting when it started. Heck, I thought it would fail when they even the concerning country! The author made sure that readers focus on character development rather than the heist. Note that it’s the depiction of a thief (“portrait of a thief”) and the general conflicting moral compass for thieves.

4.) Impressionable characters.

There is a split in each character’s motivation for “taking the job,” which makes each character interesting from an outsider’s perspective. Each person’s motivations were randomly varied:- from patriotism to monetary, pride to curiosity, cockiness to boredom, or basically, as simple as “they just can do it” reasons. All these reasons make the story a lot more colorful. I can see now how this book was inspired by Italian Job or even The Thomas Crown Affair, with an artistic Asian flair.

I also love the internal struggles they have with their identity and purpose. Traditionally, kids pursue the pinnacle of their abilities and opportunities as they all transition to “adulthood,” or the after-college phases. Many things still haunt these characters – the sense of whose lives they are living for: duty to country, parents, or themselves. This duty is a dilemma faced by most, if not most kids in general. This book took me longer to read, mainly because of this element. I took to heart everything, and sometimes it would take me a day or two to absorb and reflect on the characters and their situations. This book takes my term “investing in the characters” a whole new meaning – this sets a higher bar for future authors who will make me have all “the feels” for book characters. 

5.) The Ending.

Readers can see only parts of what is going on until the ending hits, THEN more twists happen that will ROCK your world. The book might reveal everything, but ultimately, the explanation and understanding have come from the reader and their relationship with each character. 

I was speechless on how everything felt like a chessboard with checkmates happening at the end – just when readers think it was all over – infiltration with class and finesse. A lot of intricacies happened to have the ending work itself out. I appreciate it coming like a great flashback of the past wherein “secrets” were revealed spectacularly!

Overall, Portrait of a Thief is a gem of a debut novel from a new author! This book is a masterpiece that depicts so many internal struggles in each characters’ life. All the characters were stellar in their own right. This story will undoubtedly leave readers with long-lasting impressions on everything:- familial duty, nationalism, patriotism, identity, and individualism. The writing is impeccable and will grab readers’ hearts, minds, and attention even when you put it down for a break or when done. 

I felt so raw after this book. There is the fear of losing one’s identity – cultural and personal due to migration, assimilation, and to the extent, “watered down” to the point of insignificance. I felt that preservation and honoring the past, good or bad, is vital to keep each person’s identity for everyone – past, present, and future. Art pieces like the ones in the book are what keep humanity grounded and real.

– Suspense at each turn
– Real and well-developed characters with intricate lives and difficult choices
– Tension from start to finish, whether at a job or between each other
– Thought-provoking ideology and topics between the characters
– Moral compass tested
– Representation achieved 



I tried looking for something, but I couldn’t find anything wrong with this. This book hits every truth of a transplant, migrant diaspora imagined through the characters: the in-depth self-reflection and self-exploration – all “hit home” in my culture and connection. 

Tropes: suspense, second chances, patriotism, coming of age

About the Author

Grace D. Li grew up in Houston, Texas, and is a graduate of Duke University, where she studied biology and creative writing. She is currently a medical student at Stanford University, and when she isn’t writing or studying, she is searching for the best cheesecake in the Bay Area. PORTRAIT OF A THIEF is her debut novel.

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Book provided by Edelweiss+
Source: Grace D. Li on Twitter

Review | Gallant by V.E. Schwab

Disclosure: All views expressed are only my honest opinion. A positive review is not required. Also, I may earn a commission on some affiliate links below, whose fees support independent bookshops. Hope you would consider getting it at a local bookstore.

Published on: 01 March 2022
Published by: Greenwillow Books
Teen & Young Adult, Dark Fantasy, Orphans & Foster Homes, Fairy Tales & Folklore
AuthorV.E. Schwab

Book Length: 352 pages
Reading age ‏ : ‎ 13 – 17 years
Grade level ‏ : ‎ 8 – 9
Read: 10 March 2022
Shelved: 11 March 2022
Rating: 5 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Everything casts a shadow. Even the world we live in. And as with every shadow, there is a place where it must touch. A seam, where the shadow meets its source.

Olivia Prior has grown up in Merilance School for girls, and all she has of her past is her mother’s journal—which seems to unravel into madness. Then, a letter invites Olivia to come home—to Gallant. Yet when Olivia arrives, no one is expecting her. But Olivia is not about to leave the first place that feels like home, it doesn’t matter if her cousin Matthew is hostile or if she sees half-formed ghouls haunting the hallways.

Olivia knows that Gallant is hiding secrets, and she is determined to uncover them. When she crosses a ruined wall at just the right moment, Olivia finds herself in a place that is Gallant—but not. The manor is crumbling, the ghouls are solid, and a mysterious figure rules over all. Now Olivia sees what has unraveled generations of her family, and where her father may have come from.

Olivia has always wanted to belong somewhere, but will she take her place as a Prior, protecting our world against the Master of the House? Or will she take her place beside him? 


Olivia Prior is a curious child. She is smart, brave, calculative, and cunning. She knows when to fight and when to “wait.” She sees things that no child sees and has many unique abilities in the book. 

The story is set initially at the Merilance School for Independent Girls (“Merilance”), where she was left to “fend” for herself early on. She hardly interacts with anyone and enjoys being left alone – in her silence. She loves to draw and is quite good at it.

Then one day, a mysterious letter from a long-lost relative arrives Merilance summoning her to Gallant, where her family has supposedly been looking for her all these years. This letter becomes the pivotal instrument that will change Olivia forever.

Written from a third-person POV, Gallant is full of diary-like/journal entries with intriguing illustrations interlaced in each chapter. Some of these illustrations would repeat in later chapters as a tool to emphasize their importance. These repeated illustrations will make readers keep viewing the ink drawings that hide the real implications of its ties with Olivia and Gallant.

The author’s phenomenal world-building is one I looked forward to in her books. She takes readers into an in-depth exploration through fantastic yet contrasting views of Gallant (the house) and shows us the dichotomy of everything – “day” versus “night.” Vivid yet sometimes whimsical imagery, the author’s “famous signature,” provides rich scenes that were impossible to leave behind. 

It is never a surprise to see the author’s unique technique of conveying character narratives. Her proses were hauntingly eerie and, at the same time, beautiful. From the written warnings in Olivia’s mother’s journal to another character’s whispered gestures, readers will be in awe of the rhythm and flow, then get hit by the cunningly placed mysterious messages in them. These captivating quotes from various Priors will surely leave a long and lingering impression that will make you reread it over and over again – inking itself into our hearts and minds. 

Given the lavish details provided in Gallant, my most anticipated element has to be the characters! 

I appreciate a book that gives life and love to all the characters involved – big or small, wherein even the villains (or are they considered as much) in the story grew on me into a new understanding. These characters grow beyond what any reader can expect, and thus, Gallant delivers characters that readers want to know more beyond the pages – into their individual histories and personalities. 

Olivia’s character is a refreshing take to an older character conjured by the author. She is different from the author’s other books, i.e. Cassidy (Cassidy Blake), wherein the former’s inquisitive mind seems a lot more mature than the latter. Olivia has a lot of thoughts sealed up inside her that may be to her advantage that people underestimate her. She is brave, clever, and determined. Olivia is the 2022 version of the young heroine that anyone (young or old) would want to read into and imitate or have as a role model. Given her situation, she is a more complex character who had to mature quickly. Olivia echoes the dichotomy of humanity, wherein humans have both “light” and “dark” sides to our personalities. I love characters who make us want to become more and beyond our initial perception of “good enough.”

Lastly, the chill factor was perfect! There were many times that I felt the ghouls that Olivia was talking about in the book (with my hyper imagination running all full throttle) when I was reading the book alone at night. It may send chills to one’s spine, and thus I also recommend reading the book during “daylight” as the book’s ending scenes got a bit “hairy” for Olivia. 

Overall, Gallant is an unexpected yet pleasantly enlightening read. I constantly reminded myself that this is a YA novel targeted to a different audience than the author’s most recent, more famous works like The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. Thus, the message is timeless and impressionable, yet delivered in a tidy approach at the end. The nuances are old and new at the same time. The book echoes the messages and intentions as the author’s books on empowered young FMCs “called” forth to bring justice and “balance.”

Themes: familial love, honor and duty, purpose and belonging, the cycle of life and death, strong protagonists, sacrifices, dark gothic, haunting, enigmatic, self-sacrifices, self-worth

About the Author

Victoria (V.E.) Schwab is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than a dozen books, including the acclaimed Shades of Magic series, This Savage Song, Our Dark Duet, City of Ghosts, and Vicious. Her work has received critical acclaim, has been featured in the New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, Washington Post, and more has been translated into more than a dozen languages and has been optioned for television and film.

Victoria is the product of a British mother, a Beverly Hills father, and a southern upbringing. Because of this, she has been known to say “tom-ah-toes,” “like,” and “y’all.” She also tells stories. She loves fairy tales, folklore, and stories that make her wonder if the world is really as it seems.

When she’s not haunting Paris streets or trudging up English hillsides, she lives in Nashville and is usually tucked in the corner of a coffee shop, dreaming up monsters.

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Review | Anatomy: A Love Story by Dana Schwartz

Disclosure: All views expressed are only my honest opinion. Also, I may earn a commission on some affiliate links below, whose fees support independent bookshops. Hope you would consider getting it at a local bookstore.

Published on: 18 January 2022
Published by: Wednesday Books
Type: standalone
Genre: Teen & Young Adult, Sword & Sorcery, Fantasy, Romance, Historical Romance
Author: Dana Schwartz
Book Length: 352 pages
Read: 31 Jan 2022
Shelved: 05 February 2022
Rating: 4 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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A gothic tale, full of mystery and romance about a willful female surgeon, a resurrection man who sells bodies for a living, and the buried secrets they must uncover together.

Edinburgh, 1817.

Hazel Sinnett is a lady who wants to be a surgeon more than she wants to marry.

Jack Currer is a resurrection man who’s just trying to survive in a city where it’s too easy to die.

When the two of them have a chance encounter outside the Edinburgh Anatomist’s Society, Hazel thinks nothing of it at first. But after she gets kicked out of renowned surgeon Dr. Beecham’s lectures for being the wrong gender, she realizes that her new acquaintance might be more helpful than she first thought. Because Hazel has made a deal with Dr. Beecham: if she can pass the medical examination on her own, the university will allow her to enroll. Without official lessons, though, Hazel will need more than just her books – she’ll need bodies to study, corpses to dissect.

Lucky that she’s made the acquaintance of someone who digs them up for a living, then.

But Jack has his own problems: strange men have been seen skulking around cemeteries, his friends are disappearing off the streets. Hazel and Jack work together to uncover the secrets buried not just in unmarked graves, but in the very heart of Edinburgh society.


POV: Third-person, Omniscient 

Time and Location: 1800s, Edinburgh

Hazel Sinnett is an aspiring surgeon or a woman of science if society will allow her. Her interest lies in surgical dissection and exploration of the human anatomy.  

Jack Currer is a resurrection man (a “body snatcher” or a person who secretly exhumes dead bodies to sell them) who bumps into Hazel in one of his business dealings.

With an outbreak with no known cure and unexplained deaths, Hazel and Jack seem to have stumbled to the answers that they don’t know will change them forever.

The book focuses on the pursuit of knowledge – namely, the human anatomy and the mystery of the disappearances around Edinburgh. The love aspect is only a far third, though a bit misleading to assume it’s the focal point – based on the title.

I want to point out that the “love” theme is not the main focus versus the first. Given this is for a YA audience, the love scenes are more conservative based on the era and instead dive into the emotional turmoil and development than the physical. 

The human body is explored, researched, and well written. The author writes the beautiful and ugly side science, progress, power, and money. The book talks about the new advances and “improvements” in science that are wonderful but come at a high trade-off. Eye-opening and hopeful to some, but most cruel when greed comes in. It reminds us that evolution has a price. This pursuit affects everyone and translates to a more significant societal impact of corruption and “framing.” There is much emphasis on the disparity between the superior versus sub-par gender, AND “haves” and “have-nots” are evident and accurate to the time. It worked me up, but I appreciate the author’s purpose in stressing those and the main characters’ frustrations.   

I love how the author developed each character effectively and kept the story’s pace dynamic with a few historical explanations randomly placed. The characters were relatable and made me feel for them with each “hard decision” they had to make in the dark and mysterious situation they faced. 

I love Hazel! She is way ahead of her time, and she was determined to follow her path in the medical field. The book showed how she approached each hurdle and made the most of her situation. 

The biggest surprise for me is the ending. It stumped, shooked, and kept me up with overanalyzing everything in the book. I even went back to re-read a few chapters before the end. I don’t know how I feel about how things ended. I am torn – should I be happy or sad with how things turned out? I do not know. One part of me was like, “WOW…that was a total 360-degrees,” while another side was “OH NO, it cannot be this” on the love story. 

Even with the above comment, it is not to say that I did not enjoy the book. I still rated the book high because I enjoyed the book as a whole – happily devouring the in-depth relationship building, world-building, and character development aspects of it. I did like the Epilogue that shrouded the ending with even more mystery, even if it made me sad. 

Overall, Anatomy: A Love Story is a book of a revolutionary and bright heroine, Hazel, who goes off into a higher purpose than initially seen. The book feels like an ode to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein at the start, but it later progresses into something higher and a category of its own on storytelling. She discovers her passion and confidence through science and solves one of the biggest conspiracies of the time. It is full of mystery and suspense at each turn, even if we get both protagonists’ POVs. The writing is witty, descriptive, and captivating, with some British slang that is easy to decipher. The story explores the price of knowledge and the ugly side of pursuing progress. The stereotypical connotations of women in society stand out and balance with a few surprising twists that make it ingeniously captivating.

About the Author

Dana is the creator and host of the number one-charting podcast Noble Blood, produced by iHeartRadio, in which she tells the lesser-known stories of royals throughout history. She is also the host of the iHeartRadio original podcast Haileywood, about Bruce Willis’s attempt to become a real-estate mogul in a small town in Idaho in the 1990’s, and a frequent co-host on the Crooked Media podcast, Hysteria

Dana is the author of four books, including the #1 New York Times and #1 Indie bestseller Anatomy: A Love Story, the memoir Choose Your Own Disaster and the humor book, The White Man’s Guide to White Male Writers of the Western Canon, based on her viral parody Twitter account @GuyInYourMFA Anatomy: A Love Story, a #1 Indie bestseller, was the Winter YA pick for Reese Witherspoon’s book club. 

As a journalist, Dana has written for Entertainment Weekly, The New Yorker, The Washington Post, Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, GQ, Vanity Fair, Bustle, and more. Dana lives in Los Angeles with her fiancé and their cats, Eddie and Beetlejuice.

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Cover Reveal | Notebook Mysteries: Changes & Challenges by Kimberly Mullins

by Kimberly Mullins
Release Date: March 16

Publisher‏ : ‎ JKJ Books, LLC
Publication date‏ : ‎ March 16, 2022

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Emma’s adventures continue as she solves crimes and mysteries in book three of The Notebook Mysteries series.

Chicago, 1885 Emma Evans is surprised when she is contacted about the reading of a will involving a prior client.  She must determine if the inheritance is a good thing or not, it remains to be seen. Papers and business review requires Emma to go to New York City.  A trip is quickly organized, during which Jeremy and Emma draw closer to each other and their relationship deepens. As they return home, they realize that they do not want to be apart. How can they do this? What are their choices available in 1885 for a young couple?

The will comes with responsibilities and complicated tasks that also allow her to continue to expand their team’s reach and bring old friends closer.

A new case will involve hidden plots, murder, drugs, kidnapping, new and old friends from the first two books in this series.  Secrets about Jeremy and Emma’s personal life are exposed during that dramatic case that will keep you guessing. Emma will have to use all of her skills to save those in danger.

Emma adds to her adventures by meeting Tony in Paris. He needs help and Jeremy has an ulterior motive when he convinces Emma to go alone to Paris to help a friend. How can she say no?

Review: “This tale will draw you in and will delight those who are a bit of an amateur sleuth themselves.” Don’t miss book 3 of this engaging series!  

About the Author

I am Kimberly Mullins, the author of a published mystery novel set in 1881 Chicago.

 I have a Bachelors Degree in Biology and an MBA in Business. I have been working as a certified Process Safety Engineer at a large chemical company. I have also been a contributing author in a technical book in my field. I have also written several technical papers.

 I live in South Texas with my son, husband, and three cats. We do live close to the coast, so hurricanes are a normal part of life here. In 2008 we lost our house in Hurricane Ike and found out I had breast cancer in the same two-week period. 2009 was a struggle to rebuild and beat cancer- we did both successfully!

 I find that that challenge made everything else seem easier. So, when I decided to try writing, I didn’t let myself think I couldn’t do it; I just did it. I took a year to figure out how to write a book and used many resources to help me. I have friends and family that were willing to read early drafts and read later versions over and over. I have since written three more in the series since that time. I am hoping to continue past book 10.

 I love my books, and I hope so will you.

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The Boss (Men of Hidden Justice Book 1) by Melanie Moreland

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. A positive review is not required.

Published on: 14 October 2021
Published by: Moreland Books Inc
Type: series, standalone, interconnected series, no cliffhanger
Genre: Vigilante Justice, Canadian Literature, Romantic Action & Adventure
Author: Melanie Moreland
Read: 04 October 2021
Shelved: 05 October 2021
Rating: 4 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Terrified and on the run, I was lost. He found me.

I witnessed his crime and he gave me a choice.
Marriage or death.
I never expected to love him.
But the choices were never really mine.
Could this avenging angel of death ever love me back?
His touch consumed me.
Did my heart stand a chance?

Previously published on Book+Main and in Take Me To Bed Collection. New added content for a complete romantic suspense experience.

Start the rest of the series here.


Note from the author: This story was originally published as a short serial at Verve Romance (Book+Main) in November 2019. The Boss found a new home for 2020 in the Take Me To Bed collection with additional words. But readers asked for more of Matteo and Evie’s story. Here we are – with over double the original word count and now two more Men of Hidden Justice with their own stories to tell.
The author suggests readers start with The Boss (this book) to get the best out of the series.

Evelyn “Evie” Harper was in a sticky predicament. She is running away from someone who turned out to be the opposite of whom she thought initially. With no money and on the run, Evie stumbles into a building. She saw some horrible things that would lead her to meet The Boss and get sucked into his dark world.  
Matteo Campari is no saint. He is the “judge, jury, and executioner” – wielding justice as part of a secret group. He follows a specific code but has much leeway in getting the job done.
Meeting Evie was unexpected, and although he believes that he could trust her, as proven by what she did when they first met, something different with her takes over him. 

I like the “force proximity” concept, which made Evie’s growth more evident in the story. There wouldn’t be the tension or attraction to develop if Matteo chose instead to ship Evie off to “disappear” or “taken her out” to keep her silence. Evie’s confidence and bravery started seeping out as soon as she felt safe with Matteo and, amazingly enough, after such traumatic events. Evie’s innocence still shines through even after being tainted so much.

Although The Boss is from Evie and Matteo’s POVs, the story kept most of Matteo’s angst, and internal conflicts behind closed doors, even away from Evie. The book implies these tormented moments through Matteo’s appearance evident when Evie does see him the following day or two. It might have been fascinating to peek into Matteo’s headspace during those times – but readers will get a censored one when Matteo tells Evie all about his issues.

The suspense and urgency of the story engaged me from start to finish, with complex events happening nonstop. Granted that I guessed a few of how the villain turned out, the rest of the story went beyond me as the twists and turns made my jaw drop at the end!

The justice served by Matteo and his group is a dangerous yet honorable one. I was amazed by the sheer determination of everyone to help “the innocent” to the point of risking their lives. It is an even bigger operation at work with many moving parts to make it work. It will show readers how far things to help “right the wrongs” of society from finding the bad guys to helping the victims in the story. 

Overall, The Boss is an excellent start to the series, where it will surely get suspense right at the starting chapter. I love the character development of Evie and Matteo in the book. The ending and epilogue were heartfelt ones that it was amazing to see how the rest of the characters did end up where they are in the end. 


  • jam-packed with heart-stopping action, suspense, and drama
  • well-developed characters and plot exploration
  • angst level and internal conflicts were tackled
  • some expected scenes, but also many unexpected surprised at the end
  • a great form of justice portrayed in the storyline
  • an epilogue that will make you gush


  • would have appreciated more if readers went into Matteo’s head more, especially during “troubled scenes,” but understood the reasons to add suspense and uncertainty 
  • whether the story is believable is beside the point for me. It was an escapism piece and had an excellent storyline.

Tropes: Forced Proximity, Protector, Tragic Past, Heroine in Danger, Escaping a Killer, On-the-Run, Revenge, Mafia

About the Author

New York Times/USA Today bestselling author Melanie Moreland, lives a happy and content life in a quiet area of Ontario with her beloved husband of twenty-seven-plus years and their rescue cat, Amber. Nothing means more to her than her friends and family, and she cherishes every moment spent with them.
While seriously addicted to coffee, and highly challenged with all things computer-related and technical, she relishes baking, cooking, and trying new recipes for people to sample. She loves to throw dinner parties, and also enjoys traveling, here and abroad, but finds coming home is always the best part of any trip.

Melanie loves stories, especially paired with a good wine, and enjoys skydiving (free falling over a fleck of dust) extreme snowboarding (falling down stairs) and piloting her own helicopter (tripping over her own feet.) She’s learned happily ever afters, even bumpy ones, are all in how you tell the story.

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Flash (Badges of the Capital Book 1) by Misha Blake

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. A positive review is not required.

Published on: September 14, 2021
Type: HEA, series
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Suspense/Mystery, Drama, Second Chances
Author: Misha Blake
Read: September 2021
Shelved: September 2021
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Get it here: Amazon | Goodreads


Lieutenant Lucas ‘Flash’ Walker is the epitome of an everyday hero, one who’s hotter than the very inferno he battles. In the midst of an out-of-control fire, Luke’s life turns upside-down, in the worst way since it nearly claims the life of his best friend and fellow firefighter, but also in the best way because what he doesn’t expect is to meet the woman who’ll dictate the beating of his heart in the core of that very hell.

For Firefighter Ella Matthews there’s no better way to battle a haunting past than by making it a present. Or so she believes when she searches for a fresh start in the very city that witnessed her entire life go up in flames sixteen years ago. What she doesn’t foresee in her new beginning is the handsome, charming man she helps out of an inferno.

Unexpectedly as it is, in that instant their worlds collide, sparks fly and they ignite into the flames of a passion that renders them powerless and leaves them craving for more.

But a fresh start might be harder to find than expected. Not when there’s a serial arsonist on the loose who hits closer and closer to home. Not when Ella’s tarnished, crashed and burned legacy left scars and a past that still haunts her. But especially not when amidst an unfolding investigation once they learn more than they bargained for, Luke and Ella find themselves fighting against the clock. One that threatens to break them apart once and for all. Whatever their future brings, they are determined to fight against the merciless odds till the very end for one more stab at that passion that consumes them so thoroughly.


Luke Walker is a D.C. lieutenant and is one of the characters mentioned in Sinner’s Deceit. His job is not easy, and with recent trauma to his personal life – an accident and a break-up, things are taking a toll on Luke. Coming into Flash, Luke reshifted his priorities to center more on work – with a serial arsonist on the loose in his city, targetting firefighters; while trying to mend his heart. 

After needing a fresh start, Ella Matthews is a newly transferred firefighter from Texas to D.C. – back to her hometown. She has a past that seemed more complex than first implied in the synopsis. She wants to heal, and helping people is her penance. 

In one of the fire rescues, Ella meets a mysterious man (cue in Luke), who she saves and, in the process, makes her toes tingle and fill her stomach with butterflies. But nope, Ella does NOT want to find out who the mysterious man is, even if she keeps thinking about him even months after the event. Things do not help when her colleagues have been trying to set her up since she arrived at Station 22. 

I may be biased with liking Flash because (1) I have been waiting quite a bit for Luke’s story, and (2) I love the author’s writing style and storytelling from the very beginning. Always expect the unexpected is in all my book reviews with her, if you can search it. No matter how much I try, I am still always wrong versus what happened, and I LOVE IT! The author never takes it easy for readers like me. Nope – no easy, straightforward route, so each revelation, clue, secret shared, etc., is complex, huge, and jaw-dropping – wait till you get to the final few chapters.

Appreciate the following:-

(a) The symbolism in the book is perfect and brings in deeper emotions than Luke first realized. This implication was pointed out by someone very close since it did not dawn on him.

(b) The flow of the story is excellent. There is a good balance of clues, mystery, and romance. This book is what romantic suspense should be – not too much of the other.

(c) The plot and “rounding out ending” are nicely done! 

The station location, accountability of the characters, connection and build-up, was correctly executed, which made everything believable.

I love deception in the story. These were all successfully executed. There were a lot of concepts mentioned: (1) the “grass is greener on the other side,” (2) choosing better life decisions, (3) owning up to one’s decisions, and my favorite (4) is about how we all have a choice – to do good or bad” are quintessential things discussed at length in the book. These lessons will never get old for readers.

(d) The love, the family dynamics, connection, and juxtaposition between Luke & his family versus Ella & family (the good and the bad) is spot-on! I hope the readers understand that there will be times of sacrifice and fighting back. I love how the theme of “family” enhanced Ella’s and Luke’s compatibility.

(e) I love how the story did not just revolve around Ella and Luke since they had to deal with other necessary things versus just their feelings. There are a lot of lives counting on them – saving and solving.

(f) There were a lot of H-O-T scenes that got off too well—balanced with the suspense elements, but when it came time for Luke and Ella’s intimacies – unbelievably satisfying!

(g) You know I will mention this and but I love past book series’ cameo – my favorite to boot! I am sure their appearance is NOT because they are firefighters (hint hint) and will have more impact on getting to know Luke and Ella.

✅ perfect plot pace
✅ HOT, steamy romance
✅ balanced focus of mystery/suspense and romance
✅ drama and angst
✅ bantering and flirting galore


In summary, Flash is an excellent read for suspense, mystery, and romance buffs! I knew I would like Luke’s story even more! 

Since I am a big fan of suspense/mystery, which this has, I can’t even fathom if I liked the plot/story versus Sinner’s Deceit!?! Both leading players are linked in some ways but have different experiences altogether. 

My feelings for Luke are less angst (as it should be since he’s Luke) but a lot of internal sorting out, which I would want him to do when comparing his feelings about the accident, the case, and his personal life. It discusses excellent themes of family, friendship, and love. Perfect combination and is what I expect from your books. 

I do not have anything unfavorable to say about this book. I liked it more as I pondered about it after finishing the book (days after to exact) and made everything real and believable. 

The preview of the next book in the series is a whole lot different (180-degrees) to this one, I think. I will need to prepare myself when the author brings the angst, hurt, sacrifices, and drama to a whole new level. One of the following main character’s confessions at the end of the book brought me to tears!

Meet the Author

Misha Blake is a new young author who lives her life in rainy England.
She has only just begun her long-postponed and long-overdue journey into the world of writing, but she is no stranger to romance herself.
Misha finds her inspiration for her books in everything that surrounds her, in her family, friends, and even the strangers on the streets.
Her genre is steamy romance with a pinch of suspense and drama. It surrounds around strong and sexy heroes who dare falling in love and loving the heroines who are just as incredibly stubborn as they are alluring.

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