Cover Reveal | Eat Dessert First by Michelle Paris

Today is the cover reveal for Eat Dessert First by Michelle Paris. Eat Dessert First is a heartwarming story of hope.

The cover is designed by Apprentice House Press designer Lindsey Bonavita.

This cover reveal is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours.

Eat Dessert First by Michelle Paris
Genre: Women’s Fiction/ ChickLit
Age category: Adult
Release Date: 7 May, 2024


Baker Abbey Reilly has heard you have such a pretty face enough to know that it’s code for but an ugly body. At thirty-three, she has been particularly unlucky in love and convinced that no one will ever see beyond her plus-size. So she’s stunned when a handsome regular customer not only shows interest but asks her to dinner.

Let down and devastated when she learns her would-be beau is married, Abbey is resigned to live a lonely existence. Until a sweet encounter with a dreamy guy at a bachelorette party gives her hope that her luck in the romance department has changed. But his horrible ex-fiancee has different plans.

Can this big-hearted baker find the recipe for happiness and romance?

With light humor and loving insight, Michelle Paris weaves a delightful tale of learning to believe in yourself. Juggling elder parent care, tight finances, and deeply ingrained insecurities, Abbey Reilly will charm any reader fond of rooting for an underdog.

Eat Dessert First is a heartwarming story of hope. If you like relatable heroines, chasing a dream, and maintaining hope while searching for happiness, then you’ll adore Michelle Paris’s sweet story of fulfillment.


Chapter 1

Abbey’s finger hovered over the little blue arrow on her phone— the point of no return. She read the text again.

How are you?!?! Been thinking of you. Then, hastily added Happy Valentine’s Day!! And immediately second-guessed the addition.

She had been plotting this day ever since New Year’s Eve when Charlie broke up with her via text. So, this “make him want you back” text had to be just right.

Charlie was her last (okay, in truth only) long-term boyfriend. At thirty-three, Abbey was a late bloomer when it came to romance. But it had taken almost a decade for her to get up the courage to download a dating app. She set up her profile and loaded carefully cropped pictures, only showing from the waist up. Within seconds, she got a match. He was a fitness model with glistening, tanned six-pack abs and owned a business in Nigeria. They communicated back and forth for the better part of two weeks, only using text because of the difference in time zones. And then, it all quickly fell apart when her fitness model crush asked her to text a photo of a hundred-dollar gift card with the pin numbers scratched off. Hmm. Really? Nudes she had expected and even planned for with dim lighting and a full-length, flesh-toned Spanx bodysuit. But she drew the line at his request for money.

Her boss, Caroline, explained, “Oh dear, I think you’ve been catfished. It happens to us all.” And Caroline should know. At seventy-ish (she never divulged her age but had mentioned she

had thoroughly enjoyed Woodstock “back in the day”), Caroline had no trouble meeting men even if she did have trouble keeping them—not because they sent her breakup texts on New Year’s Eve, but because she liked them older—much older. She tended to date men well into their later years in life. She had buried four husbands and was in hot pursuit of number five.

After Caroline’s lesson on catfish red flags, Abbey was more careful with the suitors who seemed too good to be true and limited her search to within a thirty-mile radius from her home near Baltimore. Three months later, she’d swiped right so often she got a callous on her thumb. Her response rate was in the .0001 range. She was ready to cancel her membership and assume she’d be the first Bumble subscriber to not get pollinated when a sandy-haired, pimply-faced computer tech named Charlie swiped right, too.

It didn’t matter that they had nothing in common. He boasted he could recite every word of every episode of the original Star Trek—a television show she’d never seen. And he played a lot of video games. Sadly, his skills with the joystick did not translate to the bedroom.

Their romance lasted just a bit longer than her three-month Bumble subscription. His text to her on New Year’s Eve was short and to the point: I want to break up. He was never the best communicator, but there was no way to misinterpret this message. Her venture into the world of dating apps had taught her one thing: Charlie was the only man in a thirty-mile radius of Baltimore who swiped right on her. For that reason, she’d let her plan to make him want her back play out, no matter how humiliating a plan it was.

She reread her text to him and removed one exclamation point. Two gave the appearance that she was shouting. Oh, but one seemed desperate. She changed the exclamation point to a period and hit send. Then she returned her phone to her coat pocket and

began walking the few blocks to the bakery.

A few steps later, she retrieved her phone to see if he’d responded. Nope. Not even the three jumping dots indicating he was sending a text. Even though it was just before 5 a.m., she knew he was up. He was an early riser. She hesitated for a second or two before typing: In case you were wondering, I’m doing great.

Send. She walked a little further before looking down at her

phone again. Damn him! Still no response. She moved to phase two of her plan. Her fingers glided furiously over the phone screen as she typed: I’ve lost weight and am very happy now!!

Even though the part about losing weight was an exaggeration, okay, maybe an outright lie, it still felt good to let him think about it. She read the text over and added the words a lot before weight.

She took a deep breath. Send. Any guy who breaks up with a

girl on New Year’s Eve—via text – and then cuts off all communication deserves the torture and mental image of his slimmed down ex. Surely, that’d prompt him into thinking he’d made a big mistake.

She put her phone back in her pocket and continued walking the two blocks down Ellicott City’s Main Street to Sweet Caroline’s Bakery. It was cold outside, but then again, it was February. She sank her hand deep into the pocket of her navy pea coat, checking for the telltale vibrating sign that she had a text message. Then, a cringy thought crossed her mind. What if he does respond? What if he wants to get back together only to realize she lied about the weight thing? She bit her lip before deciding Spanx would have to work some serious magic and that she’d cross that bridge when and if she came to it.

When she reached the bakery a few minutes later, sleigh bells above the door announced her arrival to no one. It wasn’t unusual to be there before Caroline. At this time of morning, the bakery

was peaceful. It’d be at least an hour before the first customer would arrive.

Meet the Author

Michelle Paris is an award-winning Maryland writer who writes about hope with humor. Eat Dessert First is her second novel that deals with a serious subject told with a mixture of heartfelt and comedic moments. Her debut novel, New Normal, loosely based on her own experience of being a young widow, received First Place in The BookFest Fall 2023 Awards and was a Finalist in The Independent Author Network Book Awards.
Michelle’s personal story of overcoming grief was featured in the Wall Street Journal. And her essays about grief and mid-life dating have appeared in multiple editions of the Chicken Soup for the Soul and in other media outlets. She is a member of the Women’s Fiction Writers Association and the Maryland Writer’s Association.
Currently, Michelle is enjoying chapter two of her life with her new husband, Kevin, who keeps her from being a cat lady but only on a technicality.

Connect with Michelle
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There is a cover reveal wide giveaway for the cover reveal of Eat Dessert First. One winner wins a paperback copy of Eat Dessert First when the book is released. Open Internationally.

For a chance to win, enter the giveaway here.

Book Blitz: The Restarting Point by Marci Bolden

Title: The Restarting Point
Author: Marci Bolden
Series: Chammont Point #1
Publication date: April 27th 2021
Publisher : Pink Sand Press
Genres: Women’s Fiction, Contemporary, Women’s Divorce Fiction


Marketing executive and mother of two, Jade Kelly can now add cancer survivor to her list of successes. But while her life looks good on paper, four months out of treatment, Jade realizes she hardly knows her college-age children and she and her husband Nick are little more than housemates.⁣⁣

Determined to start over, Jade schedules a family vacation to a lakefront cabin. When her kids bail and Nick stays home to handle a last minute work crisis, Jade heads to Chammont Point alone, determined to dust herself off and figure out what to do with the rest of her life.⁣⁣

While she’s away, the life she thought she had unravels. Secrets, lies, and old wounds drive Jade into new adventures and new relationships. With the help of family and new found friends, Jade learns starting over sometimes means finding a brand new restarting point.⁣

Preorder your copy NOW!
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Jade walked to the banister and rested her hands on the cracked and weathered wood. There wasn’t a single car horn or airplane or siren to be heard. Birds chirped happily, bugs buzzed, and if she listened closely, she could hear the faint sound of water lapping the shore.

Hoping to get a better look at the lake in the distance, she leaned forward and bent at the waist to see under the branches. Her nice, relaxing, meditative breath came to a startling end at the sound of cracking wood. A scream of surprise surged from Jade and echoed around the cove as the banister gave way, sending her hurtling toward the ground.

Like some kind of surreal survival instinct kicking in, her mind flashed to those action movies her sons watched so often. In the seconds between falling through the banister and crashing to the patchy grass below, she decided the only way to come out of this unscathed was to do one of those rolling landing things she’d seen Angelina Jolie do a thousand times on-screen.

Jade managed to get her hands and feet in place, expecting to flip over and somehow land in a pre-sprint pose that would magically absorb the pain. If she were a stunt double in Hollywood, she might have nailed it. Instead, she landed hard, twisting her left ankle and bashing her face into the patchy grass. Since she didn’t roll, or even come close to it, her chest smashed into the ground as hard as her cheek had. The oxygen pushed from her lungs in a painful rush, leaving her in a gasp, and her left ankle instantly started to throb.

She lay there, too stunned to move, trying to figure out exactly where she’d gone wrong with her landing and if anything had been seriously damaged in the process. Damn it. This hadn’t exactly been a stellar start to her vacation. Every attempt at breathing she made felt like a weight pressed on her chest. The wind had been knocked out of her and her ankle hurt like hell, but Jade was certain the only thing broken was her intent to make the best out of this stupid vacation.

“Don’t be dead,” a woman said from what seemed like a million miles away. “Don’t be dead.” Then she said something in a language Jade didn’t understand. She thought it might have been Spanish, but the voice was so far away and the ringing in her ears was so loud, she couldn’t be sure.

Seconds later, someone grabbed Jade’s shoulder and flipped her onto her back. She barely had time to process what was happening before a woman dressed in a blindingly incandescent yellow shirt leaned over her. Firetruck red hair had been curled into victory rolls on top of the woman’s head, making her look like a comic book throwback to the 1940s. The woman’s eyeliner flared out into long wings, and her lipstick matched her hair.

Jade squinted her eyes, mostly out of confusion. Perhaps she’d hit her head harder than she’d realized.

“Don’t worry. I know CPR,” the woman announced and then took a deep breath.

Jade tried to explain that she didn’t need CPR, but she hadn’t caught her breath yet. Her protest came out soundless. Not even a whisper left her lips. However, she swatted the woman’s hand away before she could pinch Jade’s nose.

As Jade attempted to sit, the colorfully dressed woman pushed her back, hands planted hard on her shoulders, and stared into her eyes.

“Don’t move,” the woman warned with a dire tone. “You could have internal bleeding.”

“I don’t,” Jade said, though her words were barely above a breathy hiss.

“You don’t know that,” she insisted.

Jade took another deep, painful breath. Though her diaphragm still wasn’t working right, she got enough air into her to say, “I’m fine. Who are you?”

The woman pressed a hand with long red fingernails to her chest and said, “I live next door. I was on my way over to introduce myself when I saw you fall. You looked like a baby bird testing out your wings. Except they usually fly, you know. You just kind of…” She slapped her hands together to demonstrate Jade’s far from graceful landing.

Jade scowled and turned her attention to her palms.

About the Author

As a teen, Marci Bolden skipped over young adult books and jumped right into reading women’s fiction and romance novels.

Marci lives in the Midwest with her husband, two kiddos, and numerous rescue pets. If she had an ounce of will power, Marci would embrace healthy living but until cupcakes and wine are no longer available at the local grocery store, she’ll put that ambition on hold and appease her guilt by reading self-help books and promising to join a gym “soon.”

Connect with Marci
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In celebration of the release of The Restarting Point, a giveaway is being run! Up for grabs is a $25 Amazon gift card! This Blitz-wide giveaway is open internationally and ends April 29th.

Head-on to Rafflecopter here.

Good luck!

Book Review: Goddesses Inc. by Autumn Bardot

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Published on: 11 March 2021
Type: HEA, standalone
Genre: Adult, Contemporary, Women – Humor
Author: Autumn Bardot
Read: 10 March 2021
Shelved: 12 March 2021
Rating: 5 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Get it here:
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Divinity was their destiny. Now mortality is their fate.

Mnem has everything. A glamorous lifestyle, beauty, family, and immortality. But she doesn’t have a platform. Or followers. Or relevance. Which is why Mnemosyne, goddess of remembrance and mother of the nine muses, is fired.

Mnem isn’t the only one. Three other goddesses are also up a mortal creek without a divine paddle. Now they must build a life—a real one.

Although their divinity is gone, their soul and courage remain. But mortal life is so frustrating! As the four ex-goddesses struggle to find friendship, love, and purpose, mortals get in the way. Sexy mortals. Obnoxious mortals. And dangerous ones. Before they have a chance to get a handle on the whole mortality thing, their lives take an unexpected turn with an epic decision. One with deadly consequences.


Contemporary meets Mythology.
Goddess Inc. will make us all believe that Gods and Goddesses walk among us!

Goddesses Inc. is four “demoted” goddesses who had to find a way to “live on” in the mortal world after being deemed as “redundant.” These now ex-goddesses did not see the demotion coming and were ejected from FEM (Female Energy Macrocosm) immediately. It was what anyone being “fired” would go through – every privilege revoked, frozen, blocked, or inaccessible upon exit of the FEM building. 

Told through multiple perspectives, each characters’ voices were clear, easy to relate to, and unique. Their voices and perspectives match the ex-goddesses‘ powers and virtues, even after being stripped of their divinity. The writing is honest, “humbling,” and, at times, raw. Each character learns on their own what needs to be done while at the same time, pulls the support of the other demoted goddesses for physical and emotional support.

The saying “when one door closes, another door opens” runs true to the story. These goddesses had to go through a lot of internal reflection, self-discovery and find that inner strength to go through the “next phase” of their mortal lives. It was heartbreaking at first since these goddesses never had to worry about human problems like money and mortality. Some of them went through a few “weak moments” in the book. But with conviction and not succumbing to self-pity, each one pushed and overcame these “dark emotions.”

Ritual connected them to the sacred, to the mindfulness, to renewal.

— Goddesses Inc, Autumn Bardot

Their excitement, passion, and determination in their new journeys “sparkled” through the pages as each starts finding ways to be “relevant” again. I was thrilled with delight as these characters grow, develop, and shine. Each goddess seems to excel in something that they did not realize until someone pointed it out to them or hired on the spot! It is a fantastic sight when it happens – a renewed hope that things are looking up for them. The author did justice in “job-placing” each goddess into jobs that were more prolific to the respective characters.

This blood would make her a better person. It would ground her, make her feel empathy in ways she never did before.

— Goddesses Inc, Autumn Bardot

This book will treat Mythology fans because it talks about goddesses not commonly referred to in most stories. These goddesses are still important to discover or rediscover. There are many connections made between art and mythology. The author’s love of the arts mixed with mythology is evident in each goddess’s conversations. Readers will enjoy (and love) the connections, traditions, and beliefs shared in the book, if not be enthralled with its origins.

Creativity is an enigma.
Art is gold. An artist speaks through his hands. Art is humankind’s greatest gift.

— Goddesses Inc, Autumn Bardot

I love the plot twists intertwined in the goddesses’ lives and intersected midway through the book – mystery, suspense, drama, “big choices,” and love. It dived deep into what every person would want, human or “others,” to “feel,” remembered, and with a purpose. Although each ex-goddess contributed to helping solve their problems, it is from their internal reflections that they found “the answer” all along. They each discover their worth and influence unto the mortal world that is far more immeasurable than the deity world can offer. Their connections, mortal or otherwise, and the uncertainty of time is what makes life worth living.
Kudos / big applause to the author for her philosophical and spiritual points all over the book! Wonderfully weaved a complex plot, conflict, and resolution, the story will gut and shock readers, but the best part had to be the ending with all the revelations! 

“The choices we made were a hundred percent goddess.”

— Goddesses Inc, Autumn Bardot

In summary, Goddesses Inc. is an empowering book about second chances, women support, and rediscovery from not only one but four strong, resilient and determined female protagonists. This theme is appropriate and current – wherein we have and the limitations we are now faced. I love this book a lot since I saw myself in their position at various times of my life, and it invigorated me in ways that I forgot. The highs of new, rediscovered, and reinvigorated passions are the best motivators of reinvention. The author gets the theme very well and successfully executes this in each of the goddesses’ scenes. This book will make readers realize that no matter what stage in your life you are at, there is always room to reinvent, reinvigorate and redesign your life. Take a chance for a change and adapt to the times. You are the authors of your lives, and you face forward with the change.

About the Author

Autumn Bardot is a multi-genre author who writes stories about fearless women and dangerous passions. She has taught literary analysis and writing for almost twenty years. This year Autumn is a presenter at the Historical Novel Society conference. Autumn was the featured author on Stoya’s Book Club; has an article on; and was a guest speaker on several podcasts, library panels, and writing clubs. Autumn is currently writing her next novel and posting informational videos on her YouTube channel.

Autumn has a passion for history and a special affinity for the unsung courageous females that history neglects or misunderstands. She lives in Southern California with her husband and ever-growing family. She wishes she was one-tenth as brave as the women she writes about.

Autumn also writes as LZ Marie.

Connect with Autumn
Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest | Amazon | BookBub


In celebration of the release of Goddess Inc, a giveaway is being run!
Up for grabs is a $20 Amazon gift card!
This Blitz-wide giveaway is open internationally so head-on to Rafflecopter here to join.
Good luck!

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