How to Survive a Modern-Day Fairy Tale by Elle Cruz

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author and/or publisher. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. A positive review is not required.

Published on: 30 November 2021
Published by: Entangled: Amara
Type: standalone
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Elle Cruz
Book Length: 368 pages
Read: 10 November 2021
Shelved: 12 November 2021
Rating: 5 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Claire Ventura is nothing like the poised and perfect heroines she reads about in her favorite romance novels. She’s a quirky, people-pleasing bookworm with a loving yet obliviously intrusive family and a passion for cookie decorating—all rolled into a five-foot-two Filipina American fueled by chamomile tea.

Then she meets Nate, billionaire CEO of a global tech company, the modern-day Prince Charming who sweeps her off her feet. Though he does his best to convince Claire that he’s genuinely head over heels for her, she knows he’ll soon realize she’s more underwhelming Plain Jane than a jet-setting socialite. And once he meets her family, if their initial questioning doesn’t scare him off, then their tendency to decide “what’s best for her” certainly will.

Between her whirlwind romance with Nate and her meddlesome family, Claire wishes she had a fairy godmother to guide her. But this is the real world in the twenty-first century, and the only way to get her happily ever after is by grabbing a firm hold of what she really wants—and letting her heart be her guide.


First off, I appreciate and support authors who set the stage well before the story starts to give a better background on where they are coming from and help readers understand why they would react the way they do. Note that this is a Fil-Am writer, and I already feel connected with her, given that I am a Fil-Can (and Chinese) reader. 

The staging of this book already hit many commonalities with my experiences.

This book talks about an introverted bookstore employee and baker-by-night named Maria Clara “Claire” Ilagan Ventura and a down-to-earth yet billionaire tech CEO, Nathaniel “Nate” Noruta, navigating the possibility of a relationship after a happenstance encounter. Will this relationship sustain the trials and tribulations of internal struggles, protective family members, and the Filipino courting culture?

Memorable Quotes From How To Survive a Modern-Day Fairy Tale: Dissected

“She gave birth to eleven children at home. Sometimes the midwife couldn’t get her in on time, and she had to birth them on her own.”
“Wow, how many grandkids does she have?” “Thirty-five.

-> Filipino (and even Asian) families are known to be plentiful. They see children/kids as blessings – always a joy to have no matter what age. I love the truth in this statement and how proud Claire is of her Lola mothering and raising her children and guiding grandkids throughout her life, even after Lolo passed.
Although my family didn’t have as many great-grandkids as Claire’s, we are twenty-one grandkids to my grandmother, who birth five uncles and two aunties from my paternal side.

But two little obstacles stood in the way. One: mustering up the courage to actually leave her day job and follow her dream. And two: breaking the news to her traditional Filipino family that she would never pursue a job in medicine or science.

-> The biggest hurdle to success is believing that one’s passion will be enough to turn it into a profession. Claire’s fears and concerns are valid. But I was happy to see that even if there were “detractors” to her “dream job,” there are people like Nate and some family members who gave her the courage to explore and be brave. 

The day Lola had taken a sharp decline from Alzheimer’s was the day apart of Claire’s heart died.

-> This hit home for me. I understood how Claire felt since grandmother also had the same issue and everything happening as her grandmother. Yes, I cried a bit here since I didn’t want to believe that this would happen in a gut-wrenching fashion given such a cute title.

Despite their differences, they loved one another fiercely. It was one of the things Lola had insisted upon. Family first. The Lord only gave you each other, Lola would say. That’s why you should not quarrel. 

-> Family theme again – LOVE LOVE LOVE!  Words of wisdom reign true – transcends time and space.

“I’m sorry to break it to you, sweetie, but you have to learn how to put aside your reservations and embrace the whole man.”

-> Note that even Claire had trouble wrapping around her emotional attraction with Nate. The insta-attraction is very Cinderalla-esque that it won me over. Filipinos love true love at first sight – and sometimes, even rational characters like Claire is not immune to the hope of finding her prince charming.

“If you worked hard, you could be like me. Lola and Lolo didn’t come all the way to America to see their future generations waste their time. Lola would be very disappointed in you.”

-> This statement is what people (not only parents) say to “guilt-trip” others to do what they wanted them in the first place. It is a form of psychological manipulation, and it had the full effect on Claire in the book. I felt so bad because I had to overcome a lot and “push back” people who use this technique in having me succumb to their wishes. 
Claire couldn’t “fight back” to what is important to her until the very last parts of the book. Sadly, she had to go through so much heartache (also other characters in the book), but that’s what drives the story and learning from all the “bad choices” made previously. 
Claire’s character development was slow because she sacrificed for so many people in the book, BUT she did grow and flourish to something beyond my expectations. 

“Things are different now. People are meeting through apps and the internet, and a lot are even ending up married. You never know. This guy might be the one. But if your Spidey-sense starts tingling, get the h*ll out of there. And don’t be disappointed if he doesn’t look one hundred percent like his profile picture. As long as he looks at least seventy-five percent similar, it’s all good. That’ the threshold for catfishing.”

-> I couldn’t relate, BUT I was amazed at how Ro, Claire’s sister, got the Rules on Catfishing down to a specific percentage. I laughed as I re-read that passage and through the many times I saw profile photos before and now. Yes, there’s more filtering and “added touches” in photos these days compared to the past. 

That was the moment she realized, with unwavering certainty, she was the start of her own modern-day fairy tale, and she’s found a hero who blew all the other prices out of the water.

-> In the Filipino culture, being courted is very important. The man would ask permission from the girl’s parents before showing any intention beyond friendship. Although Nate didn’t go through the traditional route, no one could fault Claire for not falling hard for Nate’s effort to work towards a relationship with her. To the point of making Claire’s priority his also.

She went into her room and logged into her laptop. A new shiny batch of orders and inquires waited for her. With numb determination, she went to work. It was strange how there was no joy in anything she did. There was no sense of excitement, no hope – Hope.

-> At some point, after reading that chapter, I cried ugly. It’s from this quote that the story turned from upward to a crash landing of epic proportion. I love how no one saw this coming after so many “highs” brought about by Claire and Nate. The angst and pain inflicted were subtle until it hits readers with a finality – a plot twist that one could see a way out. After that, another thing happens that will “pull the rug out” for readers. This story shows readers that although the story started like a fairy tale for Nate and Claire, real-life caught up, and it is NOT all “butterflies and rainbows.” Instead, it is hard work, vulnerability, emotions, and honesty.

**Note that there were many highlight quotes in my book copy, but I do not want to spoil the book. Some other points I want to mention are:-

1.) This story is from a third-person – singular POV – Claire’s. It is not the POV I typically go for (unless it’s a mystery book), BUT for this story, it worked out so WELL! The technique enhances the story with the 180-degree twist that will catch readers off-guard and into an emotional tailspin. I have yet to recover from that episode, even after finishing this book.

2.) Even before meeting Nate, I believe Claire is very lost – to what she wants and who she wants to be. Claire’s complexity (a sister, a daughter, a peacekeeper, a dutiful grandchild, a bookstore employee by day, and an aspiring businesswoman at night) is because she wants to be everything to everyone at the expense of sacrificing her happiness. Being in Nate’s orbit forces her to decide what will matter most versus what others say or think about her. She dug deep to see what any woman at some point will ultimately have to decide on:- love or a career.

3.) I love Claire’s sisters, Ro and Sam. They were a hoot! Ro’s the carefree sister who is up-to-date with everything! Sam is the wise sister who warns all her sisters of the pitfalls of a relationship and falling too fast, mainly due to personal experiences. Granted Ro and Sam clash like there’s no tomorrow, I was happy to see them set aside their differences and help their sister when family support is needed. There were a lot of other cases, not Claire-Nate moments, that they needed to help their whole family with emergency and loss.

Overall, I enjoyed How To Survive a Modern-Day Fairy Tale immensely! The author did what she set out for me to do – to be swept away by the romance of Claire and Nate. The first part may seem far-fetch, but I LOVE it! The second part is when “reality comes in” and starts forcing the main characters to realize that it’s not a “real-life fairy tale” after all! The story might be “too incredible,” but I urge readers to get through at least sixty percent (60%) of the book to fully appreciate the author’s point that relationships are constant work, communication, open-mindedness, and a lot of patience. 

This book is for readers who want their escapism and “fantastic stories” with a side of ugly cry moments and a HEA ending. This book achieved this goal and more in my eyes!

Themes: strong family ties, siblings love-hate relationship, true love, connections, self-worth / coming to terms / coming of age

Tropes: insta-love (“insta-everything”), Opposites Attract, Billionaire, Against-All-Odds, Serendipitous Encounters

About the Author

Elle Cruz is a writer of steamy contemporary romance. When Elle was a kid, she’d get in trouble on purpose to be sent to her room so she could read all day long. She thanks her lucky stars that her parents never thought to take books away from her when she was grounded. In a way, it was mom and dad’s fault for unintentionally cultivating a voracious reader and writer.​

After earning her English degree from UC Irvine, Elle eventually went back to school to become a nurse. Apparently, she couldn’t get enough of learning because she went to grad school to earn her doctorate degree.

Elle is the daughter of immigrants. She is fiercely proud of her background as a second-generation Filipino-American. She is dedicated to carving out a permanent place for POC in mainstream publishing by contributing her voice to the growing list of diverse authors.

Elle lives in Southern California with her supportive husband and two wonderful kids. When she’s not writing, she likes to keep her body guessing with her two obsessions: cookies and working out.

Connect with Elle
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Special thanks to Entangled Publishing for sending me a physical copy of the book and an eARC for the review!
eARC provided with appreciation by Grey’s Promotions

The Certainty of Chance by Jacquelyn Middleton

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. A positive review is not required.

Published: 14 October 2021
Published by: Kirkwall Books
Type: standalone, HEA
Genre: Contemporary Romance Tropes: Forced Proximity, Opposites Attract, Vacation, Hero With an Accent, Workplace Romance, Slow Burn, Holiday, Older Heroine, Road Trip
Author: Jacquelyn Middleton
Print Pages: 381 pages
Read: 29 September 2021
Shelved: 02 October 2021
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Get it here: Amazon US | UK | CA | AU | FR | ES | IT | DE
Other retailers: Apple Books | Kobo | Barnes & Noble | Indigo CA | Bookbub
Add it to your Goodreads TBR list.



Madeleine Joy is feeling more meh than merry. When an Icelandic volcano erupts six days before Christmas, hazardous ash congests European airspace, canceling flights indefinitely—including the thirty-something’s connection to Paris. Stranded alone in London, separated from her sister, and with the devastating one-year anniversary of her best friend’s tragic death just days away, Madeleine has never felt less festive. And as if things couldn’t get worse, the cute guy driving the cab to her hotel won’t shut up about carolers and tinsel… 

Julian Halliwell is one of life’s sunny optimists. A former music journalist, he’s embraced his love for London by starting his own black cab business, enthusiastically ferrying passengers from one historic landmark to another. But life hasn’t always been easy for Julian. Having navigated several life-changing setbacks including a cruel betrayal by his former fiancée, Julian remains hopeful that he’ll meet somebody kind, who shares his love of music, a corgi dog named Winnie – and, of course, the magic of Christmas time in London. 

Despite being an unlikely match, fate seems determined to throw them together. But can the grieving American find joy again in a world where the lights have all but dimmed?    

From Jacquelyn Middleton, the award-winning author of UNTIL THE LAST STAR FADES, comes a heartwarming Christmas story of love, loss, serendipity, and the belief that what’s meant for you won’t pass you by.

Content/trigger warnings: coarse language, closed-door sex scenes, disenfranchised grief, unexpected death of a loved one (backstory), cheating partner (backstory), therapy, loved up mentions of Love Actually and The Holiday, zero mentions of any pandemics.


Note: trigger warnings indicated by the author are:- “coarse language, closed-door sex scenes, disenfranchised grief, unexpected death of a loved one (backstory), cheating partner (backstory), therapy, loved up mentions of Love Actually, and The Holiday, zero mentions of any pandemics.”

Madeleine “Maddie” Joy is supposed to be spending the holidays with her sister, Shantelle. Unfortunately, a volcano’s volcanic activity thwarts their plans by not allowing any flights to enter to or fro London until further notice.

On the other hand, Julian “Jules” Halliwell is a taxi driver that picked up Madeleine when she arrived in London. His former job is in the music industry, and coincidentally, Maddie’s idol! 

From the very start, Maddie’s and Jules’s attraction between each other is palpable. The connection between them that follows through serendipitous events is magnetic. What happens next is a whirlwind of taxi rides, fascinating and unique tourist spots, and an undeniable bond between rider and passenger at Christmas in London!

The Certainty of Chance is a wonderful read! Told from both Madeleine and Julian’s POVs, both characters are rich in personality, personal baggage, varying outlooks, and experiences.

From the very beginning, readers will know this is a heavy book. Told from both Maddie and Jules’ POV, the story hints/mentions/states heavy topics: loss, angst, depression, infidelity, healing, redemption, etc. Initially, I was worried about the story’s direction because it is tricky and possibly overwhelming, but my concern was unfounded. The author expertly built up the story with a wanderlust escapism approach and brave characters who were kind and understanding enough to create safe spaces for each other and the readers. I love how the main characters approached each other’s issues with respect and kindness. They understood each other in their way but still acknowledged the difference in their stance. A lot happens in the book, but I expect everything from this author based on her past books – exploring locations, people, and culture. I love how the author creates beautiful characters that make readers want to invest time and emotions against the backdrop of London and during the Christmas season.

I love both characters. Maddie and Jules were the perfect fit for each other. They may not be for their previous partners, but they are each other’s healing and redemption. They are both caring, emphatic, and charismatic. Their connection is infectious that it will be impossible not to be swept by their charm and hilarious banter. I appreciate the “quiet, reflective” moments between both main characters, and their feelings grew organically, even in a short time.

In the true style of the author, the supporting casts were terrific. I love how family and friends were integral in pushing Maddie and Jules to realize how their serendipitous encounter is MEANT-TO-BE and that they needed each other to be “whole.” I also enjoyed seeing past characters mentioned in the author’s previous books who lend a hand or two to the story.

Overall, The Certainty of Chance BLEW ME AWAY! 

For the usual readers of my blog, this statement is HUGE. I do not state this often, most especially because I recently read many excellent books. This book has imprinted itself on my subconsciousness. 

My reaction was very unexpected because initially, my reaction to the summary was only lukewarm, but upon finishing the book’s first chapter, there was no turning back. I felt the pull of the storyline, the escapism, and the characters made the book a real page-turner. This book TOPS the author’s previous book by a considerable margin!!! Floored by the addicting nature that sprang out from me because of this book, I savored each page and made sure I took my time instead of speeding it through. It is an all-encompassing book that dove into the facets of humanity – physically, mentally, and emotionally stimulating! 


  • Great world-building through Madeleine’s and Julian’s eyes: an expert and novice of the area
  • Many excellent musical references from various era
  • Wanderlust effect from exploring London’s tourist spots and a few hidden gems
  • Christmas movies, British eats, and slang galore 
  •  Sensitive and poignant discussion on mental health and grief handling
  • Cute Winnie, the corgi!!! *enough said*


  • Absolutely nothing! The book is perfect as it is – an outstanding balance of sweet and sultry scenes.

Tropes: second-chances, soul-mates, friends-to-lovers, tragic past/trauma, Christmas / holiday romance, shared pasts

Meet Jacquelyn

Jacquelyn Middleton is a multi-award-winning author of love stories for hopeful romantics—‘hopeful’ because her novels are always optimistic and she believes ‘happily ever afters’ are more important now than ever before. But life is messy, relationships are messy, and her books aren’t afraid to go there, too. If you enjoy character and relationship-driven stories about people dealing with the triumphs and disasters we all face, Jacquelyn’s books are for you.

In 2019, she was named BEST CANADIAN AUTHOR at the RWA’s Toronto Romance Writers ‘Northern Hearts’ Awards for UNTIL THE LAST STAR FADES. She is also the author of LONDON BELONGS TO ME, LONDON, CAN YOU WAIT? and SAY HELLO, KISS GOODBYE, all published by Kirkwall Books.

An own voices author, Jacquelyn has dealt with anxiety, panic attacks, and depression all her life, and is dedicated to depicting mental health challenges realistically and empathetically in her novels.

Jacquelyn’s books have been featured by The Hollywood Reporter, NBC News, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Daily News, USA Today, Cosmo, Redbook, and the Huffington Post. 

A life-long Maple Leafs fan and Anglophile, Jacquelyn previously worked in television broadcasting and as an award-winning freelance writer. She loves comic cons, London, and theatre, and lives in Toronto with her British husband and her Japanese Spitz.

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Not Playing Fair (The NOT Series Book 2) by Terri Osburn

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Published on: 30 August 2021
Published by: Macie Rae Publishing
Type: HEA, standalone, series
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
Tropes: Introvert, Mistaken identity, Love Triangle, Tragic Past, Sports Romance
Author: Terri Osburn
Read: 15 August 2021
Shelved: 16 August 2021
Rating: 4 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Get it here: Amazon US | UK | Goodreads


The universe is not playing fair.

First, my new boss says changes are coming to our library that threaten the programs I run. Then a letter arrives from my mother—whom I haven’t seen in more than twenty years—saying who knows what because I’m refusing to open it. Last but not least, the man who dumped me eight months ago is telling people that I’m trying to get him back.

Universe, I assure you I am not.

The one bright spot in all of this is the new guy in my life. He’s sweet, adorable, and seems totally interested. There’s just one problem. I might have bent the truth a little when we first met, and now I need to confess before he finds out from someone else. But when the truth finally does comes out, I’m not the only one with some explaining to do.

Maybe I can’t blame the universe for everything.

Not Playing Fair is about family, forgiveness, and the friends who stand by us through it all. Come along as librarian Megan Knox becomes the heroine of her own story, and finds love along the way.


Megan Knox loves her quiet librarian life, contented to stay within her small county’s library when she could move to a bigger and cosmopolitan city branch. When an unexpected consultant comes into town to audit the library she is working at, Megan’s peaceful life turns upside down and beyond her control.

This is what made my job so rewarding. Not only introducing children to stories and helping them fall in love with the written word, but teaching them to share that love with those around them.

~ Not Playing Fair, Terri Osburn

Not Playing Fair is told from a first-person POV – Megan’s, which could be a plus. The author focuses readers into Megan’s head so as not to give too many “insider details” that would later significantly impact many revelations in the end. I love her character a lot – she’s spunky when the situation calls for it, mostly when she is “fighting for a cause.” But that’s the best part of character development – realizing that “bigger issues” affect more people than herself and that she is tired of being a pushover.

The saying “it always comes in 3’s” holds true. A barrage of things came tumbling unto Megan’s world, and I confess that even I was overwhelmed. Her personal, professional, and past collide! I was surprised that she was composed enough to eliminate one problem at a time. She was brave when needed, even if she was fearful on the inside. 

Megan’s character is a rational (enough), thoughtful and intelligent woman. She is honest (most of the time) and has a solid support group of gal pals and family who made sure she is safe and cared for, given her dysfunctional background. I liked how she handled her professional problem(s) – covertly by exposing the culprit systematically and how she handled herself with her bosses when everything blew up.

Megan’s personal life is also calling her attention:- from family drama imploding to conflicts between two men vying for her attention! The former problem caused a lot of trauma throughout Megan’s life that I was mad with Megan’s mom’s decision more than a decade ago! All this still haunts her at thirty years old. Now, the family problem – man – too much angst initially, but I am so glad that Megan toughened herself in the end to handle everything. It was written perfectly in the end.

“With a sigh, I said, “Fletcher sent me a text message before practice yesterday asking if I wanted a ride.”
Lindsey loaded guacamole onto a corn chip.
“Please tell me that was a literal question and not a euphemism.”
“Just no?” Donna said. “Not h*ll no, you boil on the butt of humanity?”

~ Not Playing Fair, Terri Osburn

The more interesting problem is between Megan, her ex Fletcher, and a potential suitor Ryan. Fletcher’s tactic of spreading misinformation about him and Megan did not help his image to everything. I am glad that not a lot of their friends took Fletcher’s words seriously. The problem was Ryan believed it, and when it came time for Megan and him to start anything, it was all on the wrong foot. Note that both Ryan and Megan have their share of faults and flaws in handling everything in this case. Both kept things from each other that would have avoided a “re-do” not once, twice, but three times! Misunderstandings and pride did not help. Ryan was indeed hurt, but he was not blameless, so I was mad (a bit) at him too. It’s good that Megan and Ryan’s family and friends somehow “pushed” them into getting things clear up the air once and for all. (FYI – they are really adorable together!)

I love the humor in the book. Many comedic moments made the book a fun and enjoyable read. The personality of Megan and her gal pals are infectious! Her friends make the book exciting and funny – everyone was ready to defend and protect her, even if she is very capable of doing it herself. I believe that the humor made the changes around Megan more bearable and the stressful parts lighter somehow.  

In conclusion, Not Playing Fair is a charming and cute read. It may look simple at first glance, but layered with a lot of angst, drama, abandonment, loss, etc. It may surprise readers that the love story is only a tiny part of the book. Megan uncovers more suspense and uncertainty as the story progresses – sinister, surprising, and suspenseful. The ending is full of revelations, confessions, and forgiveness, which will surely make readers love all the characters. 

“I know you’re strong, but lean on me if you need to.”
That was quite possibly the best thing a man had ever said to me.
“Where did you come from?”

I said, feeling as if I’d located the one living manicorn on the planet.”
“Akron?” he said.
“That must be a magical place.”

~ Not Playing Fair, Terri Osburn

About the Author

Terri fell in love with reading at a young age, starting with condensed versions of classics such as The Wizard of Oz, The Hound of the Baskervilles, and Little Women. She fell into Romance novels around Junior High and never looked back. Authors such as Judith McNaught, Kathleen Woodiwiss, and LaVyrle Spencer kept her going through high school, then she bounded into the 90s with authors like Julie Garwood, Dorothy Garlock, Johanna Lindsey, and countless others.

Her bookshelves are lined with beloved keepers (many sporting Fabio covers), some tattered and torn but all filled with passion, love, lust, and above all, happy endings. From the Wild West to Romping Regency ballrooms to boardrooms and charming small towns, her library covers the spectrum.

Terri makes her home in middle Tennessee with college-student daughter, four frisky felines, and two high-maintenance terriers. In her nefarious past she worked in government contracting, fund-raising, catering, and was even a train conductor. (In the mall. Not as impressive as it sounds.) She was also a Country radio disc jockey for eight years, which makes her one of those rarest of author creatures – an extrovert.

Terri is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author, and a member of Novelists, Inc.Romance Writers of America®, and Music City Romance Writers. She’s a 2012 Golden Heart® finalist in the Contemporary Single Title category for unpublished manuscripts, while HIS FIRST AND LAST won the 2016 Book Buyers Best Award in the Contemporary Single Title category. As an international bestseller, she’s sold more than one million books worldwide.

Connect with Terri
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Mirrors (Reflections Book 1) by A.L. Woods

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Published on: 28 October 2020
Type: cliffhanger – trilogy, series, standalone
Genre: Contemporary Romance Fiction, Inspirational Romance
Author: A.L. Woods
Read: 07 March 2021
Shelved: 09 March 2021
Rating: 4 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Get it on Amazon:
US | CA | UK | AU

Complete the Reflection series through Amazon US.



I live my life by one rule: fight to survive.

I don’t like people; I don’t like my job, and I definitely do not like the broody man I’m interviewing.

I’ve built up these walls to keep me safe, Sean’s presence in my world would only complicate things.

He wouldn’t know what to do with me if I came with an instruction manual–because women like me don’t get the happily ever after.

He might just be the one to break the mirror of my fragile identity.

And if I’m not careful? I’ll let him.


I live my life by one rule: family is everything.

I do this for the money; I don’t care about flipping houses, and I don’t like being interrogated about it by this wannabe Hemingway.

But I can’t deny my immediate attraction towards her, it fills my mind with what if’s–and I only just met her.

Raquel doesn’t know what she wants, but I know what she needs.

I’m ready to give her it all.

Even if she needs to hate me first.


Sean is a real estate investor. He buys run-down homes at rock bottom prices and “flips” them through renovations, then sells them at a profit. He intends to sell his current property quickly and move on to the next project. Too bad markets are down, and he is having trouble bringing inquiries to the said property.

In comes Raquel Flannigan, a journalist at a small-town newspaper, to the rescue. As a favor to her best friend, Penelope – coincidentally hired as the interior stager for the property Sean is selling, Raquel agrees to promote the property. Her first encounter with Sean was electric to both of them but was an odd interview. There was no denying the tension radiating in the. When it all came out, it was explosive and spectacular! It raised the standards in steam and angst!

Raquel is a complex character. She went through a tragic past that changed her. Filled with much guilt and torturing emotions, Raquel was crumbling from the inside while maintaining a calm, no-nonsense, tough journalist facade. Outside of her job, her life is pure chaos that Sean seems to be willing to dive into to “save her.”

I wasn’t the woman who got the fairy tale ending; I was the one who got the war.

— Raquel, Mirrors

Without giving so much, readers will surely get the gravity of Raquel’s situation midway through the book. It is dark and sinister. It will change how you perceive things. I did not like the road that Raquel took to “save” the people around her. I was frustrated with her reckless decisions. Yes, she had terrible things happen to her and her family, which she blames was her doing. Because of this, she lost herself, her passion and decided that she was not worthy of peace and happiness by taking on the “bad things” in her life as penance.
Sean has his issues, but it’s a lot safer than what Raquel had around. He gave up his dreams to be able to support his family after a tragic loss. It was not uncommon, but now, his family is on him going back to pursue his passion and think of himself. It was driving him crazy because Sean believes he is fine where he is…or so he thinks.

The theme of “mirrors” or “self-reflection and perceptions” runs well into the book. There is a lot of “push-pull” in Sean and Raquel’s lives for their daily interaction with family and friends – how they see themselves – potential, ambition, and expectations.

I like to note that I love Raquel’s best friend and forever confidant, Penelope. She and Raquel are opposites but bonded together in college when they became roommates. Penelope has gone through a lot with her family and background, but they become an unstoppable team with Raquel’s support. Penelope also is integral in having Raquel realize the destructive path she was heading towards. Without that realization, this story would turn out badly.

Mirrors is a poignant, slow-burn, enemies-to-friends story. It is a gut-wrenching story that dives into two broken characters’ lives: one accepting it while the other is in denial. Both need each other to find their redemption and healing to move to live with their choices.
The scenes and points of view are very detailed. The writing may get overwhelming at times, so I had to sit and reflect. This book took me longer than expected to finish because of the immense information coming from interesting characters – each detail of a scene, person’s points written and described in vivid word descriptions.
There is a lot of character development that will surely make readers also reflect and empathize with them. Note that the plot is heavy and complex, with various issues between Sean and Raquel. Expect the book to be pulling out all types of “feels” for readers.

About the Author

A.L. Woods is an author of rollercoaster romances, caffeine aficionado, and collector of Sailor Moon paraphernalia.
She lives 40 minutes west of Toronto, Ontario with her partner, Michael, and their 8lb larger-than-life miniature dachshund, Maia–whom they lovingly refer to as their ‘doghter.’
Woods can be found holed away in her office writing her next novel with a bowl of Nibs within arm’s reach. When she’s not writing, she’s likely belting out an ad-libbed song, emotionally investing in a fictional bad boy with a strong jawline and fluency in sarcasm or inventing fresh ways to procrastinate.
She believes that burritos should be in their own food group, loves the fall, winged liner, and listening to metalcore at an offensive level.

Connect with A.L. Woods
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His Lost Love (Manhattan Billionaires #1) by Ava Ryan

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Published on: 17 December 2020
Published by:
Type: standalone, HEA
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Ava Ryan
Read: 04 December 2020
Shelved: 05 December 2020
Rating: 5 / 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Get it here: Amazon | Bookbub | Goodreads


I can buy and sell half the country… but I can’t afford to lose her a second time.

I made my name fixing hearts.
Most people know me as a world-class cardiac surgeon.
Even more know the device I invented that made billions while saving lives.
I’ve achieved success beyond my wildest dreams—and I’ve always dreamed big.
Funny how the one heart I can’t put back together is my own.

That’s why I’ve returned to New York.
More accurately—she’s why.
In the fashion world, Mia has arrived. But to me, she’ll always be the one who got away.

Back in college, she claimed she loved me.
Then she ripped my heart to shreds.
Now I can have anything I want. Any toy. Any woman.
And what I want is her—out of my system. This time, I plan to be the one leaving.
They say revenge is best served cold, but once Mia is back in my bed?

It may be too hot to walk away from…


Liam Wilder is a young entrepreneur and cardiac surgeon that is making a killing in the medical field. He was based in Europe for more than a decade after being left behind until he came home recently to a family member. After all the family obligations, his next mission was to take back what is “rightfully” his – Mia “Starlight” Jamison.

Mia Nova Jamison works as an assistant designer to a famous designer. She has traveled far to get to where she is now, and it is during one of those travels (aside from her brother’s friendship with Liam) that she got to know Liam and ended up breaking his (and her) heart.

After twelve years, Mia and Liam’s reunion brought so much “spark” that they did not realize still lingered. I would not be surprised if actual fireworks burst out from behind them! The energy each one tries to hide behind is no match to what their bodies demand. Two words: scorchingly magnetic! At the same time, it was also impossible to hide my chuckles as Mia and Liam banter between each other. Liam is the “cool and calm” one while Mia was hissing her frustrations. 

You expect me to believe that you don’t have an asterisk in your life just like I’ve got one in mine?

— Liam, His Lost Love

His Lost Love is the first of the Manhattan Millionaire’s series and is a crossover from her Fairy Tale Billionaire series. Basing entirely on the title – yes, this is a second-chance romance. 
I was fortunate to review one of them, Billionaire’s Cinderella, and got to meet Ryker and Ella there, which links Liam and Mia to this new series. No, readers do not have to read the Fairy Tale Billionaires series to start on this, but it is nice to piece people together.  

As I started Chapter 1, I was very hesitant to continue. Why? It was a different sort of second chance than I expected. I was scared of going down the “rabbit hole of lost emotions” offered by the author in Mia and Liam’s story. This book is my second review for the same author, and if I know Ava’s writing style a bit more – I know she would take me on a gut-wrenching, heartbreaking, and emotionally charged trip. Okay – I am a masochist, but I was ecstatic at the same time!

This book is told from both Liam and Mia’s POVs and will surely give you all the “feels” you think you can handle. The things that they have gone through to be where they are – successful yet still empty – breaks my heart. It is the first of the new Manhattan Billionaire series of Ava Ryan. Expect a lot of “baggage” offloaded between Mia and Liam as the past mistakes and misunderstandings come crashing unto them. 

A weekend wedding of a mutual friend/relative gives them no other excuse but to face the past as Liam wants to see how he either can “get over” or “win-over” Mia by the end of the weekend. They needed to talk, and Damon summed it correctly – “there is no room for Pride in a relationship.” There is no other way to get over and move on from each other until they are truthful and start “laying down” what happened many years ago. Liam and Mia’s flashbacks were inserted naturally into the scenes that brought back all their old feelings – the joy and the pain. When I find out what “went wrong” (both are to blame!), I smacked my forehead – it was pure immaturity and fear! Because of hurtful words and actions, everything got snowballed to the present. Now, the questions in my head started looming, and I am worried.
(a)Can Mia and Liam forgive each other for the past? 
(b) Have they learned from their past not to ruin their future if they give it another go? 
(c) Lastly,  

I felt that even if both would say that they are in the story – there were many “foolish moments” (*sighing*). It was the elephant in the room that keeps popping up in the worst times, kicking Mia and Liam where it hurts most – their hearts. They have their insecurities and self-worthiness to be happy. It was heartbreaking that even with different family upbringing, it did not make either Mia or Liam confident about themselves. Their “past” had a lot of unfortunate timings and precarious situations. Expect heavy topics on fidelity and “more.” Make sure to have a box of tissues beside you because tears WILL FALL as the avalanche of confessions on bad decisions and dire consequences spew out. I remember not breathing until the end of all that THEN I wanted to shake Mia and Liam vigorously to snap them back to their “assumed” maturity as what they claim! I wanted to tell them that they just needed to find their “connection” again before it is too late.

As for our time we spent apart, it was painful but a needed interruption in our relationship, to give us time we needed to grow and get our shit together… Now we’re there. Back on track and stronger than ever.

— Liam, His Lost Love

In summary, His Lost Love has all the emotional rollercoasters as I expected from the author. It talks about redemption, salvation, and eternal, unwavering love through time. Readers will empathize yet love the persistent/denial dynamics between Mia and Liam. It will make readers shed a tear or two, and like Mia, the tiny pilot light of hope will steadfastly flicker as it awaits for the much-deserved HEA ending. The author will bring readers back to what counts – Mia and Liam are worthy of happiness together.

Meet Ava Ryan

Ava Ryan is an author of sexy contemporary romance. Her favorite things, in no special order, are animals, her family, cookies, people with great senses of humor and love stories. Currently in her writer’s cave (ostensibly working hard on her next book while also checking Netflix every few hours to make sure she hasn’t missed a new true-crime documentary show), she loves hearing from readers via her website or social media. If you love billionaire alpha males, the feisty women who snag their hearts and books that end with a happily ever after, you’ve come to the right place. Please make sure to subscribe to Ava’s newsletter to stay in the loop about her latest releases and upcoming books!

Connect with Ava
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Oh My Garland (All My Jingle Ladies Book 3) by Melissa Williams

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Published on: 26 November 2020
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Type: standalone, HEA
AuthorMelissa Williams
Read: 08 November 2020
Shelved: 09 November 2020
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Get it here: 

Amazon | Goodreads


I’m a retired football player. So I know how to make a season count.
I may not be a player anymore, but when I set my sights on single-mom Gretchen, I know I’m going to have to up my game. Our first meeting leaves her bristling, and I’ll have to pull out all the stops to get on her nice list. She may be busy decking other people’s halls with boughs of holly, but by Christmas we’ll be wrapped up in each other.

Fall in fa-la-love this holiday season with bell ensemble group All My Jingle Ladies. Three feisty bell-ringing friends must face the music when the magic of Christmas brings them their happily ever afters.

Book 1 – Jingle Lady
Book 2 – Jolly Hour
Book 3 – Oh My Garland


Gretchen is the beautiful business-owner of Gretchen’s Greenery and manages a Youtube channel called Getting Green with Gretchen. She is a single parent to Violet, a five-year-old ball of energy. Burnt in the past, Gretchen decided to focus her efforts on being the best mother for Violet.

Gretchen is the third member of the holiday handbell ensemble group – “All My Jingle Ladies” with Libby (Book 1) and Nadia (Book 2). An unexpected hitch in her order enabled Noah to bump into her, which started everything for the story. 

Noah Bassouni is a famous football player but had to retire early due to a bad injury as the book started. His football career being uncertain, he had been in a funk. His refusal to face the imminent result of leaving his career had his mother take charge kept him busy for the holidays. She had him run an errand to help bring in the holiday season to his gloomy home. Who knew that a simple garland would spark the miracle of the season.

Gretchen and Noah are as cute together as they are in front of everything. The attraction is steamy but in a GP status. The relationship has a level of maturity that was different from the previous books in the series. The story’s flow is simple and easy for readers to relate to the couple. Of all three books in the series, Oh My Garland has the strongest and most stable emotional connections due to Gretchen’s maturity. She approached the relationship with a clear head but also with consideration of her heart and child. 

Being a single parent and an entrepreneur has been hard for Gretchen. Violet can be a handful at times, and she only had herself to solve things until Noah came into the picture. His outlook with Gretchen is a package deal for him. He did not run after finding out about Violet. He and his family immediately accepted Gretchen as the whole package – a business owner, a mother, and a forever partner. Together, they exude the same protective attitude towards their family, whether to decorate a home or ward off pesky paparazzi. 

In summary, Gretchen and Noah’s story rounds out the series nicely. It is an easy read that will make you believe in the magic of Christmas and “meant-to-be” fates. I love the series!

**This book also brings back the characters of Books 1 and 2 and finishes it all in a wonderful surprise! Love the epilogue!!!

Meet Melissa

Melissa Williams lives and works in Toronto, Ontario and loves to surround herself in the random and ridiculous. When not writing steamy romances, she enjoys watching bad reality T.V., drinking wine and basking in the sun. But more often than not she can be found reading in her favorite comfy chair with a coffee by her side.
Connect with Melissa
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Say Hello, Kiss Goodbye by Jacquelyn Middleton

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Published: 26 November 2020
Published by: Kirkwall Books
Type: standalone, HEA
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Drama
Author: Jacquelyn Middleton
Read: 27 October 2020
Shelved: 29 October 2020
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Get it here: Amazon | Apple Books | Kobo | Barnes & Noble | Bookbub
Add it to your Goodreads TBR list.


Will her fling become his forever?

Leia Scott has sworn off love. Fresh from a messy, public divorce from her hockey player ex, the twenty-six-year-old fashion designer temporarily trades New York for London to heal and embrace her freedom. Her vow? To protect her heart, steer clear of relationships, and say yes to flings without strings. She throws herself into designing upcycled dresses and exploring London with her sister. But Leia’s carefully curated plan encounters a flirty complication with an irresistible British accent. 

Wealthy, charming, and devastatingly attractive, Tarquin Balfour is tired of meaningless hookups and dates that go nowhere. For years, he has played the bon viveur with reckless abandon, throwing decadent parties, sleeping with a parade of women, and diving into extreme sports around the globe. But now the young property developer wants more. He craves love and commitment, to prove his kind heart matters more than the abundance of zeroes attached to his bank balance. Struggling with undiagnosed depression, Tarquin worries he’ll never find The One…until he meets his princess, a fashion designer named Leia. 

Afraid of falling in love and fearful of being alone, Leia and Tarquin enter into an entanglement that threatens to hurt them both.


Leia Scott is a young divorcee working for the Met (Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC) as a collections management assistant, who is spending her holiday vacation in London with family in the story. She is a talented designer and hopes to one day run an upcycling design label of her own.

Tarquin Balfour comes from a family of different backgrounds – from showbusiness to sporting goods chain. He decided to forge success on his own with his unique take on land and property acquisition and development. He finds dying properties and gives them a “face-lift” to another purpose or bring back its former glory. Tarquin would rather reinvent an old space than demolish it to put up a popular food chain. He is also a doting uncle to Ava, whom he spoils, which is how he got to meet Leia at a shopping expedition for Ava.

I have been excited since I got the book. Many happy things were going on from the lovely cover book, the location (London!!) and the interesting characters. The best part, though, is the British slang provided. It’s as if I was in the UK!

The “happy parts” will surely make readers swoon! It is all about meeting each other, and everything was charming, cute, and blissful. They looked like teenagers trying to enjoy themselves as they have a great time! 

When Leia and Tarquin hung out more, they eased into each other’s lives well – a perfect fit! They have so many things in common – the love of preservation, the empathy and understanding of each other’s backgrounds, and the steamy chemistry top it all. Still, due to geographical issues, they decided to keep things casual to keep things simple. Leia’s career and life in New York were calling her while Tarquin has is work cut-out in London – how would they be able to work out in the end? Is that the end of their story?

I enjoyed the complexity of Leia’s and Tarquin’s stories. There were multiple layers as Leia and Tarquin have their “issues” to sort out before they can truly work out. Things are not what they seem – there were many secrets held by Leia and Tarquin from the rest of the world. The story’s timeline came in days, weeks, and months, making Leia and Tarquin’s personal growth as relatable as they realize the consequences of their decisions. 

On learning Leia’s backstory, I empathize with her past. After a disastrous marriage, she wanted nothing to do with relationships or connections, except for her family and work. Leia became a realist and a relationship-cynic. Her ex-husband blind-sighted so severely that the only solace she after was to dive into her side-business and her job. To think, Leia gave her husband so many chances but he “fumbled” traumatized her grandiosely.

It was sad to see that even with the amount of work (good demand for her work), and a few dates out, she is still “hollow” as she still pinned for the type of relationship she had with Tarquin. What’s worst is that she started comparing every guy she went out with Tarquin, which seemed unfair since she was the one who put-up “the rules” in the first place.

The self-realization that Leia and Tarquin are “meant-to-be” did not come at the same time for each other. Leia was the stubborn one. A comment of Leia’s sister, Sarah, brought to mind how wrong Leia’s perspective is – wherein after all the fame and fortune, who do you come home to share the success of one’s career. The intimacy and respect shared by someone who loves you as an equal is the ultimate love. This conversation they shared at no less Fortnum & Mason clinched it for me. 

After that, I was totally on Team Tarquin. It did not matter how he acted in the past. He took the risk for Leia and was ready for what she would dish out to him. Too bad it did not work out as planned. Leia was too proud to show her vulnerability, thus fought back, which shattering her in the end. 

Tarquin has his self-worth issues that I believe he had to resolve before he expects to find his HEA. He has to learn how to “weed out” the negativity surrounding his head, mostly due to his crazy family background and the pressures instilled in him at a young age. He became braver after talking to Leia and wanting to be a better person for himself and later for her.

The book dives into mental health as both characters have their “off-moments.” Each one has their coping mechanism, but some worked out better versus the other. I appreciate the author’s discussion on this topic, and it is essential to breaking the stigma of this disease. It plagues so many people, and yet no one talks about it. If left undiagnosed or ignored, this condition causes a lot of harm to the patient and their loved ones. During client-patient sessions, the discussion and perspectives shared were uplifting for anything who may or may not go through an episode. 
**The author provided resources on anxiety and depression, which is a huge plus. These organizations help spread evidence-based information and educate others on the disease and what options are available.

Everything in the book took a turn that gutted me! I was left speechless and quickly read through those parts. Thankful that the author made it clean and swift. If only both characters were truthful with each other from the start, it would not have been too much. There were so many missed opportunities, unanswered emails, unmade calls. It might have softened the blow since Tarquin and Leia suffered for their decisions. The story comes full-circle at the end that makes everything a lot more meaningful as both characters reflect on their maturity and relationship.

In summary, I cannot praise Say Hello, Kiss Goodbye enough! The book is all about adorable chance meetings, new adventures, second chances, repurposed buildings and fashion, and true love that endures! The imagery and descriptions are fantastic, and the places are unique for the characters. Who could say “no” to lovely London and British slang! 

The happy moments brought an incredible high of love while gut-wrenching, frustrating outbursts/confessions shattered my heart. The author makes no apologies in this but instead unconsciously pieces my heart back together and places me into a better place! The emotional rollercoasters of emotions, expectations, and the “Power of Suppose” kept my interest piqued until the very end. 

Meet Jacquelyn

Jacquelyn Middleton is an award-winning author of love stories for hopeful romantics–‘hopeful’ because her novels are always full of optimism and a ‘happy ever after’ is important now more than ever before. But life is messy, relationships are messy, and her books aren’t afraid to go there, too. If you enjoy character and relationship-driven stories about people dealing with the triumphs and disasters we all face, Jacquelyn’s books are for you.

In 2019, she was named BEST CANADIAN AUTHOR at the RWA’s Toronto Romance Writers ‘Northern Hearts’ Awards for UNTIL THE LAST STAR FADES. She is also the author of LONDON BELONGS TO ME, LONDON, CAN YOU WAIT? and the upcoming SAY HELLO, KISS GOODBYE.

An own voices author, Jacquelyn has dealt with anxiety, panic attacks, and depression all her life, and is dedicated to depicting mental health challenges realistically and empathetically in her novels.

Jacquelyn’s books have been featured by The Hollywood Reporter, NBC News, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Daily News, USA Today, Cosmo, Redbook, and The Huffington Post.

She lives in Toronto with her British husband and Japanese Spitz dog.

Connect with Jacquelyn
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Join her newsletter for updates and new releases here.
Join her Facebook Group for book discussions and promos.

Jolly Hour(All My Jingle Ladies Book 2) by Melissa Williams

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Published on: 19 November 2020
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Type: standalone, HEA
AuthorMelissa Williams
Read: 30 October 2020
Shelved: 30 October 2020
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Get it hereAmazon | Goodreads


I’m a man of action. When I see something I want, I go after it.
So after one night with the intoxicating Nadia I know what I need next – her. She’s a workaholic who’s in need of a holiday distraction. I’m happy to take the reins and help. She can try to hide her passion behind a frosty attitude and a cool smile, but I know I can melt her heart. I just have to catch her first.

Book 1 – Jingle Lady
Book 2 – Jolly Hour
Book 3 – Oh My Garland


Nadia works as the Marketing Director for Battlements and is a pure workaholic. She is roommates with Libby Haider (Book 1 of the series) but compared to Libby, who adores and lives for Christmas, Nadia is the opposite. 

Although Nadia does not hate Christmas (too much), she keeps the spirit and festivities to a minimum. She prefers to work during the holidays. Her other priority, aside from work, is being one of the “ringers” of All My Jingle, a holiday handbell ensemble group. 

Ajay is a silent partner of the company Nadia currently works. He is also the CEO’s brother, which complicates things to a whole new level in Nadia’s world. Ajay is a hardworking entrepreneur and manages other businesses. He has taken a step back more recently to be able to enjoy the fruits of his success. One of his enjoyment is to pursue Nadia and show her how to celebrate Christmas.

When Nadia is forced to attend their company Christmas party, it was the best “forced-on” decision she could have made. Seeing Ajay across the room zoning on her was epic! The heat was coming out of the pages, and that was just the start. What follows after is a series of match-ups, hook-ups, and much more!

Ajay won me over hands down with his patient and persistent determination that melted the frigid heart of Nadia! Nadia starts realizing the sincerity of Ajay with what he wants to start with her. She slowly opens up to him. With this, Ajay tries his hardest to be Nadia’s support, especially during the holidays.

Nadia, on the other end, has a few issues with continuing anything with Ajay. What happens the “day-after” and onwards is a series of adorable win-Nadia-at-all-cost scenes that will captivate readers. There is a lot of “insta-love” going around between Nadia and Ajay. Now, if only Nadia gets on the same page as Ajay and prioritizes her happiness versus what other people think, then HEA would have arrived sooner for both of them!

Overall, this novella series gets steamier and steamier as each book comes! The book may be short, but the connection and the steamy scenes are epic as a novel. The plot is fun, quirky, and an easy read. I did not expect that much chemistry to come out quickly and with just tethered looks, but it works!  

This book is for readers who love meant-to-be characters, unexpected twists, and true love! It also shows that one needs an open mind and open heart to see the possibilities in front of them! 

When my words sink in, his head turns to the tree, eyes wide in shock. The tree is now tilting to one side, my discarded tank top hanging off a branch.

— Jolly Hour, Melissa Williams

Meet Melissa

Melissa Williams lives and works in Toronto, Ontario and loves to surround herself in the random and ridiculous. When not writing steamy romances, she enjoys watching bad reality T.V., drinking wine and basking in the sun. But more often than not she can be found reading in her favorite comfy chair with a coffee by her side.
Connect with Melissa
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Jingle Lady (All My Jingle Ladies Book 1) by Melissa Williams

Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Published on: 12 November 2020
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Humor, 18+
Type: standalone, HEA
Author: Melissa Williams
Read: 25 October 2020
Shelved: 26 October 2020
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Get it here: Amazon | Goodreads


I’m a firefighter. So when I hear bells, I run into action.
But the kind of bells I hear when I first see Libby are anything but alarming. They’re angelic.
All I want to do is throw her over my shoulder and make her mine. Her Christmas spirit is endearing, her laughter addictive and there’s nothing I want more this holiday season than her. She won’t be a single jingle lady for long – not if Santa’s on my side.

Fall in fa-la-love this holiday season with bell ensemble group All My Jingle Ladies. Three feisty bell-ringing friends must face the music when the magic of Christmas brings them their happily ever afters.

Book 1 – Jingle Lady
Book 2 – Jolly Hour
Book 3 – Oh My Garland


Libby Haider is a beautiful, single, shy, and funny lady who adores – correction, is a fanatic of any and everything Christmas. Although she goes on dates in the past, nothing seems to make her want to stay with them longer than one long-distance relationship. Her definition of “long-distance” this made me smirked! Libby part of a holiday handbell ensemble group called “All My Jingle.” She is a disaster in the kitchen and typically stays away from anything cooking until the idea of making homemade tea leaves. 

“I have a feeling Libby is going to f*ck me up.”

Brendan, Jingle Lady

Brendan Effnert is the handsome, drop-gorgeous, and blue-eye firefighter who saves Libby from a kitchen disaster. He was doing his job of securing the concerning area until he saw Libby in her candy cane leggings and Sleigh, Girl! sweater…he was a goner. Who knew that mint leaves and an oven could spell a whole new exciting experience for Brendan!

He’s the clapper to my bell, making me ring and zing in erotic places with just one look. Oh yeah, he rings my bells, all right.

Libby, Jingle Lady

I love the Christmas jokes that Libby and Brendan would banter around. It made everything light and relatable. It eased the readers to the root cause later in the book. There are some conflicts, but it reminded me that Libby and Brendan are still human with flaws, no matter how lovable. They have their fears and doubts about their capabilities to love each other or be vulnerable with their heart, even when they had no choice but to gravitate towards each other. 

Insta-love, love-at-first-sight books is a tricky one for me unless written well. Jingle Lady successfully made me snicker, laugh out loud, smile widely, and pinched my heart just enough to make it memorable. The characters were engaging and pushed me further to want to know the rest of the supporting characters. The story may be short but packed with steamy adventures, unending dates, and a cute Christmas rescue to top everything. This story brought about essential topics of putting oneself out there for love and taking a “no-nonsense approach” to relationships. The chemistry is piping hot from the start until the last statement.  

In summary, Jingle Lady is a big YES for me!

What will readers get?

Steamy, funny, and adorable as can be as readers dive into the world of firefighting and bell ringers in this fun, sassy, and cute love story wrapped ready for the holidays.

The story is spot-on and easy to follow. The scenes are as steamy as they come, if not better! The characters are lovable and got me excited to read the next book in the series coming soon from Melissa.

I may have never taken dating seriously or given it much thought, but I think there was a reason for that. I was waiting for you.

Brendan, Jingle Lady

Meet Melissa

Melissa Williams lives and works in Toronto, Ontario and loves to surround herself in the random and ridiculous. When not writing steamy romances, she enjoys watching bad reality T.V., drinking wine and basking in the sun. But more often than not she can be found reading in her favorite comfy chair with a coffee by her side.
Connect with Melissa
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The Billionaire’s Cinderella (Fairytale Billionaires Book 3) by Ava Ryan

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest and voluntary review.

Published on: 22 / October / 2020
Type: standalone, series HEA
Author: Ava Ryan
Read: 08 / October / 2020
Shelved: 09/ October / 2020
Get it here: Amazon USA | Goodreads
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Rating: 4 out of 5.


Marriage and relationships aren’t for me.
I have no desire to revisit my failures. Now I work hard and play hard–period.
Until suddenly there she is. Sexy. Unexpected. Sweet. Unforgettable.
One unprecedented night with her only whets my appetite for more.
She’s been burned before, which makes her suspicious of me. Doesn’t think she’s good enough, that I’d prefer someone more… society.
If only she knew how uninterested I am in other women since I first laid eyes on her.
And I hope she never knows the things I think about when I look at her now.
Fairy tales endings are meant for children’s books. I know that.
But I write my own stories…
From the new fairy godmother of midnight romance, Ava Ryan, comes The Billionaire’s Cinderella, the third standalone in the Fairy Tale Billionaire series.

Other books in the Fairytale Billionaires Series are
Book 1 – Billionaire’s Princess
Book 2 – Billionaire’s Beauty
Book 3 – Billionaire’s Cinderella


Mirabella “Ella” Richardson is a pastry chef at Valentina’s, a small bakery specializing in uniquely yummy desserts. Working with her aunt and lifelong mentor, Aunt Gilda, Ella is contented to have a quiet life – to be independent and pay her debts fast. She keeps herself on a budget, buys from vintage shops, yet treats herself to a yearly shoe fetish (a Carrie Bradshaw fan). She is a contented “serf” and puts herself on a different level from billionaires like Ryker.

Ryker Black is a real estate developer with his brothers and is a billionaire divorcee. He has been burnt before and wants to focus his time on work and expanding the family business. At one of his regular dinner meet-ups with his brothers, Ryker saw Ella alone from afar, and he felt the need to rescue her from being stood up. He did not expect that this “flirtatious” encounter would amount to something bigger.

The book grabs readers at the start, as told from Ryker’s POV. His mysterious voice gives clear thoughts and feelings of what and how he saw in Ella from afar. Each word is spoken with so much emotion that it was impossible not to get sucks into Ryker’s fascination with Ella.

The writing had an easy flirtatious tone that makes reading it a joy and makes one remember the fun times of dating. After having to recently read a lot of angst books, this book was a welcome reprieve.

The book is short but speeds through weeks and months, wherein it’s past a year before you know it. We are talking years, so this is not your “insta-love” or spontaneous commitment plots. It shows what a relationship is all about and tests out Ella and Ryker’s patience with each other. They experienced good and bad times.

Elle and Ryker’s chemistry was one-sided when it started. Ella was wary of starting anything with Ryker after finding out who he is. The small flirtatious talks at a bar turned to full-on sizzling intimacy as they got to know each other.

Ryker’s alpha-dominant tendencies may not be loud or “in-your-face,” but his quiet and subtle protector image works! He is not afraid to tell anyone off as little as if they look at Ella funny, which was adorable. He is also contemplative when it comes to Ella and trying to make her comfortable with him.

In this book, Ella is riddled with self-doubt. She may be fine on the outside (“on paper”), but she feels that she does not deserve love or being in a relationship due to her traumatic background/history. This has messed her up badly that Ella keeps her distance from Ryker to the point of sharing her dark story to hopefully make him leave her. She kept leading herself into a path of self-destruction that I was heartbroken when I read her reasons.

The suggestion catches me completely by surprise. It shouldn’t, but it does. I always feel so unworthy. It’s like the hallmark of my life My touchstone.

Elle, Billionaire’s Cinderella

I am happy that Ryker was not discouraged or put off with Ella’s confession – as it shouldn’t for anyone since he stated, “it’s all in the past,” so should not matter to him. Granted that he has been married before, he is still learning that a good relationship takes patience, time, and support. Plus, seeing how his brothers act around women, Ryker made sure not to repeat their mistakes. He gives Ella reassurance on how he wants and how he sees where they are heading towards. He was supportive and kept the “relationship” to Elle’s pace.

You got my entire life on hold. You don’t get to let your pride and your fear ruin this between us.

Ryker, Billionaire’s Cinderella

It is not without its conflicts like a jealous ex-wife, ex-boyfriend trauma, complicated family history, and abandonment issues, but the steamy attraction between Ella and Ryker tips the scales to a great ending.

It would be worthwhile to mention that this book series is unique. All three brothers’ stories are told jointly in all three books that faithful night of their Friday meet-up for drinks but from different perspectives. This means Damon’s and Griffin’s stories were happening simultaneously as Ryker’s and Elle’s story unfolded. Readers are expected to have read Books 1 and 2 before diving into this book since there are some spoilers. If you have not read the first two books – this is okay. It did not take away on the beautiful story of Ryker and Elle. Instead, it will make you more curious about Books 1 and 2. This piqued my interest and made me want to continue with the other two brothers’ stories, their women, and what they had to go through for their own HEA.

This book is for readers who love strong characters who support each other no matter what, second chances romances, and alpha heroes with a twist. It gives a great story that spans more than a few months, which I will agree is inspiring. It teaches the lesson that relationships are hard, but with the right partner to help you work on things, anything is possible.

The day I met you is the day my life started. Really started. Please tell me you know that.

Ryker, Billionaire’s Cinderella

Meet Ava Ryan

Ava Ryan is an author of sexy contemporary romance. Her favorite things, in no special order, are animals, her family, cookies, people with great senses of humor and love stories. Currently in her writer’s cave (ostensibly working hard on her next book while also checking Netflix every few hours to make sure she hasn’t missed a new true crime documentary show), she loves hearing from readers via her website or social media. If you love billionaire alpha males, the feisty women who snag their hearts and books that end with a happily ever after, you’ve come to the right place. Please make sure to subscribe to Ava’s newsletter to stay in the loop about her latest releases and upcoming books!

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